TCNA Summer 2020 Newsletter
In this Issue
Cypriana: Outdoor Dining on Median Strip
Updated Residential Permit Parking Information
Updated Information Historic Tax Credit
Coronavirus Information
Crime and Safety Committee
- Johns Hopkins University
- Summer Safety Tips
Streets and Greens Committee
- University Parkway
- Carpenter Volunteer Needed
- Community Gardens
Construction & Improvements Around the Neighborhood
- UPDATE: Demolition of old Carnegie Building
- UPDATE: Highfield House Construction
Neighborhood Questions and Comments
- Trees in Tuscany Woods
- Hopkins House - Noise from Air Conditioning Units
- Curbside Recycling
- Bulk Trash Removal
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos (May and June)
Neighborhood Restaurant Updates
TCNA Yearly Co-Presidents' Report
Events In and Around Tuscany Canterbury
- See other events at end of E-newsletter
It's a beautiful time to walk through Tuscany-Canterbury.
Thanks to John Robinson, our neighborhood photographer. If you have pictures that you would like to share, please send them to
Outdoor Dining on Median Strip
Update on Cypriana
Cypriana opened for its first night of operations on the 39th Street Median on Friday, June 26th. Neighbors and patrons enjoyed al fresco dining in the warm evening air. Cypriana is still staffing up and preparing for outdoor operations but plans to offer outdoor dining on the median going forward, until the COVID emergency restrictions are lifted and restaurants are once again permitted to operate indoor dining at 100% of capacity. Cypriana employs 45 staff, most of whom have been laid off during the pandemic
Background and TCNA Neighborhood Meeting
As we all know, the fallout from the Corona virus lockdown has hit restaurant and bar owners especially hard. Outdoor dining is now permitted in the City, and recently so is limited indoor dining. But many restaurants are still struggling to keep from going under.
The owners of Cypriana, located at 105 West 39th Street, have been granted a permit for outdoor dining on the 39th Street median strip between University Parkway and the traffic circle.
Neighbors value having such a fine eating place within walking distance and recognize the tough times restaurants in the City are having. There is strong support in the neighborhood to help Cypriana remain a successful and viable restaurant.
Understandably, residents on either side of 39
Street are concerned about the possibility of noise late into the night, the safety of serving staff crossing a busy street and loss of green space in the neighborhood.
Trying to balance the concerns of all caused a lively discussion at the June 17 TCNA Zoom Membership meeting. It was decided to ask the City to require Cypriana to close down everything and finish clean up by 10 pm on weeknights and 11 pm on weekends on the median strip.
Councilwoman Clarke and TCNA Co- President, Andy Parsley approached the City permit folks and requested time and occupancy to be include in the permit.
Baltimore City Permit Issues
TCNA will continue to reach out to Cypriana ownership to help resolve issues that may arise. This is a temporary order and will expire when the State of Emergency is declared over or by Executive Order.
- Weekdays close down and everything finished by 10 pm
- Friday and Saturday close down and clean up by 11
- All tables and chairs must be taken inside or locked up at closing time
- Seating will be for a maximum of 100 with 6 ft social distancing
- Patrons must be seated and served by wait staff
- No live or amplified music
- Parking will be restricted 75 feet from the parking/alley entrance and west of the restaurant
- Traffic lane can be narrowed to 10 feet in front of restaurant
The owners of the Broadview Apartments have agreed
to support the Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association with their modifications to the permit. The Broadview has advised City officials that they would repair any damage done to the median grass in accordance with their obligations under the MOU to maintain the median strip.
If you have any concerns about Cypriana's operations:
- Contact Yassos Yiannouris (call 410 627 3400 or email; he has agreed to work on any issues that may arise.
- Let the Co-Presidents of TCNA know any concerns.
A very special THANK YOU to Councilmember Mary Pat Clarke for all of her help working with the Permit Office, the owners of Cypriana and the Broadview, and the Tuscany-Canterbury Association to resolve this issue.
