September 2020 Newsletter
Census Count - Deadline just extended until October 31

November General Election- 3 Options
  • Vote by Mail or Drop off Ballot Locations
  • Early Vote Locations
  • November 3 Voting Locations: First English Church will NOT be a Voting Site)

Crime and Safety Committee
  • Crime Summary TCNA - August - September 2020
  • Safety Suggestions

Coronavirus Updates
  • Useful Websites
  • Testing Sites
  • Activities in Tuscany-Canterbury

Events Committee
  • Fall Picnic and Fall Meeting- Postponed

Calvert School Liaison Committee
  • Arrival and Departure Schedule

Streets and Greens Committee
  • Slow Streets Program -Update
  • Buses
  • New Speed Cameras on Roland Avenue
  • Sewers
  • Overgrown Vegetation

Neighborhood News
  • Baltimore Heritage Five Minute History: Wyman Park
  • Tribute to Jay Chalfant

Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
  • UPDATE: Demolition of Old Carnegie Building
  • UPDATE: Highfield Road Area

Neighborhood Questions and Comments
  • Next Shred Event - October 3
  • Hopkins House Air Conditioner - Update
  • Pet Waste Containers
  • Recycling Locations and Hours
  • Neighborhood Dumpster Days: October 17 and November 28

Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (August)

Neighborhood Restaurant Updates

Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
  • Shred Paper October 3
  • Neighborhood Dumpster: October 17
  • First Friday is Canceled for October and November
  • See Other Events
Fall is beautiful time to walk through Tuscany-Canterbury.

Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer. If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them to
The Census Count is Important!

Deadline to complete is September 30
now October 31

The preliminary injunction issued Thursday(September 24) by U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in the Northern District of California requires the Census Bureau to keep trying to tally the country's residents through Oct. 31.

Call today 844-330-2020 or
visit website to complete census.
Baltimore needs every person in Tuscany Canterbury to be counted, and the City needs every dollar: the Census determines federal dollars, congressional representation, and so much more. For each person uncounted, Baltimore loses $18,000 in federal resources over the next ten years.
November Election
The upcoming election is one of the most important of our lifetime, and there are important changes that you need to know. There are three different ways that you can vote. Choose the best for you.
Option 1: Vote by Mail
YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE A BALLOT AUTOMATICALLY IN THE MAILas we all did for the June primary election. You must request a mail-in (absentee) ballet. If you have not requested one, do it on-line immediately.

  • Ballots will be sent to people requesting them starting September 24.

  • Complete the ballot - you must sign the outside envelope.

  • Mail ballots as soon as possible with the envelope that is included (no stamp needed)
  • Take your ballot in the signed envelope and put in a secure Door Box

This location will be available for use by September 28–30 until November 3:
  • Baltimore Museum of Art 10 Museum Drive 21218

These locations will be available for use by October 15–17 until November 3:
  • Hampden Elementary School 55 3608 Chestnut Avenue 21211
  • Western High School 407 4600 Falls Road 21209 

How do I know if my ballot request was received and processed?

Visit the voter look-up website to verify if your local board of elections received your request for a ballot and the status of your mail-in ballot. Link to the Voter Lookup Tool
Option 2: Vote in person at an Early Voting Site
Available October 26 through November 2, 7AM - 8 PM
Please note: The League for People With Disabilities IS NOT an election site this year.

