February 2021 Newsletter
SAVE THE DATE: Neighborhood Virtual Meeting: March 4, 7pm
Neighborhood Restaurant Updates 
Support Our Neighborhood Restaurants: Valentine's Day Specials

Coronavirus Updates
  • New Information about How to Get a Vaccination
  • Useful Websites
  • Activities in Tuscany-Canterbury during Pandemic

Crime and Safety Committee

Neighborhood News
  • History of Wyman Park and Stony Run: February 19 by Jillian Storms
  • Remembering Guy Hollyday, Steward of Wyman Park and the Stony Run

Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
  • Baltimore Country Club (Falls Road)
  • Cross Keys Tenants Include Calvert Kiddie School

Neighborhood Questions and Comments
  • Frozen Pipes
  • JHU Students
  • US Postal Service
  • Need for Food
  • Water Bill Delay (Odette Ramos' Response)
  • Mayor Scott's 100 Days of Action Database
  • Residential Permit Parking

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (January)

Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
  • Olmsted Brothers Vision for Wyman Park and the Stony Run Stream Valley, Friday, February 19, 2021 at 1:00 PM
  • SAVE THE DATE Neighborhood Meeting -March 4
  • No First Friday in March
  • See events section for virtual events
Winter is amazing and beautiful in Tuscany Canterbury. Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer for his great pictures.
Photo taken January 14, 2021 in Tuscany Canterbury
Snowman picture in Linkwood Park on January 31, 2021
SAVE THE DATE Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood
Virtual Meeting

Thursday, March 4, 7PM

Neighborhood Restaurants Update

Support Our Neighborhood Restaurants

Our support is critical for our local businesses to stay afloat as we look forward to the day when their doors can be wide open again for neighborhood dining and discourse! Please consider committing an evening a week to carryout dining at a TCNA eatery. 

Call or check website (listed below) for latest information

Amy Mutch, Neighborhood Business Liaison
This space is provided free for our neighborhood restaurants to show TCNA supports them.
Valentine’s Day is this weekend and our local restaurants are spreading the love with creative offerings!  Specials are being promoted to boost business and make your weekend celebratory with loved ones!
Cindy Novak, owner of One World Café, is selling Valentine gift boxes from Deep Creek Lavender Farm. A variety of lavender infused items are nicely packaged and priced up to $30.00 or one can also purchase individual Triple Berry Lavender Jam that is delectable. Cindy explained her mission to support local farms will be expanding in the months to come as fresh produce and products become available.

Cypriana will have a special Valentine’s Day menu starting this Friday, offering six entrée options that can be ordered online. Chef Maria noted a popular seafood medley dish has been added along with additional mezze and dessert selections. Visit the website this week to get updated information regarding dine-in service.

The Ambassador Restaurant is treating customers to a complimentary glass of champagne. The romantic ambience of the lovely space compliments the delicious Indian cuisine served. Delivery service continues to be offered for $4.99 for TCNA residents.

Alizee Bistro is open for take out with recently expanded service for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Ricardo is very busy and sends his love and is looking forward to seeing neighbors in the future.

Hopkins Deli can supply your libations for a romantic evening at home and continues to offer a 10% discount to all residents of TCNA! Their accommodating hours are 8am-11pm!    

LOVE abounds this February in TCNA as we care for one another in neighborly ways, including our support of local businesses!
443 449 6200
410 366-6603
100 W University Parkway
Neighborhood News
If you have someone or something that you would like to be included, please email Amy Mutch
Olmsted Brothers' Vision for Wyman Park and the Stony Run Stream Valley

Friday, February 19, 2021 at 1:00 PM
Presented by Jillian Storms, AIA
Baltimore Dead Architects' Society, Co-Chair
Early Women of Architecture in Maryland, Exhibit Curator 
Baltimore Architecture Foundation, President Emeritus
Baltimore Architecture Foundation just announced a new event. Jillian will be presenting the history of Tuscany-Canterbury's neighborhood park and she will even touch upon the rerouting of Stony Run and the lower gardens of The Tuscany to allow Linkwood Road to connect to University Parkway. 

