Dear Friends,

Yesterday, I attended the March for Israel on the National Mall in Washington, D.C., along with Rabbi Moss, a delegation of Temple Israel congregants, hundreds of Minnesotans, and more than two hundred thousand supporters of Israel and the Jewish people.


In the Talmud, there is a blessing that is recited only when very large groups of Jews gather, and yesterday I felt the power of such a large gathering, and so I offer these ancient words:

 בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה יהוה אֱלהֵינוּ מֶלֶך הָעולָם חֲכַם הָרָזִים

Blessed are You, Adonai, our God, Sovereign of the Universe, knower of secrets.

The Talmud explains that one of the reasons that we say this blessing is to acknowledge the vast diversity of our people, and that even as our perspectives are different and unique, we can still stand together. May we continue to stand together.


It was moving and necessary to be in Washington with such a vast gathering of supporters of Israel. We demanded the safe return of the hostages held by Hamas, we demanded an end to the rampant anti-Semitism that is sweeping our world, and we called on the leaders of our country to remain steadfast in their support of Israel.


The march reminded us of what we can achieve together. We are standing firmly in our sacred Jewish values when we raise our voices to pray for the redemption of the captives, for an end to the ongoing suffering in the region, and for a peaceful resolution to this conflict.


During this painful time may we continue to stand together and, as is written in Pirke Avot,


הֱוֵי מִתַּלְמִידָיו שֶׁל אַהֲרֹן, אוֹהֵב שָׁלוֹם וְרוֹדֵף שָׁלוֹם

Be like disciples of Aaron, loving peace and pursuing peace.

B’virkat shalom – With blessings of peace,

Rabbi Marcia A. Zimmerman
Alvin & June Perlman Senior Rabbinic Chair
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