Vice President for Research & Economic Development
Proposal Services & Faculty Support
May Funding Focus Newsletter #2
What is a Limited Submission?
A limited submission solicitation (RFA, RFP, etc.) places a cap on the number of proposals that Auburn may submit to a sponsor. Auburn coordinates limited submissions by sending out a notification via this newsletter and creating competitions in the Auburn University Competition Space (also known as InfoReady). To apply to any limited submission posted in this newsletter, click on the link below and search for your competition listed on the page. Please refer to the Limited Submission Procedures page for a general list of requirements. However, it is recommended that you go to the specific competition as soon as possible and review the requirements to ensure that you are preparing what is requested since the required information for competitions may vary.
Limited Submission Announcements
Institutions of higher education (HEIs) in the U.S and LAC, as anchors of their communities, living laboratories, and the educators of tomorrow’s leaders, have a unique role and responsibility in the effort to address climate change in their communities.
The 100K CLIMA initiative is designed to catalyze climate action and collaboration at HEIs to provide exchange opportunities that will equip students with workforce skills to lead in a climate-positive 21st century green economy, as well as expand climate action between HEIs in the United States with the rest of the Western Hemisphere. The goals of the 100K CLIMA initiative and this competition include the following:
- Expand access to innovative, climate-focused, workforce readiness training and exchange programs for underrepresented students in fields such as climate resilience, renewable energy, green economy, and other related thematic areas.
- Stimulate inter-regional partnerships and collaboration to deliver climate solutions.
- Build and catalyze climate action projects led by HEIs in the U.S. and LAC.
Grant proposals must include a team of at least one HEI in the U.S. and one HEI in
Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, or Uruguay. Additional HEIs from the eligible countries may be added to the proposals, if desired, though this is not required.
Institutional Limit: 2 Proposals
Internal Deadline: June 5, 2023 4:45 pm
BioFoundries is an infrastructure program from the National Science Foundation (NSF) that is designed to accelerate advances in the biological sciences, chemical biology, biotechnology, and bioengineering via access to modern infrastructure, technology, and capacity.
BioFoundries will provide the intellectual, technical, digital, and physical frameworks needed for tight integration of technology innovations and applications with foundational interdisciplinary research and training, by:
- serving as access points for new biological technologies, workflows, processes, automations, and knowledge-bases to enable transformative discoveries;
- catalyzing new innovations and transformative discoveries by supporting in-house and external user-initiated research programs that take full advantage of technological and methodological advances;
- continuing to develop novel technologies, workflows, processes, automations, and knowledge-bases that are both forward-looking and user-responsive;
- increasing the reproducibility of life science discoveries and data and knowledge sharing capabilities;
- training the next generation of the scientific workforce; and
- facilitating pathways to translation.
NSF encourages researchers to consider a diversity of models (centralized, distributed, consortium) in the design and implementation of BioFoundries. Each BioFoundry should enclose a scientific ecosystem, that includes in-house research scientists across all relevant disciplines supported by NSF, technical staff including cyber infrastructure experts, external users, and other contributors who, collectively, form a community of practitioners and share tools, reagents, workflows, software, samples, and data.
Institutional Limit: 1 Proposal
Internal Deadline: June 7, 2023 4:45 pm
June 5 – 8, 2023
Join the National Science Foundation (NSF) for the Spring 2023 NSF Virtual Grants Conference, to be held during the week of June 5 – 8, 2023.
Registration is free and open now. See the agenda.
For those who cannot attend the live conference, all recorded conference sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event and posted on the NSF Outreach website and YouTube page.
Auburn University can nominate two applicants for NEH Summer Stipends (summer 2024). Dr. Scott Phillips is head of the committee that selects our nominees. Last year we had several competitive applicants, and we hope to have another successful cycle.
Summer Stipends carry an award of $6,000 for scholarly projects including books, articles, digital materials, translations, editions and other scholarly resources.
Applicants should read the NEH guidelines carefully and submit an electronic copy of a polished draft of the NEH application form to the Auburn NEH Committee by the deadline: July 21, 2023 at 5:00 pm. The official form is available here.