Historic Revitalization Tax Credit
Passes Into Law for Condos and Co-ops
HB 759
HISTORIC REVITALIZATION TAX CREDIT – EXPANSION –REHABILITATIONS OF COMMON ELEMENTS OF CONDOMINIUMS, sponsored by Delegates Maggie McIntosh, Curt Anderson and Regina Boyce passed both Houses in the Maryland General Assembly and
passed into law without the Governor’s signature on May 7, 2020.
Description of the bill:
Altering the definition of "small commercial project" under the historic revitalization tax credit program to include rehabilitations of structures that are
condominiums and cooperative projects
if the rehabilitations target only common elements of the condominiums or cooperative projects; requiring the Director of the Maryland Historical Trust, in consultation with the Smart Growth Subcabinet, to adopt regulations establishing application procedures for governing bodies of condominiums; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2019.
For a copy of the bill, click
Residential Permit Parking
Don't need to do anything at this time.
Due to the current health emergency, residential permit holders in Tuscany Canterbury Neighborhood Association do not need to renew their permits. The Parking Authority of Baltimore City office is not renewing any residential permits until further notice. We will keep you informed. In the meantime, feel free to go to the Parking Authority’s website (
) for updates.
Special things are happening in Tuscany-Canterbury during May and June during the Pandemic . Let us know what you and your neighbors are doing.
Trout fishing in Stony Run with social distancing
Creating art sculptures in Stony Run
Listening to jazz from sidewalks and front lawns on Tuscany Road
TCNA Crime and Safety Committee
Paul and Maria Gallo, co-chairs
Johns Hopkins will pause for at least the next two years the implementation of the Johns Hopkins Police Department
Ronald J. Daniels
Paul B. Rothman
Kevin W. Sower
Dear Faculty, Students, Staff, and Neighbors of Johns Hopkins:
As hundreds of thousands rise in protest here and across the nation, we share the continued anguish and anger at the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police, and the unjust loss of so many other Black lives, in the long and grotesque history of structural racism that has shaped this nation and its institutions.
This moment of national reckoning implicates all areas of our lives and the work we do together as a learned community. We recognize the ways in which systemic racism impacts unfairly our Black and Brown colleagues, neighbors, students, and staff. We know we must do more as an institution and as individuals to fully realize Johns Hopkins’ core commitment to justice, equity, and inclusion, and we are grateful for the many difficult and important conversations that are happening now and that will guide our efforts to listen, to support, and to act.
Today, we want to speak to the renewed questions and broad concerns about policing in America and the calls to reconsider our decision to create a university police department at Johns Hopkins.
Summer tips to continue to keep our neighborhood the safest in the City.
f you’re going away, let a trusted neighbor know. Ask them to keep an eye on your home, condo, or apartment when you’re not home.
Don't leave anything visible in your car. Lock car doors.
Don’t leave doors & windows unlocked when you’re not home.
Streets and Greens Committee
Rose Weeks, Chairperson
Greens Subcommittee
: Bonnie Boland, Chai
Priorities for enhancing safety, environmental friendliness, and livability
Modifications to University Parkway to Improve Pedestrian Safety at Tudor Arms
The Streets and Greens Committee, ably led by Rose Weeks, is excited to share its success getting the City to implement some needed changes to the intersections at W. University Parkway and Tudor Arms, and also heading east along W. University to San Martin Drive and W. 39th Street. The Streets and Greens Committee worked with the Wyman Park Neighborhood Association, Councilwoman Mary Pat Clarke, and the City Transportation Department to advocate for these changes, which are already beginning to slow traffic and improve safety at the pedestrian crossings. Up next: the City will be adding flexible posts where the bike lane meets the roadway to protect bikers and improve safety. These improvements are the result of nearly three years of work by the Streets and Greens committee, in conjunction with others. On to additional victories!
