March 2022 Newsletter
In this Issue

Street Committee Updates
What's Happening with University Parkway

EXPLORE: The Stony Run Walking Path

Public Safety Updates

Calvert School Project - Landscaping Update

Neighborhood News
  • TCNA Nominating Committee for Board Members
  • Heating Problem? No - Low Gas Pressure
  • Construction Materials and Trash Dumped into Stony Run
  • Curbside Recycling - OOPS Notices??
  • Curbside Pick-up: March 31, April 14, April 28
  • New School Zone for Speed Cameras
  • Dog Poop Problem
  • Message from Councilwoman Odette Ramos

Construction in Area
  • Hillside Park- Baltimore Magazine article
  • Falls Road- Road Construction (lasting 2 years)
  • Charles Village - St. Paul Street

Johns Hopkins University
  • Women's History Month
  • Sustainability Workshop

Neighborhood Restaurants - Updated Hours and Information

Home & Condo Current Sale Prices 

Events In and Around Tuscany-Canterbury

Special Thank You - TCNA Newsletter Committee
March 2022 photos in Tuscany-Canterbury

Streets Committee
Brian ten Siethoff, Committee Chair

The TCNA Streets Committee hasn’t spent the winter hibernating! Instead, we’ve been busy working to advance several projects to make our neighborhood a more safe, beautiful, and pleasant place to spend the warmer months outdoors. 

Updates about Plans for University Parkway

This month, the big news was the release of the city’s long-awaited plans for resurfacing University Parkway from Charles Street to the 39th Street/San Martin Drive intersection. The project, funded out of the City’s maintenance budget, provides an opportunity to pilot several safety improvements on the stretch of roadway that forms our neighborhood’s southern border. 

In light of changes to University Parkway over the century since it was built, the City is exploring ways to make University Parkway better serve people walking, biking, using scooters, or riding an MTA bus or Blue Jay Shuttle. Drawing from lessons learned from other, similar projects in recent years, the pilot phase will give the City a chance to test out several safety features using materials that can be modified later if needed:

Every City resurfacing project triggers a requirement to make all adjacent sidewalks and crossings compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The City will install ADA-compliant curb ramps along this stretch and add better crosswalk markings at Canterbury Road. 

University Parkway eastbound currently has one through lane at 39th Street/San Martin Drive. The City will continue the single through lane up the hill, past Canterbury Road and Bishops Lane, until just before Charles Street. University Parkway westbound will remain two lanes from Charles Street to 39th Street.

There will be protected bike lanes in each direction between the parking lane and the curb, connecting to the bike lanes installed two years ago between 39th and 40th Streets. The City noted that the recent attempt at a similar design on Roland Avenue in Roland Park was hampered by the narrow 34-foot width of each direction of Roland Avenue. In contrast, University Parkway is a minimum of 40 feet wide in each direction, allowing for adequate striped buffer space on each side of parked cars so that car doors should not open into travel lanes OR bike lanes.

The City is also investigating changes to signalized intersections, particularly at University and Charles Street, to re-time signals, reduce crossing distances, and adjust geometry to make left and right turns safer for all.

The City emphasized that the changes will be relatively modest given that all this is being funded from the maintenance budget. There are no plans, for example, to rebuild and re-landscape the center median at this time, aside from minor repairs that can be considered “maintenance.”

The TCNA Streets Committee wants to hear from you!

First, stay tuned for details about a public meeting on University Parkway to be hosted by Baltimore City Department of Transportation (date and time still TBD as of this publication). Everyone is invited to attend and send written comments about the project to the City. We’ll share details when they become available.

Second, once the project is completed, let us know what you think: email Pavement striping and most other features can be removed, relocated, or changed relatively easily.

Third, if you want to be engaged in a longer-term effort to re-vision University Parkway, please email TCNA has been working with JHU, our neighboring community associations, and the Neighborhood Design Center on a longer-term vision for the future of University Parkway all the way from 33rd Street in Waverly to 40th Street in Roland Park. The longer-term vision is intended to look 10+ years into the future and address the needs of everyone who uses or depends on University Parkway for their daily needs. 