The application is composed of
- The cover sheet
- 3-page narrative
- 1-page work plan
- 1 page bibliography (which should demonstrate preparation for the project)
- 2-page resume (in editing the full resume, proof of competence for the project should be a priority)
- Appendices if relevant
Applications should be submitted to Dr. Scott Phillips at who will be collecting them and coordinating with the committee this summer. The committee will make its selections after that and will work with the selected nominees to refine their proposals. The NEH deadline is September 20, 2023. NEH accepts applications only from those nominated by their university or organization.
Hanover GLC Offers NIH and NSF-CAREER modules
Hanover Research has developed a Grants Learning Center (GLC) on-demand grant development training portal that offers faculty enrollees the unique opportunity to receive targeted training in the form of self-paced, interactive modules with step-by-step guidance and templates for prospective applicants to develop compelling proposals. Auburn faculty interested in signing up for this training should contact Christine Cline at for registration information.
Hanover Research Queue Proposal Review Availability
Slots available after October 1, 2023
In order to provide resources for faculty and staff, Auburn University has partnered with Hanover Research for a number of grant development solutions including: Pre-proposal Support; Proposal Development; and Capacity Building. Their full-service grant development solutions are available to set goals, build strategies to achieve key grant-seeking objectives, and develop grant proposals that are well-planned, researched, and written. For information regarding Hanover’s core capabilities and project timelines, click here. If you are interested in a slot in the queue, please e-mail Tony Ventimiglia ( ).
Auburn subscribes to several training modules via the CITI Program website that may be of interest to researchers and research administrators. Each module is self-paced and can be finished in one or multiple sessions. Click on the link above to read descriptions.
- Essentials of Grant Proposal Development
- Essentials of Research Administration
Auburn maintains an annual subscription to this monthly newsletter published by Academic Research Funding Strategies, LLC. Access is available only for Auburn University faculty, staff and students with a valid user ID. This is another good source for current STEM and humanities funding opportunities, tips and resources.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) Convergence Accelerator program addresses national-scale societal challenges and seeks to transition basic research and discovery into practice to solve high-impact societal challenges aligned with specific research themes (tracks). Tracks are chosen based on the themes identified during the program's ideation process which show potential for significant national impact and, as such, are implemented in a two-phase program:
Phase 1 awardees receive resources to further develop their convergence research ideas and to identify important partnerships and resources to accelerate their projects;
Phase 2 awardees receive significant resources leading to deliverable research prototypes and sustainability plans.
This solicitation for FY 2023 invites proposals for the following Track Topics:
Track K - Equitable Water Solutions: The objective of Track K is to build upon foundational knowledge and advancements in environmental sciences, geosciences, engineering, computing, social and behavioral sciences, as well as other areas to develop viable solutions for water quality, quantity, and equity issues.
Track L - Real-World Chemical Sensing Applications: The overarching goal of Track L is to develop novel energy efficient and miniaturized or portable biological and chemical sensors for tangible applications.
Track M - Bio-Inspired Design Innovations: The overarching goal of Track M is to bring together scientists and practitioners to develop concepts, approaches, and technologies that build and control in the same way nature does to find novel solutions to major societal and economic challenges.
LOI for Phase 1 full proposal due: July 11, 2023 5:00 pm
Phase 1 full proposal due: Aug. 22, 2023 5:00 pm
Phase 2 full proposal due: Aug. 30, 2024 5:00 pm
(only Phase 1 awardees are eligible to submit to Phase 2)
According to the Commerce Department, STEM job creation is expected to outpace non-STEM job creation significantly.
IUSE: EDU is a core NSF STEM education program that seeks to promote novel, creative, and transformative approaches to generating and using new knowledge about STEM teaching and learning to improve STEM education for undergraduate students. The program is open to application from all institutions of higher education and associated organizations.
IUSE: EDU supports projects that seek to bring recent advances in STEM knowledge into undergraduate education, that adapt, improve, and incorporate evidence-based practices into STEM teaching and learning, and that lay the groundwork for institutional improvement in STEM education. In addition to innovative work at the frontier of STEM education, this program also encourages replication of research studies at different types of institutions and with different student bodies to produce deeper knowledge about the effectiveness and transferability of findings.