The Department of Transportation completed most of its streetscaping work to improve pedestrian safety along University Parkway between 39th street and Tudor Arms. The DOT also striped high-visibility "continental" crosswalks with flex posts at key points at the intersection of 39th street and University as well as the pedestrian crossing at Tudor Arms, in front of the Carlyle. The addition of a bicycle lane in each direction for this segment of University Parkway is intended to slow vehicular traffic and make crossing at Tudor Arms safer. Incidentally, walkers and runners are using the bike lane to "social distance" from others on foot, especially when crossing the bridge over Stony Run where the sidewalk is perilously narrow, even in pre-COVID times.
Please let the Streets & Greens group know what you think of the enhancements!
All the Spring weeding and mulching have been completed in the TCNA public garden areas.
- Garden located on 39th St at Canterbury (shown in picture above)
- Oval Garden at Tuscany and Ridgemede
- Triangle Garden on Ridgemede
- Garden at the base of the large bridge over Stony Run Creek
Volunteers who would like to weed gardens or portions of gardens to help keep our garden maintenance costs down, please contact
Bonnie Boland
Face mask warning signs were installed along the Stony Run path and at that both bridges.
Volunteer Help Wanted
to help with repair of bench near Stony Run. Please email
Anne Perkins
if you can help.
Highfield House Condominium Construction
Work is starting and will last until beginning of 2021.
: The Highfield House is undertaking complete restoration of the concrete plaza that runs underneath and behind the building. The work is necessary because the 55-year old flat concrete plaza is in poor shape and is allowing water to infiltrate the structural slab below the surface topping, which threatens the roof of the garage and some occupied spaces below.
JHU demolition project at the
Old Carnegie Building
June 2020:
inal permit to take down the structure of the building has been issued by the City. At this point, it appears that the demolition we will restart the first week of July. The project, including the final grading and landscaping should be completed by September.
Questions or concerns, contact Mike Loester
If you have a neighborhood question, comment, or issue that you cannot resolve (by calling 311 or checking the TCNA website), please email
and we will try to answer your question or help resolve the issue.
Why are the trees being cut down in the Tuscany Woods?
Dead trees in Tuscany Woods near Tuscany Court
Last week at the request of Tuscany Court neighbors, Calvert School removed several huge trees and pruned branches overhanging the alley that borders the rear of the Tuscany Court homes. The trees and branches were dead and all agreed they constituted a hazard for the homeowners. The huge crane with men dangling from ropes kept curious Court kids mesmerized for hours.
What can be done about the loud noise that is coming from the Hopkins House airconditioning unit? It is very loud and can be heard a block away.
TCNA contacted the manager of the Hopkins House and some work has been done on the unit to make it quieter. However, it is still loud. We are addressing the continued noise with the owner of the building.
hen will curbside recycling resume?
City Bureau of Solid Waste Routine Services to Resume Department of Public Works Acting Director, Matthew W. Garbark announced that the Bureau of Solid Waste will resume the majority of its services beginning on
Monday, June 29.
This includes recycling and trash collection, alley cleaning, cleaning and mowing, boarding, rat abatement, and other services.
However, graffiti removal,
bulk trash collection
, and citywide mechanical street sweeping are
still suspended
for the time being.
Residents’ normally scheduled curbside collection days for trash and recycling remain the same.
Sale Prices of Homes & Condos
May & June 2020
Thanks to board member and realtor, Julia Frazier, who provides this information for each newsletter.
Address and Sale Price:
- 4000 N Charles St #509 $119,000
- 4100 N Charles St #805 $265,000
- 230 Stony Run Ln #2E $320,000
Note: This data represents real estate activity from May 1 to June 20, 2020 in the Tuscany-Canterbury neighborhood. The information is deemed reliable, but not guaranteed.
Source; This information is gathered from BRIGHT MLS, Inc and is provided courtesy of Julia Martin Frazier of Monument Sotheby's International Realty, 4800 Roland Ave, Baltimore, MD 21210 Cell: (410) 908-1760; Office: (443)708-7074 email:
Neighborhood Restaurants Updates
Support our neighborhood restaurants
Thanks to Ann Bond who updates restaurant information monthly.