The long-term vision is a precursor to a more substantial capital project that will allow us to rebuild University Parkway using more durable, environmentally-conscious, and aesthetically-pleasing materials. We’ll keep what we like, change what we don’t like, and transform University Parkway into a safer, quieter, and greener community amenity that forms a better transition from Tuscany-Canterbury into the JHU Homewood Campus.

The TCNA Streets Committee has a new email box for your suggestions, comments and requests related to our neighborhood streets. Please email us at:
Explore Tuscany-Canterbury and the Stony Run Walking Path

Stony Run is beautiful in every season. In the spring it shines with beautiful flowering trees, birds returning to the stream area, and the sounds of nature everywhere.

Tuscany-Canterbury is near the middle of the walking path. You can go north toward Coldspring Lane and continue all the way to Gilman School. Or you can choose to go south over the large bridge at Stoney Ford Road and under University Parkway down to Remington Avenue. Or just take a short stroll by the Stony Run stream between Ridgemede and Overhill Road. It is a safe place to walk and lots of neighbors are usually walking or jogging nearby.

You can access the park and walking path anywhere along Linkwood Road. The two pedestrian bridges give you access to the walking path.

This is an amazing treasure that we have adjacent to our neighborhood. Springtime is a great time to start or continue your adventure.

Read more about the Stony Walking Path on the TCNA Website

Public Safety Committee
Paul Gallo, Committee Chair
Neighborhood Crime Statistics
Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore. Tuscany-Canterbury is home to 3800 people in 1700 homes, condos, and apartments.

There was 1 larceny for the past month in 2022 . The larcenies in the neighborhood usually have been a theft from a car. Please remember to double check your car to make sure that it is locked.
Tuscany-Canterbury Safety Suggestion

Check your car doors to make sure they are locked (even if you park in a condo or apartment building garage). Don't leave any valuables visible in your car.

Coronavirus Information

Key COVID-19 metrics decline, but experts say it's far from over

COVID-19 is inching toward endemic status in the U.S., but a clear seasonal pattern has yet to emerge. Meanwhile less than 66% of the total population has been vaccinated.
Different Viewpoints from Johns Hopkins

The rules are changing: masks are coming off, vaccine mandates are expiring, and many are heading to pubs, restaurants and concerts to celebrate the freedom coming from improving COVID numbers. Does this mean the pandemic is coming to an end and moving to an ‘endemic’ status like the ‘flu? 
David Dowdy from the JHU Bloomberg school of Public Health says it makes sense to declare the COVID-19 pandemic over. Tara Kirk Sell, from the JH Center for Health Security says we may still see surges in cases and hospitalizations because of the number of people who remain unvaccinated. She says the greatest problem going forward is the loss of trust in public health. Elizabeth Stuart, from the JH departments of Mental Health, Biostatistics and Health Policy and Management, says the mental health consequences will continue: from financial stress, from mental health challenges after COVID infection and from loss of parents or loved ones. Crystal Watson, from the JH Center for Health Security and JHSPH department of environmental health and engineering, says the end of the pandemic will truly be signaled by the decoupling of future infections from hospitalizations due to increased population immunity. Then, she says, we can treat the virus as a more routine infectious disease hazard instead of an acute pandemic threat.

Andrew Pekosz, from JH dept of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, says he has learned not to predict what SARS CoV-2 will do, but says it’s a safe bet that the increasing population immunity will eventually result in the virus being unable to change enough to get around immune responses and it will end up being more like the seasonal ‘flu'.

 Brian Garibaldi, from JH Biocontainment Unit and the department of Medicine, says it’s time to rethink our approach to respiratory viral illnesses in general. In future we need to use a data-driven approach to drive common sense measures to protect the most vulnerable. As for the present, he worries that winter gatherings and the end of school mask mandates will still drive surges in infections, and although we are approaching a time when individuals should make their own choices regarding risk reduction measures, he doesn’t think we are quite there yet.