  • Morgan State University, Hurt Gymnasium, 1700 E. Coldspring Lane
  • Cross Country Elementary/Middle School, 6900 Park Heights Avenue

Option 3: Vote in person on Election Day
November 3, 7AM - 8PM

NEAREST VOTING SITES to Tuscany Canterbury:
  • Academy of College and Exploration, 1300 W. 36th St.
  • Barclay Elementary School, 2900 Barclay St.
  • Western High School, 4600 Falls Road

You may vote at any polling location location in Baltimore City.
List of all the sites in Baltimore
TCNA Crime and Safety Committee
Paul and Maria Gallo, co-chairs
Tuscany-Canterbury is one of the safest neighborhoods in Baltimore.
Neighborhood map
Again the crime statistics are extremely low for the 4000 residents who live in Tuscany-Canterbury. The burglary was a detached garage that was broken into into.
Safety Suggestions: Northern District Police

Coronavirus Information

Flu Shot & Pneumonia Vaccine

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the CDC is recommending everyone over the age of 6 months to get a flu shot this year beginning now. Flu shots are available at some doctor's offices, at places of occupation and at pharmacies.

For those with certain medical conditions or anyone over 65, the CDC is also recommending a pneumonia vaccineClick here for more information about pneumonia vaccine.
Useful Health Resources


Still Good Reference Sites:

Where to get COVID-19 Test:
  • This link has a list of testing sites across the City, with details as to which need a referral, and which are walk-up.
Special things are happening in Tuscany-Canterbury during the pandemic.

The latest concert was by the Todd Simon Trio, with host artist John Wessner. They performed a repertoire covering classic songs, some pop tunes, and mostly bebop and later jazz classics. All three concerts so far are still available on the YouTube channel "Baltimore History: University Homes"
Events Committee
Ann Christopher, Chairperson
Rosalyn Mansouri, First Friday Coordinator
Fall Picnic and Community Meeting Postponed until Spring
At the September TCNA board meeting it was decided to postpone the Fall neighborhood picnic based on input from the community. Since there are no urgent issues for the neighborhood to discuss, it was decided to wait until the spring to have a general meeting.
Calvert School
Julia Martin Frazier, Chair of Liaison Committee
Calvert school has completed the third week of in-person learning, and efforts are proving to be successful, thus far. With no reported cases of COVID-19, students and faculty are happy to be back together again, staying masked, distanced, and safe. The carpool line has had its ups and downs, and as usually happens at the start of the year, there have been some long lines and blocked roadways.

As the Calvert Liaison, I continue to be in communication with the Head of School and Director of Facilities to make sure things run as smoothly as possible. Please take a look at the drop off and pick up times included in this newsletter, and try to plan accordingly. The school has sent out various reminders and requests for families to adhere to the staggered carpool times, and also to follow the rules of staying in the carpool line; refraining from blocking roadways, and remaining respectful to Tuscany Canterbury residents. 

At the Lower School, After School Care is still available this year, with some students being picked up between 4:30-6, but there are no Lower School Clubs taking place, until further notice. Middle School Athletics and Homework Center are taking place Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, until 4:30.

Please know that I welcome your feedback, suggestions, and yes, occasional frustrations. I do keep a log of neighborhood communications, and present them to the school administration in our Liaison Meetings, and sooner, if needed. I encourage you to email me with information I can present to and discuss with the school. I find that this mode of relaying frustration is constructive, and promotes better adherence to the covenants that keep residents and students safe. My email is Thanks, see you around the neighborhood! Julia
Streets and Greens Committee
Rose Weeks, Chairperson
Greens Subcommittee: Bonnie Boland, Chair

Priorities for enhancing safety, environmental friendliness, and livability 

New Speed Cameras coming to Roland Avenue
Two new speed cameras have been approved for installation in the vicinity of St David's School (4700 Roland Avenue). These crosswalks are used by students crossing to get to St. David's, Poly and Western. This should help to make the north and south ends of Roland Avenue safer for students and their families.

Baltimore City Slow Streets Program

At the September meeting, the Board of Tuscany-Canterbury approved the to request to sub mit an applicationto be considered as part of the City Slow Streets Program for Linkwood Road between University Parkway and Tuscany Road.
The sign above shows what a Slow Street sign looks like on Hawthorne Road off of Coldspring Lane in Roland Park. Phase 1 and Phase 2 streets have already been approved by the City. This request would request Linkwood Road to be considered for Phase 3.

