Indecision, Initiative and the Gallbladder

Chest pains, headaches, dizziness, indecision and anxiety… Who doesn’t complain of one or more of these issues? Do you know someone who lives with all of these complaints? Often, when confronted with these symptoms, people make an appointment with an MD to figure out the cause, only to be continually frustrated when there is no solution. When conventional medicine isn’t helping, and you are sick, frustrated and finding no relief, it's time for acupuncture. Traditional Chinese Medicine has a deeper and more direct way to diagnose and treat these issues as they are all signs of an underlying gallbladder weakness.

Read more about the gallbladder, emotions and your health in our latest blog.
You're Invited!
Join me at Wellness Accelerated for a discussion on the history and application of acupuncture in health and wellness. I’ll be presenting Friday, May 19th, at 2pm during the Open House at their new space in Jacksonville. This event is open to the public and free of charge! Please RSVP to Jill at 904-503-2137. All guests will receive complimentary massage, acupuncture, facials, and BioEnergetic Testing. We hope to see you there!
To Magic
The magic is this: in spring, to watch the young grass peeping out between the stones; in summer, to lift an eye at the lazy clouds; in autumn, to follow the leaves that dance in the wind; in winter, to wake and find the tracks of the birds in the snow. To rise at dawn and go to sleep at sunset; to eat rice three times a day; to talk of buying and selling with one’s neighbors; to chew the seeds of the watermelon and to plait straw ropes around the toes.

This zen saying is so wonderful and so simple. We get so wrapped up in our busy lives, the time goes by so fast, and suddenly we realize we have missed the good stuff—watching nature year after year, flow from season to season. Maybe all of us should take some time this year and lay on our backs, no phones, no music, just watch the clouds roll by and make shapes like we did when we were kids. Then plait the straw around your toes and laugh!
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