Condensed from an article in THE HUB, Feb 21, 2022.
CLICK HERE for the entire article
  • You can order four more free COVID tests from the federal government.  Already received your free COVID-19 tests from the government? Now you can order a second set of rapid tests (two kits, or four tests total) from or by calling 800-232-0233.

  • Starting this spring, Medicare’s 64 million beneficiaries will be able to get up to eight free at-home COVID-19 tests per month, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) announced on Feb. 3. The launch date of the Medicare program has not been announced.

Current Websites for Reliable COVID Information

  • Where to get tested in Baltimore (Daily updates) CLICK HERE

  • Coronavirus in the U.S.: Latest Map and Case Count CLICK HERE

Calvert School Project Update
Pat Hawthorne & Mike Travieso
Tuscany Woods Project Committee
March 2022
Now that nicer weather is imminent, we anticipate that the work on the field will gear up soon. Unfortunately, the contractor is still experiencing supply chain issues with some of the materials needed for the retaining wall, so it might be another month before they start work on the wall.

In the meantime, we wanted to share details for the landscaping plan that has been proposed. The landscaping should be completed by late spring unless the retaining wall continues to be delayed. 

Landscaping Plan
7 overstory trees will be planted to the northwest of the field close to Warrenton Road to replace several large mature trees that had to be removed.

50 ornamental trees (many flowering) will be planted outside the fence along Tuscany Road, in the area near the alleyway between Tuscany Court and the forested property, and interspersed among the overstory trees.

Approximately 40 evergreen trees will be planted along the retaining wall to camouflage the wall.

Provisions have been made for watering the trees during the summer months.
Types of Flowering trees that will be planted.
March 16, 2022: Progress on the Athletic Center
Questions and Concerns About Any Construction Issues

  • If you have questions or concerns about any construction issue please do not call Calvert or members of the TCNA, TLCC, Gardens or Ridgemede Boards unless it is an emergency. 

  • Click below and someone from the Tuscany Project Committee will get back to you quickly.
Neighborhood News

  • Questions
  • Comments
  • Messages
If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please CLICK HERand we will try to help.
Lots of Activity in Tuscany-Canterbury
Gas pipe repair on 39th Street
Neighbors meeting with Bonnie Boland, chair of the Greens Committee to decide how to improve the public garden at Tuscany and Ridgmede .
Tree pruning on Canterbury

Time to Volunteer
TCNA Board: At the June 2022 meeting the Nominating Committee will recommend a slate of officers and board members. All board members serve one year terms and are responsible for a committee or other neighborhood project. There are six board meetings and two general meeting each year. All board members must be TCNA members.

Greens Committee: Volunteers work to keep the neighborhood green and beautiful. They are responsible for the four public gardens and adding trees throughout the neighborhood.

Streets Committee: There are three major street projects (University Parkway, 39th Street, Linkwood Road) to calm the traffic and make the neighborhood safer for all.

Membership Committee:: A new committee that just formed. Its goal is to welcome new neighbors and to make sure everyone knows about TCNA.

Events Committee: Events throughout the year provide a variety of opportunities for neighbors to get to know each other.

Communications Committee: This committee produces an e-newsletter 10 times a year and manages the TCNA website.

The Calvert Project Committee and the Calvert Liaison Committee are selected based on requirements in the Calvert covenants with TCNA.
Heating Problems? It Might Not Be Your Boiler…

By Andy and Lu Parsley
Tuscany Road
It turned out that our cold house was not the result of a faulty boiler. On several very cold days this winter, it seemed like our boiler just couldn’t keep up, and although the boiler was running all the time, we couldn’t maintain a comfortable temperature in the house. We also noticed that our indirect water heater (which heats our hot water using residual heat from the boiler) wasn’t keeping up with our household needs. There are only two of us in the house now, and it became impossible to take two hot showers in a row!