The program is now accepting proposals for Institutional & Community Transformation (Level 2) and Engaged Student Learning (Levels 2 & 3).
Proposals due: July 19, 2023 5:00pm
This NSF program emphasizes the importance the Foundation places on the early development of academic careers dedicated to stimulating the discovery process in which the excitement of research is enhanced by inspired teaching, enthusiastic learning, and disseminating new knowledge.
The CAREER program embodies NSF’s commitment to encourage faculty and academic institutions to value and support the integration of research and education. Successful Principal Investigators will propose creative, effective research and education plans, developed within the context of the mission, goals, and resources of their organizations, while building a firm foundation for a lifetime of contributions to research, education, and their integration. Integration of Research and Education - All CAREER proposals should describe an integrated path that will lead to a successful career as an outstanding researcher and educator.
Proposers are encouraged to communicate with the CAREER contact or cognizant Program Officer in the Division closest to their area of research to discuss the expectations and approaches that are most appropriate for that area.
Proposals Due: July 26, 2023 5:00 pm
NEA’s Public Humanities Projects Program supports projects that bring the ideas and insights of the humanities to life for general audiences through in-person exhibitions and historic site interpretations, as well as in-person, hybrid, or virtual discussions and other scholar- or staff-led programs. Projects must engage humanities scholarship to analyze significant themes in disciplines such as history, literature, ethics, and art history.
Public Humanities Projects supports projects in three program categories–
- Exhibitions,
- Historic Places
- Humanities Discussions
and at two funding levels –
- Planning
- Implementation
Public Humanities Projects awards support projects aimed at reaching broad and diverse public audiences in non-classroom settings in the United States. Public Humanities Projects must:
- be grounded in sound humanities scholarship
- analyze the underlying themes and ideas to deepen public understanding of the humanities
- involve humanities scholars from outside the applicant organization and involve them in all phases of the project
- attract a broad public audience or target a particular underserved group
- offer engaging content approached through an appropriate variety of perspectives
- encourage dialogue and the exchange of ideas.
Proposals Due: August 9, 2023 11:59 pm ET
There is a severe urgent need for research on the use of AI and the teaching of AI in K-12 classrooms and informal settings. The unprecedented speed of advancements in machine learning (ML), generative artificial intelligence (AI), and large language models (LLM) is rapidly transforming the nature of learning, teaching, and assessment in the formal and informal educational settings and systems.
Schools are faced with insufficient research-based findings on the use of AI tools and environments for teaching; other educational organizations are equally challenged. There is also a great need to clarify which AI concepts and principles K-12 students should be learning. Finally, it is critical to investigate the ways AI will both promote and impact equitable education and inclusive learning.
NSF invites researchers to submit Rapid Response Research (RAPID) proposals for time-sensitive research including, but not limited to:
- Developing AI tools and environments to advance age-appropriate equitable learning and inclusive teaching;
- Supporting learning about and interest in AI;
- Using AI to teach AI; and,
- Integrating generative AI in education in an ethical, responsible, and effective way.
Required 1-Page Concept Outlines may be submitted at any time.
The Alabama Center of Excellence (ACoE) at the Dauphin Island Sea Lab seeks grant proposals focusing on emerging technologies that will enhance and advance data collection networks benefiting Alabama’s coastal research and monitoring. ACoE encourages proposals that will test new methods and those that may involve significant risk taking in efforts to upgrade Alabama’s abilities to monitor, understand and predict how coastal resources may change in the foreseeable future.
All proposals must focus on science, technology, and monitoring in the following disciplines:
- Coastal and deltaic sustainability, restoration and protection, including solutions and technology that allow citizens to live in a safe and sustainable manner in a coastal delta in the Gulf Coast Region;
- Coastal fisheries and wildlife ecosystem research and monitoring in the Gulf Coast Region;
- Sustainable and resilient growth, economic and commercial development in the Gulf of Mexico;
- Comprehensive observation, monitoring, and mapping of the Gulf of Mexico.
Applications Due: June 15, 2023 5:00 pm CT
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Auburn University PI Handbook, agency guides and more to help you write a successful proposal.
Subscription-based service that Auburn University provides faculty to find funding opportunities pertinent to their research.
Proposal Services & Faculty Support