The purpose of Slow Streets is to reduce the traffic and speed on neighborhood streets.
  • It will not prohibit traffic on Linkwood. There would be no changes for residents to enter or leave the neighborhood.
  • The signs would just slow the traffic that goes through the neighborhood.
  • The City plan for Slow Streets is temporary during the Pandemic period only.
  • A limited number of blocks in the City will be considered and qualify to be part of the Slow Streets Phase 3 program.
Street Gutters

As we enter the Fall season, please remember that homeowners, condos, and apartments are responsible for the street gutters in front of their property. Please keep these gutters clear of leaves and debris to help mitigate flooding.

MARC Train and Public Transit Service Cut in Baltimore City

At the September board meeting, the TCNA Board took a position to oppose the cuts in public transit service to Baltimore City because public transit is important to Tuscany-Canterbury (30% of households do not have access to a car) and critical to the viability of Baltimore.

Facing a major revenue shortfall due to the impacts of COVID-19, and in an attempt to preserve a basic level of service in its core service area, MTA has proposed a 20 percent service cut system-wide, to take effect January 3, 2021.1 

The cuts would eliminate the following routes serving Tuscany-Canterbury:

  • LocalLink 51, which runs along the Charles Street corridor, connecting Tuscany-Canterbury to downtown Baltimore, Penn Station, the Loyola and Notre-Dame campuses, GBMC, Towson University, and downtown Towson.
  • LocalLink 95, which runs along Charles Street (and Maryland Avenue, southbound), University Parkway, 41st St, and Roland Avenue. LocalLink 95 connects Tuscany-Canterbury to downtown Baltimore, Penn Station, and Roland Park, including the numerous public and private schools along Roland Avenue.

In addition, while the CityLink Silver (stopping at Charles and University) and LocalLink 22 (running along University) would not be eliminated, modifications to the route of the CityLink Silver may impact headways and reliability of service on that route. CityLink Silver service will continue, with 1-2 scheduled departures per hour from Charles Street and University Parkway for southbound trips toward downtown Baltimore. (Additional CityLink Silver frequencies and Charm City Circulator Service are available from the southbound bus stop on St. Paul Street at 32nd Street, a 15-minute walk south).

What Tuscany-Canterbury Residents Can Do
  • Submit public comment directly to the MTA: The MTA has scheduled 10 virtual public hearings between October 5 and October 16, 2020. In addition, the MTA is accepting written testimony through November 15, 2020. Details are available at

  • Hold the State of Maryland accountable for its failure to adequately fund Baltimore’s transit system. MTA derives 97 percent of its funding from in-state sources. (Funding from the Federal CARES Act helped the MTA sustain operations through the end of September 2020, but another round of stopgap funding from Washington is highly unlikely.) The State of Maryland has the ultimate responsibility for funding the MTA’s operations, yet its priorities lie elsewhere. While the MTA faces a 20 percent service cut, Maryland has committed to continue funding its share of the Washington Metro, allowing Metro to restore service to near-pre-COVID levels. The state also has maintained its commitment to fund its share of construction, operations, and maintenance of the Purple Line in Prince Georges and Montgomery counties.

  • Contact your State Representatives and Governor. The General Assembly chose not to take action on significant transit funding and governance bills in the truncated 2020 session, and they have been unwilling to convene a special session since then to address transit funding (alongside health care, housing, education, and other issues under state control). Our elected representatives from Baltimore need our support and encouragement to convince other members of the General Assembly’s Democratic caucus to join them in voting in support of the MTA.