We called our HVAC specialist, who quickly diagnosed the problem: not enough gas was flowing into our house from the gas main, which turned out to be located on the opposite side of the street. Fortunately, BGE was very responsive, but also insistent that the work be done immediately. They cut off the gas to our house and let us know that the work would take several hours and involve significant digging. Thankfully they agreed to put off the work until the next morning so our neighbors could get some sleep. What they estimated would be a two-hour job ended up taking all day. BGE dug up the sidewalk on the other side of the street, and our section of Tuscany Road was blocked for the entire day. BGE removed the buildup in the pipe that was causing the reduced gas pressure and ran a plastic liner through the 93-year old pipes from the main to our house. They also replaced our gas meter, all at no cost to us. Hopefully it all lasts for another 93 years! Thanks to all our neighbors for being good sports about moving their cars, tolerating the noise and disruption, and to Chris and Cynthia for their graciousness about the unsightly asphalt sidewalk patch that will remain until the BGE contractor comes out to return it to its original condition. 

Now that it’s all fixed, we notice that our hot water is actually too hot! We hadn’t noticed that the flames on our gas stove had slowly diminished in size and heat—but now we are back to cooking with gas – literally and figuratively!
Large amounts of trash and construction debris was dumped into the Stony Run last week. What can be done?
Last week a neighbor saw construction workers who were working on the building at 426 West University Parkway throw a lot of large amount of construction debris and trash into the beautiful and clean Stony Run just north of the large bridge at Stoney Ford Road. She got pictures and the tag number and the City 311 was called. A report was filed and it was also sent to Councilwoman Odette Ramos to help.

The 311 operator advised to call the police at 911 immediately if anyone sees dumping like this happening again.

We will keep you informed about the progress that is made with the clean-up and penalties that the construction worker and owner receives.

Dog Poop Problem near
Highfield & Charles

Attention Dog Walkers

TCNA have recent several complaints about neighbors are not cleaning up after their dogs. Baltimore City regulations requires that dog poop is removed by the dog owner. Please be respectful of property of others in the neighborhood and clean up after your dog.

Several years ago this problem occurred on Linkwood Road and the Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo Association installed two dog trash containers and the issue has been greatly reduced. The Broadview Apartments also have a container on 39th Street.

Department of Transportation Announces

New School Zone for Speed Cameras
New Locations near Tuscany-Canterbury

The speed camera monitoring system consists of portable and fixed cameras that detect vehicles exceeding the posted speed limit by at least 12 miles per hour. Speed cameras operate in Baltimore City school zones Monday through Friday, from 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM throughout the year.  The speed camera violation fine is $40.00 as set by State Law. 

New speed camera implementation will begin on or about Monday, March 14, 2022
  • 100-700 blocks W. Lake Avenue (eastbound and westbound) – Boys Latin School of Maryland, The Bryn Mawr School
  • 200 block E. Northern Parkway – Redeemer Parish Day School

Messages from Baltimore City DPW

Tuscany-Canterbury Curbside Recycling Schedule
March 31, April 14, April 28
DPW Launches Recycling
Anti-Contamination Campaign

DPW Launches “Feet on the Street” Educational Campaign to Reduce Recycling Contamination
OopsTags Will be Placed on Containers
The Baltimore City Department of Public Works has launched a recycling campaign to ensure that residents are recycling the right materials in the blue recycling carts. DPW recycling crews will place an "oops" tag on your blue cart when anything that cannot be recycled is in the blue bin. Literature will then be provided. 

Did you know that much of our collected recycling gets discarded in the trash?  Although we like to do our bit to help the planet, placing anything that may foul up the recycling machines (known as “tanglers”) or contaminate the recycling will automatically result in the recycling being trashed.
Here are  some commonly-seen recycling “DON’Ts.”
Any items inside a plastic bagPlastic-bagged recyclables account for most of the City's recycling contaminants. Machines cannot open bags to extract items so always place recyclables loose in the recycling container.

  • Any plastics that can squished, squeezed or wrapped, including plastic bags, bubble wrap, plastic wrap, and packing peanuts.
  • Styrofoam in any form, including packing materials and fast food containers
  • Plastics contaminated with food such as fast food containers. 
  • Non-packaging plastics such as plastic utensils and pens
  • Plastic bottles used for motor oil, pesticides or herbicides. 

