Bryson Broadcasting International Newsletter

Raising Radio and TV Revenues Worldwide! 
15 March, 2022

Expanding Our Footprint in the Community
What we give out comes back to us
George 2
When I had been selling about a year, my general manager came into my cubicle one day and said, "It's time to get you on some boards." At the time, I had no idea what he was talking about. What he was talking about was expanding my footprint in the community. He believed that what you give to your community comes back to you. It's not always what you know, it's WHOM you know.

A few years later I joined Kiwanis. Whether you prefer Rotary, Lions Club or some other service organization, these groups are often made up of the movers and shakers in a community. They are good people to know.

My professors at the University of Tulsa in my Mass Communications classes taught me that radio stations are "the guardians of the airwaves." Our licenses from the FCC state that we should serve our local communities. We certainly did that in 2020! We have the perfect vehicles to give back to our neighbors.

As someone who has made my living selling radio campaigns and now teaching others how to sell radio campaigns, I understand the value in being well-known. The last Bryson Broadcasting International newsletter talked about expanding your personal brand.

The gentleman in the picture above is George Strella. George has been a member of Kiwanis for 70 years. He has been the song leader as long as I've known him. Recently, his Kiwanis group made him an honorary member as health issues have hampered his ability to attend meetings as he has reached his 90'ies. How many of us today have that sort of commitment to community service groups? How many of us volunteer in any capacity in our towns?

As we bring young people into our business, I hope we may encourage them to participate in their communities. Join organizations that have meaning for them. Time will prove that giving to their communities will pay large dividends in their careers.

Congratulations, George, and thanks for providing a shining example of devotion to community service.
The Client's Corner
Bryson Broadcasting International is serving our clients two ways this year. In addition to in-person market visits, virtual sales training and sales meetings are available for your stations! We will customize the materials to meet your individual needs. Once a month, these sessions will be done live with your staff. The Zoom meeting platform allows for interaction and discussion as we teach the materials. It's more important than ever for our sales staffs to have great skills. Good skills are no longer good enough. We can raise the skill set of your staff.

To discuss how we may benefit your revenue department, give us a call at 918.810.3068 or email at Succeed in 2022 with strong momentum and A+ players!
Words to Live By ....

“No man can become rich without himself enriching others.” Andrew Carnegie

Start The New Year With This in Your Library
What people are saying about this new book:
“In this time of a rapidly expanding media landscape with increasing layers of complexity, Pat Bryson reminds us that sales is still a people to people business built on personal relationships. The best relationships will endure long after disruptions such as COVID-19 have passed."
Peter Saxon
Managing Editor
How Well Do We Communicate?
TOC managers 1
It's not as easy as it looks!
TOC managers 3
Manager training for The Original Company
We want to help your staff increase revenue!

We at Bryson Broadcasting International are available to help your sales staff achieve its next level of expertise. We customize our programs to meet your needs. As needed, we make use of interpreters and produce sales materials in your language. Our training options include online sessions done live for your staff.

If you would like to discuss your sales training needs, we may be reached at,

or call us at 918.810.3068. 

For more information about BBI, click here.

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