Jillian grew up on Tuscany Road and her mom currently lives in the Tuscany-Lombardy Coop. Jillian conducted the amazing Baltimore Heritage tour of Clyde Nelson Friz-designed landmarks in Tuscany Canterbury in 2018. She followed up with an outstanding presentation at the TCNA annual meeting.

This is FREE EVENT. Any donation, no matter how small the amount, helps support the outreach efforts of several worthwhile volunteer organizations 
Remembering Guy Hollyday

A Dedicated Steward of Wyman Park and the Stony Run

Thanks to James Wolf and the Wyman Park Association for sharing this information
A few years ago, a truckload of household garbage was dumped down into the Stony Run stream bed from up on the Wyman Park Drive bridge. If the scofflaws were aware of Guy Hollyday, they would have thought twice. As an ardent defender of the Stony Run, seeing the garbage dumped so brazenly into his beloved park was too much for Guy to take lying down. So he dove in to look for clues.

Those who knew him wouldn’t be surprised he took action. He was a man of initiative. Wyman Park resident Ray Itturalde worked with Guy on many stewardship initiatives in the Park. Ray told me “Any time I ran into Guy in the park he had a bag for trash or his trusty axe to cut down those hated invasive paper mulberry trees." In the 1990s Guy was instrumental in a crusade that led to the removal of hundreds of predatory alcohol billboards in distressed Baltimore neighborhoods. He practiced acupuncture which he used in aid of substance addicts in the city. He wrote a history of the Stone Hill neighborhood replete with documents, photos, and interviews (Stone Hill in Baltimore: Stories from a Mill Village).

Guy was raised in Baltimore. He attended the Gilman School, Princeton University, then earned a doctorate in German from Johns Hopkins. He served in the Army stationed in Germany during the Korean War. He returned to Baltimore and in the 1980s committed himself to public service. In the park, he led an esteemed “Sewage Tour” of the Stony Run. He would show how the aging sewage system crisscrossed the park and how it presented a problem. He worked with Bluewater Baltimore and the Jones Falls Watershed Association before that. He faithfully reported all-too-common sewage spills, which continue hamper the Stony Run ecosystem.

Now back to that pile of garbage. Guy found a piece of paper with an address on it. The resident of the house must have been surprised when Guy came knocking. I suppose he was wearing a different disposition than usual when he appeared at that person’s door. “He always had a twinkle in his eye” remembers WPCA President Jack Boyson. Everyone I spoke with about Guy gushed to me about what a bright and buoyant personality his was. ‘Gemütlichkeit’ is a good word for the feeling of being in his presence. Guy taught German at several universities including the University of Pennsylvania.

As it turned out, the person whose address was in the pile of garbage had hired a contractor to dispose of the refuse. I’m not sure what happened with that contractor, but thanks to Guy Hollyday, they didn’t get away with it.
When offered a gift for his 90th birthday, Guy requested a paper mulberry removal event in Wyman Park. Ever the steward of Wyman Park and Stony Run, he waged a decades long war against this particularly aggressive invasive species. He also planted many trees. Guy’s legacy lives on in the trees and in the continuation of all the natural and civic stewardship activities he so loved.

Coronavirus Information
COVID-19 Vaccination Plan

Anyone in Priority groups 1A, 1B and 1C is eligible to get the vaccine. You can sign up and get on a waiting list if you are in groups 1A, 1B, and 1C. When vaccines become available, you will be contacted and scheduled for an appointment. You can sign up for more than one location. If you know someone who is eligible, please check in with them to make sure they know how to sign up using their computer. If they don't have a computer, give them the phone numbers below to get on the wait list.
COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Updates

Maryland's Vaccine Distribution Network

This is the master site. On this site you can sign up to get vaccinated at the City Health Department, the Maryland Mass Vaccination sites, neighborhood. pharmacies, and hospitals. Call 211 for assistance. YOU CAN SIGN UP FOR MORE THAN ONE SITE. For more information click here.