  • Ask the City of Baltimore to Take Action to Mitigate the MTA Service Cuts: 

  • The City of Baltimore could play a role in mitigating the MTA’s service cuts in a variety of ways. The City could:

  • Improve the speed and reliability of CityLink Silver and the Charm City Circulator Purple Route by extending the hours of operation on the bus priority lane on Charles Street through Mount Vernon, extending the lane to the north and south, implementing a similar bus priority lane on southbound St. Paul Street, and implementing technology solutions like transit signal priority to speed buses through congested intersections.
  • Expand the northern terminus of the Charm City Circulator Purple Route to Charles and University, expand frequency, and improve reliability by holding the operator (a private contractor) accountable to higher level of service standards.
  • Give people other safe, affordable options to travel around the city by extending the two-way Maryland Avenue cycle track north to connect to the University Parkway/Roland Avenue bike lanes and the Stony Run Trail. The cycle track can also accommodate scooters, which are increasingly popular but less safe for riders on sidewalks or rough, poorly paved streets alongside vehicular traffic. 
Time to Trim Back Vegetation
If your property has vegetation that is encroaching on public walkways such as sidewalks and alleys, please take time to trim it back to make it safer for everyone.

Construction on Highfield Road
In case you saw the construction by the Highfield House on Highfield Road and are wondering what the work along the side of the building is --- it's Verizon. Apparently they are still working on the 5G network. They are laying conduit pipe underground to a pole at the corner of the building next to the drive to their garage.
JHU demolition project at the
Old Carnegie Building
115 W. University Parkway (St. Martin's Drive and University Pkwy)
January 2020
September 2020
Update September 2020: The work is nearly finished. The site will be graded, landscaped, and cleaned, and a fence will be installed around the recycling operation. The project will be completed around the end of September. At the present time there are no plans for the site.

Questions or concerns, contact Mike Loester
443-997-4457 or
Neighborhood News
Tuscany-Canterbury has many awesome neighbors who do creative and significant things and interesting places to see. We will begin to feature some of these in the TCNA newsletter. If you have someone or something that you would like to be included please let us know.

Picturesque Wyman Park

Five Minute History Video by Baltimore Heritage Foundation
Baltimore Heritage records "Five Minute Histories" about famous and interesting places in Baltimore. Wyman Park is just south of University Parkway between the Stony Run and Tudor Arms. An easy way to reach the park is to walk over the large bridge at Linkwood Road and Stoney Ford and that will lead you under University Parkway and into Wyman Park.

TCNA says farewell to neighbor-

Frederica "Jay" Chalfant
a resident of Cloverhill Road for 56 years
Thank you to Mary Pat Clarke for this personal tribute to Jay.
Some people become essential to the environment of a neighborhood. A prominent example here has been Frederica “Jay” Chalfant, recently passed, who lived generously and joyfully on Cloverhill Road with her family for 56 years and came to be part of who we are.

I met Jay on our moving-in morning of May 1967. As I sat on our steps, two-week old Erin in my arms and 2-year-old John toddling around, Jay walked down the street with her boys, Fred and Brett. She welcomed us, typically asked if I needed anything (a quart of milk, please!), and invited John up to play. Jay ever after claimed that, when we met, I traded my first-born for a quart of milk! 

Yes, Jay was fun and funny. Along with gregarious and giving. She may be best remembered for her walks with generations of beloved dogs, during which she stopped to talk with neighbors, absorbing all the goings-on and helping whenever needed.

Jay served in the Navy in the 1950’s, including a tour in the White House, earned a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts at the College of Notre Dame, and worked for years with the Family & Children’s Society, visiting and serving the elderly. In the past 35 years, she worked with H&R Block as a tax preparer every tax season, until her 80th birthday. A longtime volunteer for Meals on Wheels, Jay also served as treasurer and dedicated congregant of Faith Presbyterian Church. She was also our Election Judge every year at First English Lutheran, checking us into “12-1.” 

For all her achievements, however, and from our Cloverhill perspective, “our Jay” is best remembered as the mom and neighbor her son Fred recalls so lovingly in these words: “Everyone relied on mom in the neighborhood. She would look in on her older neighbors. As kids, our house was the primary first aid station. She fostered and nurtured countless people when they were in need. A number of people would stay on the third floor while they started their careers or got on their feet.”

