This week’s Constant Contact email newsletter
is brought to you by the following sponsors:
We are pleased to recognize these individuals who have made a positive impact in the community since turning age 60.

Silver Stars is presented by Capital Health Plan,
other generous sponsors, and the TSC Foundation.
“A true healer is not the one with magical powers, but the one who does everything in their power to help those in need." - Abhijit Naskar

Thank you to our many volunteers
for everything you do!
Come on out and Line Dance for fun! An energetic class of
beginner and intermediate level dances, led by Bob Arnold.

Line Dance
Tuesdays at 7 pm

All ages are welcome 
Bring your friends -- make new ones!
Join virtually via Zoom
or attend in person:
at the Dr. B.L. Perry, Jr. Branch Library, 2817 S. Adams Street

Paul Malley, president of Aging with Dignity, and elder law attorney Kandace E. Rudd will discuss advance directives for medical care and wills for distribution of personal property. Paul Malley will guide attendees through the Five Wishes document, which helps adults consider and document how they want to be cared for at the end of life. Kandace E. Rudd will then discuss different types of wills and how wills can be prepared. Attendees will receive a free copy of Five Wishes.

Dying is an unavoidable part of human life, yet many of us find it awkward or uncomfortable to talk about. Each week of this six-part series features compassionate professionals who will speak about different aspects of death and dying. Attendees will engage in meaningful conversations about a journey we will all one day make.

Enjoy the art of painting outdoors, on the grounds of Goodwood Museum and Gardens.

with Leslie Cohen

You will build an armature,
paper mâché your creature,
then paint your prized pet!

with Barbara Balzer

In this beginners class, you will learn to sculpt
a classic head out of a simple cube of clay.

Contact Heath Hilary McRae, Art Program Coordinator:
email phone 850-891-4016 
Registration: email phone 850-891-4045

Learn about the history, planning, and engineering of Tallahassee’s Capital Cascades Corridor. This casual 5-mile bike ride will explore Tallahassee’s Capital Cascades Trail between Historic Smokey Hollow and Lake Elberta, guided by Tallahassee-Leon County Planning Department Staff.

Fee $5. Bring your bike, helmet, water, a snack, and a curious mind!

Stan Rosenthal, UF/IFAS Extension Forestry Agent Emeritus, will discuss what we should know about the trees in our yard so that we can be prepared for hurricane season & reduce the likelihood of a bad tree outcome.
Hybrid class (in-person/TSC Activity Room + on Zoom) 
Contact Maureen Haberfeld, Lifelong Learning & L3X Coordinator:
email phone 850-891-4033

Learn how and why fires start, and how to respond if they do. Plus consumer-friendly safety tips to keep you, your family, and your neighbors safe from fire and related hazards. 

Fitness Classes are offered at the Senior Center and our neighborhood community centers: from Life ExerciseMindful Movement and Brain-Body-Balance to Yoga and Ageless Grace.

You can also watch pre-recorded classes on-line, at any time, from the comfort of your home.
For information about Health, Wellness & Fitness Programs
View our on-line Health & Wellness Calendar
Contact Ruth Nickens, RN, Health + Wellness Coordinator:
email phone 850-891-4042
Over 45 Resource Cards Available!
From Housing and Transportation to Counseling and Affordable Health Care to Food and Utility assistance...and more!

Our calendar of classes and events is just a click away!
Through, you can choose the Tallahassee Senior Citizens Foundation, Inc. as your charity of choice, and every time you shop, 0.5% of your AmazonSmile purchase will be donated - at no additional cost to you!
Click here for more ways to support the Senior Center

Donations can be mailed to:
TSC Foundation, 1400 N. Monroe St., Tallahassee, FL, 32303

The TSC Foundation generates funding to support programs,
services and participants of Tallahassee Senior Services.
Donations and membership are tax deductible.
The mission of Tallahassee Senior Services is to offer programs, activities, and opportunities designed to encourage active living, optimal aging, and social fitness for independent adults age 50+.
Updated COVID Protocols as of April 8, 2022

The Tallahassee Senior Center remains focused on the health and safety of our participants, volunteers, and staff. Participants may continue to wear a mask if they prefer, but not required to wear a mask at the TSC or our neighborhood program sites.

In order to promote a safe environment, please follow the guidelines below while participating at the Tallahassee Senior Center, its satellite program sites, or an offsite activity.
Please do not attend classes, activities, or events if you have:
*Tested Positive for COVID-19
*Known exposure to someone with COVID-19, or
*Any of the following symptoms: fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, or diarrhea. 

If you have one or more of the above, click on the link below to determine when it is safe for you to return to our programs. 

Thank you for following these guidelines in the best interest of trying to keep everyone as safe as possible and maintain a healthy environment at the TSC and our program sites.

Take care & stay safe,
Sheila Salyer
Senior Services Manager/Executive Director