Acting Maryland health secretary says people should register in multiple places for COVID vaccine interest lists when you are eligible. see article
  • Baltimore City Health Department An alternative way to sign up at the Baltimore City Health Department by phone call: 410-396-CARE (2273). (There might be a wait to talk to someone, but when they answer they will put you on their waiting list. You will get a call back when an appointment time is available.)
  • State's Mass Vaccination Sites The state’s first mass vaccination sites are now open at the Baltimore Convention Center and Six Flags America in Prince George’s County. To receive updates on appointments for mass vaccination sites, text ‘MdReady’ to 898-211. An alternative is to register for an appointment online at Those without computer access or in need of assistance can register by calling 443-462-5511.
  • Maryland Pharmacies Sign Up You can use the master site to sign up for some Maryland pharmacies. Please note, if you register with CVS, Walgreens, Giant, etc. they will charge your insurance an administrative fee. The sign-up process for pharmacies is still a work in progress. This is the Sunpapers article that talked about the pharmacies sign-up.
Useful Health Resources
New site for tracking vaccinations in Baltimore City:
Baltimore City Dashboard on Vaccinations
The Baltimore City health department launched the COVID-19 Vaccinations Dashboard, a key tool for the public in keeping track of the number of vaccinations given in Baltimore City by both the Health Department and local area providers
Many readers click on many of these sites. Your TCNA newsletter writer checks these sites are monthly and lists them for your use.
Useful Reference Sites:

Where to get COVID-19 Test:
  • This link has a list of testing sites across the City, with details as to which ones need a referral, and which are walk-up.
  • NEW For status updates, please visit or follow the Baltimore City Health Department’s social media accounts for updates before coming to a testing site.
During the Pandemic in Tuscany-Canterbury
Neighborhood kids kids were out doing nice things for the neighbors, including this snowman with laser eyes. Its name is Simon.
Crime and Safety Committee
Paul and Maria Gallo, Co-chairs

Tuscany-Canterbury Data
for January 2021

A special thank you to Northern District Police and Officer Henry for supplying this useful information to TCNA each month.
Tuscany-Canterbury had two larcenies this month. One was from a vehicle, the other involved an individual who allowed multiple people in and out of her home. Neither seems to be a part of a larger pattern. 

Continue to keep car doors locked and call 911 if you see anything that is suspicious. Help keep Tuscany-Canterbury one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore

Baltimore Country Club Property(Off Falls Road)
Land Sale
The Greater Roland Park community has a once-in-a-generation opportunity to purchase 20 acres of land at the Baltimore Country Club. Here's an article on the land sale in the Winter edition of the Roland Park News. Written by Mary Page Michel, Chair of the Roland Park Community Foundation, it explains why it's so important the community get involved with fundraising to create a community park for all. 
Behind-the-scenes donations to buy country club land have been robust, Roland Park leaders say

With a $500,000 gift and multiple five-figure contributions, community hopes to buy land it has long coveted along Falls Road for a future park
Preschool, music school among Village of Cross Keys new tenants
Towson-based Caves Valley Partners has signed its first round of leases including Kiddie Calvert, run by the private Calvert School; the Baltimore School of Music; and Monument Sotheby’s International Realty.

Neighborhood Questions, Comments, Messages

If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.

Andy and Lu Parsley, Co-Presidents TCNA
REMINDER: How to Protect Your Home from Frozen Pipes
Let a Thin, Steady Stream Flow!
When temperatures drop below freezing, let a thin stream of cold water run from a basement faucet or from a faucet located on the lowest level of your home.