May Jay rest in the joy she brought so many of us.
Neighborhood Questions and Comments

If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or
issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.

Andy and Lu Parsley, Co-Presidents TCNA
Recycling Drop Off Update:
Effective September 14 until November 1

Nearest locations: NEW HOURS
Mergenthaler (“Mervo”) High School’s parking lot, 3500 block of Tivoly.
  • Mon, Wed, Fri, 8AM - 6PM
  • Tues, Thurs, 7AM-6PM

840 Sisson Street
  • Monday – Saturday, 9AM -7:00 p.m.

When is the next Shred event in the City?

October 3. See flyer below - 2 bags per person
When are the next Neighborhood Dumpster Dates?

October 17 & November 28
Saturday, October 17 at Tuscany and Linkwood:
Dumpster will be delivered around 9 and will stay for 4 hours.

The neighborhood has also been able to secure another date for a dumpster on Saturday, November 28 due to the high demand. The location will be at Tuscany and Canterbury
Hopkins House:
Air Conditioning Unit
Noise Issue
UPDATE: At the request of TCNA and the Tuscany-Lombardy Coop, a City inspector visited the location and took noise readings. The location is not in violation of the noise code at this time. 
Pet Waste
Pet waste has been an issue for a number of years in the neighborhood.

A very special thank you to the Ridgemede and Ridgewood Condos who have installed pet waste containers for their residents.

If your condo or apartment building has such a container, please let us know.
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
August 2020
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.

Address and Sale Price
  • 221 Ridgemede Rd #102 $57,500 
  • 4100 N Charles St #9118 $170,000 
  • 4000 N Charles St #1209 $170,151 
  • 3801 Canterbury Rd #705 $200,000 
  • 3704 N Charles St #703 $615,000 
Note:  This data represents real estate activity from August 1 to August 30, 2020 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood.  The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.   
Source;  This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates

Support Our Neighborhood Restaurants
Since changes are happening,
please check website or call
for times and options available

Thanks to Ann Bond who updates restaurant information monthly.
1 443 449 6200
Enjoy a meal in our newly renovated open concept American bistro. 

Boutique Bistro--Classic American Collections
Full Bar

Visit website or call for more information on hours, specials, ordering, reservations, events
Authentic Indian restaurant menu, including Rice Specialties, Tandoori Entrees, Seafood Entrees, Chicken & Vegetable Specialties and much more

Visit website or call for more information on hours, specials, ordering, reservations, events


Authentic Cypriot Greek Food
Full Bar

Visit website or call for more information on hours, specials, ordering, reservations, events
Visit website or call for more information on hours, specials, ordering, etc.
410 366-6603

10% Off In-Store Purchases for TCNA Members (Except for Tobacco Products)

Liquor Sold on Sundays
Prepared Foods, Grocery and Household Items, Packaged Wine, Beer, Liquor 

On-Line Ordering for Pick up
FREE Delivery

Events Happening In and Around

Community Concerts at Second
September 27 3:00 Preconcert. 4:00 Concert
Virtual Tribute to Leon Fleisher
Visit the website for more information

You are invited to join us Sunday, September 27th, to watch pianist Brian Ganz’s online “Tribute to Leon Fleisher.” This is the opening “virtual” event in the 2020-2021 season for “Community Concerts at Second,” and it will premiere on YouTube and A440 (a new online concert venue).  Now in its 33rd season, Community Concerts at Second remains committed to providing music for all in Baltimore and beyond and at no cost to attend. It has stood as a valuable asset to Tuscany Canterbury neighborhood by providing free concerts
held at the Second Presbyterian Church at 4200 St. Paul St.

The September 27th concert promises to be a very special performance. Mr. Ganz is one of Leon Fleisher's most acclaimed students and is one of the leading pianists of his generation. For this program, Mr. Ganz has chosen works inspired either directly or indirectly by Mr. Fleisher, such as arrangements of Bach’s “Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring” and “Sheep May Safely Graze,” as well as three stand-alone Mozart works and selections from the works of Chopin.

