In the Community
John Dalen, our own tuba player extraordinaire, invites us to a concert with film "The Blue Marble" put on by the Salem Symphonic Winds on April 16, 3:00 pm, at South Salem High's Rose Auditorium. For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.
Join SWAN and neighbors of Fircrest Park (with Ted Burney) to celebrate Earth Day at a park clean-up event in the church's own neighborhood. Friday, April 21 & Saturday, April 22, 10 am-3pm. Focus will be removing invasive plants, soft trail maintenance, and planting understory shrubs in the Fircrest Pollinator & Bird Enhancement Area. Family-friendly. Bring gloves and small hand tools.
The Worship Committee would like to recognize the following volunteers who helped with this year’s Lenten and Easter preparations:
Labyrinth: Wendy Crane, The Crall family (Matt, Terri, Benjamin and Peter), Carolyn Jones, Ted Burney, Paul and Doreen Negstad.
Banner hanging and Cross draping: Paul and Doreen Negstad.
Easter Flowers: Mary Snethen, Krisha Horn, Maggie Sather and the Deacons, Inez & the other Monday Morning offering counting crew, & Katie Nelson.
We are also grateful to the many staff and volunteers who made the worship services especially meaningful, including our staff members Pastor Rev. Dr. Kelly Wadsworth, Music Directors Dr. Jeffrey Larkin and Ariana Recher, head of Administrative Ministry Krisha Horn, Tech Crew Mike Friday, the Worship Assistants and Readers, as well as our many Musicians, Ushers, Communion Helpers, and Readers. Thank you, everyone!
It takes many volunteers to bring these special Lenten and Easter worship experiences. Thank you to all who helped. If you would be willing to help next year, please contact Lucy Foster. Without willing hands, these enhancements to our life at Westminster can’t happen.
Thanks to everyone,
Lucy Foster, chair of the Worship Committee
Pray for
Eva, granddaughter of Dick & Rachelle Hughes, in the hospital with respiratory illness.
Evelyn Aiken, who suffered a fall this week.
Sheila Powell, whose husband, Tom, passed away this week.
**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.
Nancy MacMorris-Adix, board chair of Family Building Blocks, invites us to participate in their 14th Annual Diaper Drive. The most urgent need is for sizes 4-7, including pull-ups, and wipes. Correction from last week--you can drop these items off in the tub in the church narthex through the end of April!