  • Paper contaminated with food, grease, or another material.  This includes pizza boxes, fast food containers, used napkins, used tissues, used paper towels.
  • Broken glass of any type, window glass, mirrors, and bottles that are not empty or not clean, ceramics. (Basically clean (rinsed) food bottles are OK, otherwise trash it). 
  • Food cans or aluminum pans that are not empty or clean.  
  • All heavy metals, batteries, etc. must be taken to the hazardous waste collection location at 2840 Sisson st.  Next collection dates are April 1 and 2. 

  • Wires, plastic bags, garden hoses, electrical cord, Christmas lights, clothing.
More information can be found at the DPW recycling guide and the  Recycle Right web feature.
Baltimore Sustainability and Resiliency Community Forum
Wednesday, April 20th from 4-6 pm

The April Commission on Sustainability meeting will feature a Sustainability and Resiliency Community Forum. The goal of the forum is to provide Baltimore City residents with updates on sustainability and resiliency actions taking place across the city, outline progress on implementing strategies and actions in the 2019 Sustainability Plan, and discuss the commitment to sustainability, resiliency, and environmental justice in Mayor Scott’s Term 1 Action Plan. During the event, residents will learn how the City's newly formed Sustainability and Resiliency Sub-cabinet is helping the city reach urban sustainability and resiliency goals through inter-agency collaboration.

Please register for the event here.
The Baltimore Office of Sustainability sends out emails on a regular basis. Some of the information will be included in the monthly TCNA newsletter. If you would like to be added to their email list CLICK HERE
Message from
Councilwoman Odette Ramos
There is a change in the District 14 office. Cindy Leahy - long time aide to my predecessor Mary Pat Clarke, who stayed to work in our District 14 office - has decided to retire. Her 14 years of service to Baltimore City is greatly appreciated and her retirement is well deserved! We will miss her in our office, and I have learned so much from her. If you would like to send a message to Cindy for her years of service, you can do so by clicking on this link.

Construction Projects in the Area

Hillside Park Will Be the Largest New Green Space Baltimore Has Seen in Years
North Baltimore community leaders weigh in on what they hope to see at the park, slated to open in 2023. 
 By Cody Boteler | March 1, 2022

Construction Work on Falls Road
2 years to complete
(February 18, 2022) The Department of Public Works and Transportation will replace more than eleven thousand feet of water line on Falls Road between the Baltimore City line and Brightfield Road, near I-695. The project, which will cost approximately $10,500,000, is scheduled to begin during the week of February 21 and will require approximately two years to complete. The replacement of the line – sections of which are more than ninety years old – will improve the reliability of the system. Much of the construction will be done between 9:00 pm and 5:00 am and ingress and egress will be coordinated with (and provided for) all property owners. Falls Road will not be closed during construction, but there will be some lane closures during the day to accommodate construction schedules. Falls Road carries about eighteen thousand cars daily. There will be traffic delays.
New Multistory Apartment/mixed use buildings planned for Charles Village on St. Paul Street.

Baltimore City Council is considering changing current zoning to allow an eight-story apartment building anchored by a Streets grocery store in the 3100 block of Charles village, and a second eight-story apartment building at 3300 Charles St. where Tambers’ restaurant and several row houses are located.

Josh Neiman, VP of MCP, (current owner) requested approval to construct a building up to 90 feet tall in the 3100 block. Current zoning only allows buildings up to 60 feet. Developers presented a plan by Moseley Architects showing an 8 story building containing apartments, 3 other retail stores in addition to Streets and one level of underground parking. Council representative Odette Ramos has been working with the Charles Village Civic Association and is expected to introduce a bill with new zoning language as soon as next month. If approved construction will being in early 2023 with a completion date in early 2025.

A separate proposal from A.B Associates requests permission to construct an eight-story building in part of the 3300 block of St. Paul Street that currently includes Tamber’s restaurant and several row houses. Current zoning allows for residences only. Proposed legislation would permit the row houses to contain shops and allow future replacement with a single residential structure rising up to 90 feet.