A pre-concert talk starts at 3:00 pm, when Mr. Ganz will be in conversation with Ms. Marian Hahn, also a former student of Mr. Fleisher’s and a Peabody Conservatory faculty member. They will tell stories about their time working with Mr. Fleisher and the immense influence he had on their careers and the music world. Mr. Ganz’s program will follow at 3:30 pm.

Community Concerts at Second in Baltimore is pleased that audiences will be able to enjoy the virtual events for 30 days after they are first streamed. Please visit the website – – for more information.

 Please join us on September 27th and during this season, and thank you for your interest in Community Concerts at Second.

Bonnie Boland
TCNA Board Member
Every Monday. 4-5PM
39th and Charles

Speak Up, Make A Difference on Mondays. Tuscany-Canterbury neighbor, Salli Ward will be on the corners of Charles St & 39th on Monday, 9/28 and every Monday, 4-5pm with her sign, mask and socially distant.

SPEAK UP ON ISSUES YOU CARE ABOUT! Invite your friends to be a part of making a difference in our neighborhood, our city, our state, our county!
Baltimore Museum of Art
Reopening September 16
The Baltimore Museum of Art's phased reopening began on Wednesday, September 16 with timed-entry passes now available. Limited daily walk-in tickets will also be available on site. The African, Asian, and European art galleries, and Antioch Court will be open every Wednesday through Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
October 2 and 3, 9:00-5:00
Last Household Hazardous Waste Drop Off until Spring

2840 Sisson Street
Wear a face mask and stay inside your car.
Household hazardous waste includes materials such as household cleaning products, bleach, ammonia, batteries, solvents, oil-based paint, etc. Latex paint is not considered hazardous and should be dried out and disposed of with your regular trash, or donated. A full list of materials that are acceptable/unacceptable can be found on the Department of Public Works website.
Theatre Opportunity
Pre-K to 8th Grade Students
September 28- October 22

Single Carrot Theatre is holding an outdoor and virtual learning series for young artists this fall! The series will be held at St. John's on the Green at 30th & Greenmount. Students will learn performance skills and storytelling approaches from professional theatre artists as they create and collaborate as a (socially-distanced!) ensemble. The Theatre Garden series is open for students Pre-K through 8th grade and runs September 28 - October 22. For more information on the program go to
SNF Agora Conversations: Election 2020

Fridays at noon, October 2– October 30

During the six weeks leading up to the U.S. presidential election, SNF Agora Institute faculty and fellows are leading SNF Agora Conversations: Election 2020, a series of webcast conversations that will consider the specific current threats to American democracy.

Join us on Friday, September 25 at noon for the first conversation: "Four Threats to American Democracy."Suzanne Mettler and Robert C. Lieberman will discuss their new book, Four Threats: The Recurring Crises of American Democracy, which identifies four characteristics of democratic disruption: political polarization, racism and nativism, economic inequality, and excessive executive power. We’ve survived these threats in the past—but never all at once. What lessons can past crises teach us about navigating a path forward?

Upcoming SNF Agora Conversations:

  • October 2: Trump vs. Biden vs. Media and Manipulation
  • October 9: Populism’s Second Term
  • October 16: Securing the Vote
  • October 23: Young People and the 2020 Election
  • October 30: Polarization, Race, and Life Beyond the Election
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association      
Tuscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Officers and Board Members for July 2020 to June 2021

Co-Presidents: Andrew and Luciene Parsley  (Tuscany Road)
Vice President: Garth Thompson  (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents: Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Treasurer: Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Secretary: Alison Moliterno   (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members:
  • Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
  • Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
  • Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
  • Paul and Maria Gallo  (Tuscany Court) 
  • Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
  • Hannah Mazo (Ridgemede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
  • Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
  • Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road
  • Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street) 
  • Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
  • Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)