Friday Newsletter

April 14, 2023

From the Pastor's Desk

Dear Friends,

Happy Easter to you and yours! It was nice to see so many of you on Sunday and to visit afterwards in Boulder Hall with the coffee hour spread. May life and light continue to arrive in the places that are marked by death and dark. We made the connection between the first passion with Christ and our own modern day passion with the loss of our own young people due to mass shootings. In the past 18 days, 7 died at a bank in Kentucky, 3 at an Easter egg hunt in Florida, and 7 at a school in Tennessee. I intentionally include the shooter in the number dead because our young adults, in their civilian capacity, do not have the social structure, the chain of command, or the psychological maturity to handle weapons of war. To recklessly arm our young people shows complete disregard for their well-being, and the fallout is, as we all know, terrorizing. Please take a look at these thoughts from J. Herbert Nelson, the Presbyterian Church Stated Clerk.

From April 16 to May 28 we will focus on “Drawing the Circle Wide” as we walk through the wild book of Acts. The early church made an important pivot from disciples to apostles and from students to teachers, one which we are invited to consider as well. After Jesus’ departure, the responsibility of being the church in the world took on new qualities. One of the primary themes we will encounter in Acts is the move to the church as a diverse, heterogenous body that casts the net wide. Westminster is engaged in similar work as the congregation reflects on next steps in blending the church family. In your own prayer and meditation, please be reflecting on what a vital, blended worship service looks like. How do we successfully nurture a robust spiritual life in different ages, backgrounds, interests and needs? 

You will see a couple of new things starting this month:

  • Worship Notes”: In the Friday newsletter, look for a new section with musical links, wonderful background stories, new songs, a sneak peek at prayers and poems as well as some good ol' fashioned humor (there is a meme this week, see if you can find it). Worship Notes is designed to help all of our members, friends, and guests have a glimpse into Sunday worship so that all may feel comfortable and embraced when we gather.
  • Children and youth: The church’s young people are in the worship service. Woo hoo! The committees for infants, children, youth and family are considering how best to provide spiritual nurture when our young people are in the sanctuary. You will begin to see some of the elements of the service specifically geared for our children although all ages are welcome to join in on the fun. Sunday school will dismiss after the special music so that they might enjoy the chancel choir, handbells, and guest musicians. In addition, we are hiring for an additional nursery provider. If you know of anyone who might be interested, please pass on the job description
  • Feedback and Ideas: The “We’re Listening” table is completed for now. From January thru April 2023, the Worship committee and the Elders spent time during coffee hour listening to the initial feedback about how the single service was going. Thank you to everyone who contributed! The ideas were reviewed regularly and incorporated as needed. While the table format is finished, the congregation shaping its own worship is not! In a Presbyterian church, the session is responsible for providing worship that is meaningful and nurturing for the life of the body. Often this happens by the session equipping elders, committee chairs, teams, volunteers, and staff to shape the worship together. Look for upcoming invitations to be a part of this exciting work. In the meantime, your ideas and feedback remains appreciated and can be directed toward:
  • Worship committee: Lucy Foster
  • Session contact: Sandy McLean (

Let us draw the circle wide.

Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

with Sunday School and nursery care

Congregational Meeting: following service

Coffee Hour: following service

Regular Youth Groups

Worship Notes

Sunday Music Spotlight

Welcome to our first edition of the Sunday Music Spotlight: a place where you can delve deeper into one of our upcoming Traditional or Contemporary songs! This week we will feature a Contemporary favorite, My Lighthouse. Gareth Gilkeson and Chris Llewellyn of the band Rend Collective grew up in the coastal areas of Northern Ireland where lighthouses are quite prominent. Their poetic relationship between the guidance, safety, and assurance of these lighthouses and God’s unwavering support is both fitting and relatable living near the Oregon Coast. You can read the short interview with the band here: My Lighthouse Interview.


Pick Up Sticks, our annual grounds clean up, is tomorrow, April 15 from 9am-1pm (come when you can). This year the focus will be on clearing out downed wood in order to reduce fire risk. This is an easy and family-friendly way to participate in Earth Month by helping to care for the land we steward! 