Neither of these developments is related to the current Johns Hopkins project where seven row houses in the first block of West 29th Street are being demolished to make way for green space and possible future development.
Summarized from Ed Gunts…. See full article CLICK HERE

Johns Hopkins University
National Women's History Month
At Johns Hopkins

The first National Woman’s Day was observed on Feb. 28, 1909, in New York as a way to recognize women’s rights and labor. In 1981,
then Maryland congresswoman (later senator, and now Johns Hopkins professor) Barbara Mikulski and Sen. Orrin Hatch cosponsored the first joint congressional resolution requesting the president to proclaim the week of March 7, 1982, as Women’s History Week. In 1987, Congress designated March as Women’s History Month to recognize how “American women of every race, class and ethnic background” have played “a critical economic, cultural and social role in every sphere of our Nation’s life.” Each year since, the president has issued a special proclamation to honor the lives and achievements of American women. 

For entire article CLICK HERE
Sustainability Workshops: Spring 2022 JHU
As part of the stakeholder input process for JHU’s 2030 Sustainability Plan, the JHU Office of Sustainability is hosting a series of workshops this spring to hear from JHU affiliates and community partners on a range of pressing environmental topics. Workshop feedback will be used to help shape the goals and strategies that will define the Sustainability Plan, and feedback from diverse constituents is essential.

Register here for one or more sessions focusing on topics including Climate Action, Zero Waste, Built and Natural Environments, Food and Dining, Transportation, Environmental Justice, and more. We want to know how you think JHU should prioritize action in the years ahead.

Registration is open to JHU students, faculty, staff, and alumni, and community partners. Participants can register for more than one workshop, and each workshop is open to the first 30 – 40 registrants, with the possibility for more. 
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Support Our Restaurants in Tuscany-Cantebury

Call or check website (listed below) for LATEST information
Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants.
TCNA is committed to promoting our five local businesses:  Cypriana, The Ambassador, One World Café, Hopkins Deli, and Alizee (soon to be renamed). Their success is essential to the vitality of our neighborhood. The expression “feet on the street” describes urban living at its best as residents can walk to parks, work, school, and dine at local restaurants. 

To show our appreciation and support for our restaurants, TCNA purchased and delivered flower arrangements by Local Color Flowers to our fabulous five businesses for all their efforts to remain open and nourish us during these past two challenging years. We wish them a bright future as we shed our masks and welcome spring.  
Updated Hours
Tuesday - Sunday: 11-3 5-9
Friday & Saturday- Regular Buffet
Sunday - Special Buffet
Monday: Open for Party Only
443 449 6200
Open Daily
7am-11am serving breakfast
5pm-9pm serving dinner
New catering menu. Can host private parties.
Friday & Saturday 5 - 12
Sunday - Thursday. 5 - 9

A casual but upscale authentic neighborhood restaurant.
410 366-6603

10% Discount to Tuscany-Canterbury Residents
11 AM - 10 PM
including full kitchen until 9:30
Free Delivery with On-Line Orders
100 W University Parkway

10am-8pm Wednesday-Saturday and closes at 4pm on Sunday
Call for the menu.
Recent Sale Prices of Homes & Condos

Thanks to TCNA president and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information.
Note: The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, Realtor for the Sales, 42 Village Square, MD, Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Events Happening In and Around

2021-22 SEASON

Community Concerts at Second’s 35th season

Music for All, Free to All
Register here for 2021-22 concerts you plan to attend:

  •  March 20, 2022 - Nathalie Joachim & Spektral Quartet
  •  April 3, 2022 - Candlelight Concert
  •  April 24, 2022 - Icarus Quartet
  •  May 1, 2022 - Ivalas Quartet
  •  May 15, 2022 - Wonderlic Piano Concert
  •  May 22, 2022 - Joel Fan, piano
  •  June 5, 2022 - Candlelight Concert

Community Concerts at Second will require all audience members to show proof of vaccination and to wear masks at our concerts until further notice. We ask that you arrive early to present proof of vaccination to our volunteers.