The stream should be a continuous flow, about the thickness of a pencil lead. This water can be caught in a bucket and used later.
Message from JHU about returning undergraduate students and COVID.
We write with the encouraging news that after a spike in COVID cases among Homewood undergraduates last week, new cases have remained in the low single digits for the last several days, indicating that our containment measures have been successful and allowing us to return to in-person classes and other activities tomorrow
In order to ensure that we can sustain the current low rate of COVID spread within our community, we will not return immediately to all the policies and protocols that were in place before this COVID cluster. The following rules and guidance will be in effect for undergraduates starting 8 a.m. on Thursday February 11, 2011, while we continue to monitor our campus: 
  • 5-Person Limit on All Undergraduate Gatherings. This 5-person limit is a stricter standard than the city requires and will apply to all JHU undergraduates, on and off campus, indoors and outdoors, through the end of February. It includes roommates, housemates, and common areas, and both masks and physical distancing are still required. If circumstances allow, we will further relax this rule in March. 
  • Stay-at-Home Orders Lifted. All remaining stay-at-home orders for undergraduates are lifted as of 8 a.m. on Thursday. Students in isolation or quarantine must continue to follow the instructions of our Health & Wellness staff. 
  • Mandatory 3x/Week COVID Testing. Undergraduates on and off campus are required to test 3x per week (e.g. M-W-F or Tu-Th-Sa) for the foreseeable future. This increased level of testing has been recommended by public health experts to more quickly identify and isolate COVID-positive students and begin contact tracing. 
  • Avoid Indoor Dining. We strongly discourage all students from eating or drinking in restaurants or bars even if allowed by local ordinances. These activities are particularly dangerous from a public health perspective because they place you unmasked in close proximity to others indoors. 
  • Outdoor and Virtual Exercise. The O’Connor Recreation Center will reopen on Feb. 22. Students should exercise outside when possible or join our virtual classes. Using an off-campus gym is acceptable so long as you follow the rules of the facility, stay masked, physically distance, and wash hands frequently. 
More information about our policies and guidelines is available on, including answers to many frequently asked questions, and resources to help maintain your health and wellness during the pandemic are available here

Sunil Kumar 
A neighbor wrote who was concerned about a friend who needed food and asked "Do you have any specific information on availability?"
Here is a link to COVID-19 food resources in Baltimore CIty:

 For more information on the city-wide meal distribution, click here
What's happening with Residential Parking Permits?
permit parking sign
Maryland is still in a State of Emergency due to the pandemic. Resident Parking Permits that expired after March 2020 will be honored until the Governor lifts the Emergency Order.

New residents to our neighborhood may contact Baltimore City Parking Authority to obtain RPP Area 21 permits. Information is available HERE
Why is there a delay with the water bills?
by Council member Odette Ramos, 14th District

Many of you have emailed saying you have not received your water bills. Please note that during the State of Emergency there are no late fees attached to your water bills.

In part the delay is due to the US Postal Service. In addition, the delay is because the Department of Public Works is implementing a program called RouteSmart which will allow for billing cycles to "sync" so that all residents in one area get the bills at relatively the same time. This means that some bills have more days included.

The Department of Public Works is encouraging you to pay your bills online due to these delays. Here is the link to pay online.

In addition, Councilman Conway and I introduced legislation calling for an investigative hearing regarding water billing and the findings of the Office of the Inspector General report. That hearing has not been scheduled yet but when it is, we will let you know so you can participate.
UPDATE: What can be done to solve the problems in mail delivery?

Concerns continue to be received about delays in mail delivery in both 21210 and 21218, houses and condos. Prescriptions take weeks to be delivered. Regular mail is backed up in the main post office and has been delayed getting to our local post offices for weeks.

KEEP CALLING ALL 3 Federal Elected Officials and letting them know about your problems until the problem is fixed.

Contact Tuscany-Canterbury's federal elected officials
(local office contact numbers):
  • Congressman John Sarbanes: (410) 832-889
  • Senator Ben Cardin. (410) 962-4436
  • Senator Chris Van Hollen: (667) 212-4610
Communication from Mayor Scott - January 2021
This 100 Days of Action Tracker emerged from this sense of urgency and from my belief that we're at our best when we set high goals and are accountable to the people we serve. To put our city on a new path, this administration will need to operate with greater urgency, transparency, accountability, and commitment to equity than ever before.

Please use this tool to learn more, ask tough questions, and hold us to our promises. Each week, my team will share updates, so be sure to check in on our progress. Thank you for your engagement in this work.