A Congregational Meeting will take place this Sunday, April 16, at 11 am for the purpose of electing elders (Bill Faust, Steve Kandra, Teri Mohney), deacons (Angie Willoughby), and the nominating committee (Nancy MacMorris-Adix, Jackie Hilfiker, Sandy McLean, Susan Tanabe, and Kelsey Weber).

Men's Night Out is Tuesday, April 18, at 6 pm at The Ram. RSVP to John Dalen or contact the church office.

Watch episode 1 of Current Revolution, the featured film of Faith Climate Action Week 2023, here on your own then join a small group discussion after service on Sunday, April 23.

Bring a beloved pet to receive a blessing from Pastor Kelly at our Blessing of the Animals event on Saturday, April 29, at 10 am on the church grounds. Pets of all kinds or photographs welcome.

New Members Classes will take place Sundays April 30 and May 7, 11:30-1:00. If you have considered joining Westminster or just want to come and find out more information about membership, the Outreach team is excited to meet you. Please RSVP to the church office ( or 503-364-3327) by 4/27 at noon.

Sign up to be a greeter once in a while--be the welcoming face everyone sees on a Sunday morning. For more info please contact Katie Nelson at

Save the Date

Families Lunch: 5/21 after service. Activities for children and youth planned.

Vacation Bible Camp: 6/26-6/30 for current Kindergartners-5th graders. Register here or pick up a form in the narthex.


The PCUSA is performing a research project to better understand its members in regards to marriage and romantic relationships, family structures, and expressions of gender identity. Take a minute to complete their anonymous survey here.

The Childcare Task Force continues to make progress on establishing a partnership for childcare and will make recommendations to session as needed. We hope to have a larger update for you soon. 

April is Earth Month. Check out the all-new Creation Care page on the church website here.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!

In the Community

John Dalen, our own tuba player extraordinaire, invites us to a concert with film "The Blue Marble" put on by the Salem Symphonic Winds on April 16, 3:00 pm, at South Salem High's Rose Auditorium. For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.

Join SWAN and neighbors of Fircrest Park (with Ted Burney) to celebrate Earth Day at a park clean-up event in the church's own neighborhood. Friday, April 21 & Saturday, April 22, 10 am-3pm. Focus will be removing invasive plants, soft trail maintenance, and planting understory shrubs in the Fircrest Pollinator & Bird Enhancement Area. Family-friendly. Bring gloves and small hand tools.


The Worship Committee would like to recognize the following volunteers who helped with this year’s Lenten and Easter preparations:

Labyrinth: Wendy Crane, The Crall family (Matt, Terri, Benjamin and Peter), Carolyn Jones, Ted Burney, Paul and Doreen Negstad.

Banner hanging and Cross draping: Paul and Doreen Negstad.

Easter Flowers: Mary Snethen, Krisha Horn, Maggie Sather and the Deacons, Inez & the other Monday Morning offering counting crew, & Katie Nelson.

We are also grateful to the many staff and volunteers who made the worship services especially meaningful, including our staff members Pastor Rev. Dr. Kelly Wadsworth, Music Directors Dr. Jeffrey Larkin and Ariana Recher, head of Administrative Ministry Krisha Horn, Tech Crew Mike Friday, the Worship Assistants and Readers, as well as our many Musicians, Ushers, Communion Helpers, and Readers. Thank you, everyone!

It takes many volunteers to bring these special Lenten and Easter worship experiences. Thank you to all who helped. If you would be willing to help next year, please contact Lucy Foster. Without willing hands, these enhancements to our life at Westminster can’t happen.

Thanks to everyone,

Lucy Foster, chair of the Worship Committee

Pray for

Eva, granddaughter of Dick & Rachelle Hughes, in the hospital with respiratory illness.

Evelyn Aiken, who suffered a fall this week.

Sheila Powell, whose husband, Tom, passed away this week.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


Nancy MacMorris-Adix, board chair of Family Building Blocks, invites us to participate in their 14th Annual Diaper Drive. The most urgent need is for sizes 4-7, including pull-ups, and wipes. Correction from last week--you can drop these items off in the tub in the church narthex through the end of April!

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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