Evening Hours at the BMA

Starting Thursday, March 10
Big news! The BMA will remain open until 9 p.m. every Thursday beginning March 10. Now you'll have even more time to linger among the collection, visit ticketed exhibitions, and browse gifts at the BMA Shop. Reserve your night at the Museum starting in March.
Spring 2022 GROW Center Pop-ups and Workshops

DPW’s excited to return this spring with seven pop-up events and five free workshops. Attend one of the upcoming activities and get some great resources to help you with your greening projects. Free trees, mulch, and reusable shopping bags will be available, as well as information on stormwater fee credits, plant advice, recycling and composting, gardening, and other ways to make your home and community greener, cleaner, and more resilient. First come, first serve while supplies last.

The following is the schedule of Grow enter events. Please note the times for the events. The workshops are free but require registration. In-person workshops are limited to 15 people. Compost workshop attendees will receive a free compost bin, courtesy of DPW Bureau of Solid Waste.

April 2, 8am – 12noon: Pop-up / Shred Event @ Middle Branch Park (3301 Waterview Ave 21230)

April 5, 5:30 - 7pm: Compost Workshop @ Harwood Garden. Register:

April 13, 5 - 7pm: Pop-up @ Sisson Street Park (2701 Sisson St. 21211)

April 19, 6 – 7:30pm: Virtual Pollinator Garden Workshop. Register:

April 22, 5 – 7pm: Pop-up @ Waverly Commons (418 E 32nd St. 21218)

Mark Your Calendar
2022 TCNA Neighborhood Dumpster Dates

May 14: Location: Linkwood/Tuscany
June 11: Location: Canterbury/Highfield
Sept 17: Location: Linkwood/Tuscany
Oct 1: Location: Canterbury/Highfield

Special thanks to TCNA Board Member, Sam Park who will be coordinating with Baltimore City for this neighborhood service.
Neighborhood map
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association      

Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, please Canteesend them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Don't know when to pay your dues? Reminder renewal notices for 2021-2022 are sent the month that your dues need to be renewed.
Not a member yet? Join anytime!
Officers and Board Members for July 2021 to June 2022

President: Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno  (Cloverhill Road)

Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Josh Cohen (Cloverhill Road)
  • Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
  • Paul Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Gard Jones (Tuscany-Lombardy Co-Op, Stony Run Lane)
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Nancy Lamotte (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo, Linkwood Road)
  • Mat Leffler-Schulman (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street)
  • Sam Park (Tuscany Court)
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road)
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Julie Watson (Canterbury Road)
Members of the Calvert Project Committee
  • *Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford)
  • *Mike Travieso (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
  • Charles Brenton (Tuscany/Lombardy Co-op)
  • Lucinda Davis (Ridgemede/Ridgewood Condo)
  • Fred Lazarus. TCNA (Ridgemede Road)
  • Andy Parsley (TCNA Tuscany Road)
  • Julia Frazier (TCNA President, Canterbury Road)
  • Ned Lewison (Gardens of Guilford)

*Co-Chairs and points of contact with questions.
Click Here to contact the Calvert Project Committee
Special Thanks to E-Newsletter Committee

The E-newsletter only happens with the help and support of the many people in the neighborhood.

Thank You!!
  • John Robinson is the TCNA's neighborhood photographer.
  • Julie Watson summarizes the information that we get from various sources.
  • Ann Finkbeiner edits the newsletter.
  • Erin Gingher who maintains the TCNA master email list.
  • Amy Mutch contacts all the restaurant for updates each month
  • TCNA board members contribute articles and information each month.
  • Crime Stats - Paul Gallo
  • Sales Stats, President's Letter, Calvert Liaison Report - Julia Frazier
  • Street Committee Reports -Brian ten Siethoff
  • Greens Committee Reports - Bonnie Boland
  • Calvert Project Committee - Pat Hawthorne, Mike Travieso
  • Neighborhood Events - Ann Christopher
  • Linda Eberhart, Communications Coordinator

If you have ideas for the E-newsletter or would like to volunteer to help