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
January 2021
Thanks to TCNA board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Address and Sale Price
  • 220 Stony Run Ln #DG. $125,500 
  • 3704 N Charles St #405. $225,000 
  • 4100 N Charles St #1014. $280,000 

Note:  this data represents real estate activity from January 1 to January 31, 2021 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source:  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Events Happening In and Around

Baltimore Museum of Art

Now Through March 7, 2021
Virtual Tour

Across central Africa’s matrilineal belt, the most important artworks were those that depicted the female body. In these 19th and early 20th century communities, group identity and familial responsibility flowed through the maternal line. Artists responded to this reality by sculpting visual markers of motherhood onto a range of objects associated with status and authority. In these societies, mothers not only created life and nurtured families, but also stood at the center of the moral order, ensuring the continuity of entire communities. From monumental headdresses of elderly mothers to sculptures that represent mythic female ancestors, this exhibition brings together nearly 40 objects from public and private collections to demonstrate how artists have represented the power of African mothers and used maternal imagery to signal moral, cultural, and spiritual authority.

The following series sponsored by Johns Hopkins University are free and available to the public. You may access information by clicking
The President’s Reading Series Presents:
Maggie Nelson
February 25th @ 6 p.m. EST. 

Maggie Nelson is the author of ten books of poetry and prose, many of which have become cult classics defying categorization. Her nonfiction titles include the upcoming On Freedom: Four Songs of Care and Constraint (Graywolf Press, 2021); the National Book Critics Circle Award winner and New York Times bestseller The Argonauts (Graywolf Press, 2015); The Art of Cruelty: A Reckoning (Norton, 2011; a New York Times Notable Book of the Year); Bluets (Wave Books, 2009; named by Book forum as one of the top 10 best books of the past 20 years); The Red Parts (reissued by Graywolf, 2016); and Women, the New York School, and Other True Abstractions (U of Iowa Press, 2007). Her poetry titles include Something Bright, Then Holes (Soft Skull Press, 2007) and Jane: A Murder (Soft Skull, 2005; finalist for the PEN/ Martha Albrand Art of the Memoir). In 2016 she was awarded a MacArthur “genius” Fellowship. She has also been the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship in Nonfiction, an NEA in Poetry, an Innovative Literature Fellowship from Creative Capital, and an Arts Writers Fellowship from the Andy Warhol Foundation. Currently she is a Professor of English at USC and lives in Los Angeles.
The Writing Seminars Presents: Hermione Lee
March 3rd @ 6 p.m. EST. 

Hermione Lee was president of Wolfson College (2008-2017) and is Emeritus Professor of English Literature at Oxford University. Her work includes biographies of Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton, and Penelope Fitzgerald (winner of the James Tait Black Prize and one of the New York Times’s 10 Best Books of 2014). She has also written books on Elizabeth Bowen, Philip Roth, and Willa Cather. Lee was awarded the Biographers’ Club Prize for Exceptional Contribution to Biography in 2018. She is a Fellow of the British Academy and the Royal Society of Literature, and a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. In 2003 she was made a CBE, and in 2013 she was made a Dame for services to literary scholarship. photo (c) John Cairns
Chaffee Visiting Writer Claire Messud 
March 9th @ 6 p.m. EST. 

Claire Messud’s five novels include The Emperor’s Children, a New York Times Book of the Year in 2006; The Woman Upstairs (2013); and, most recently, The Burning Girl (2017), a finalist for the LA Times Book Award in Fiction. She is also the author of a book of novellas, The Hunters (2001). Her memoir-in-essays, Kant’s Little Prussian Head & Other Reasons Why I Write was published in October, 2020 by W.W. Norton.
She teaches creative writing at Harvard University. A frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books and the New York Times Book Review, she lives in Cambridge, MA with her family.
Free Family Sundays and Art-To-Go
BMA is closed but Art-to-Go is Great

The popular Free Family Sundays at Home weekly drop-in event is now a do-at-home craft project that is emailed every Friday. More than 100 downloadable Art-To-Go activities for kids are among the educator resources on the BMA’s website. 
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association      
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Officers and Board Members for July 2020 to June 2021

Co-Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Hannah Mazo (Ridgemede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)

Let us know what you like and what you would like to see here.