Authentic Indian restaurant menu, including Rice Specialties, Tandoori Entrees, Seafood Entrees, Chicken & Vegetable Specialties and much more.
Hours: 5 PM - 9 PM
Curbside PickUp & Delivery Orders
Now Offering
in a lovely setting
5 PM - 10 PM
Friday, Saturday, and Sunday
See staff inside to place an order
and get assigned table
For Updates
New menu items, hours, expanded seating
Like us on Facebook
Follow us on Instagram
Also Available
For online orders...
take out...and curbside orders
410 366-6603
Indoor Dining
Now Available
Open 7 days a Week
10AM-10PM (during Covid Period)
10% Off In-Store Purchases for TCNA Members (Except for Tobacco Products)
Liquor Sold on Sundays
11AM - 9:30 PM
410) 235-5777
100 W University Parkway
Indoor Dining
Outside Dining
Curbside Pickup
Wednesday - Friday 10-6
Saturday 9-6
Sunday 9-5
TCNA President's Report for Spring 2020
In accordance with the TCNA bylaws, this report is provided to the TCNA membership about the Board and neighborhood’s activities over the past year. As always, we invite your feedback, your participation, and your suggestions for improvement.
Andy and Lu Parsley began our first term as co-presidents of TCNA in June 2019. We immediately began work on a priority-setting process for the neighborhood by soliciting input from neighbors, reviewing what TCNA had worked on and accomplished on in the past, and talking to committee chairs about what they felt was most doable and needed. We finalized that process with a chart of priorities, many of which were Streets and Greens issues around making Tuscany-Canterbury a safer and more enjoyable place to live, work, and play.
I. The Streets and Greens Committee, chaired by Rose Weeks, has been working on improving safety at the intersection of W. University Parkway and Tudor Arms Road, in front of the Carlyle Apartments, in conjunction with Wyman Park Neighborhood Association. The City started restriping the roadway there as on part of a “road diet” just last week. The Committee has also been 1) advocating with the City for changed and accessibility modifications to improve safety at the intersection at W. University Parkway, Linkwood Road, and W. 39th Street, 2) planning for possible ways to slow traffic on Linkwood Road, and 3) advocating for changes to the roadway to slow traffic on W. 39th Street, particularly in front of the Broadway Apartments. We know there is a great deal of work to be done here, and this work is likely a multi-year effort. We have a fun and energetic group of neighbors working on this committee.
II. The Greens Subcommittee, Chaired by Bonnie Boland, has been working to identify and catalogue the dead and dying trees in the neighborhood, and to replace those that are dead with new and diverse species of native trees. The Subcommittee has also been working with the City to remove dead trees, so that new trees can be planted. The Greens Subcommittee also oversees the work of maintaining our three gardens and the plantings by the two bridges along the Stony Run. We have a few dedicated but intrepid neighbors working on these activities, but are always looking for new members, if you have an interest in gardening and/or maintaining our green spaces.
III. Our Calvert School Liaison is Julia Martin Frazier, who lives on Canterbury Road and is acquainted firsthand with the frustrations of Calvert School traffic. Julia has continued communication with Calvert School over traffic, drop-off and pick-up, and aggressive drivers. Over the past year, she has noted improvements, and also some recurring problems that need constant vigilance. Luckily, Calvert does appear willing to work with us, so please contact Julia if you have concerns. We do want to recognize Calvert School’s significant efforts to be a good neighbor— they allow us to use their auditorium and cafeteria for neighborhood meetings without charge, they respond to our requests to maintain the woods and address dead and dying trees, and they are helpful with snow removal on Tuscany Road, among other things.
IV. First Fridays were held nearly every month of the year, until COVID restrictions limited them, ably planned by Roz Mansouri and held at the Alizee Bistro on the first Friday of every month. This year, Roz worked with Alizee to improve the food a bit and also worked with Linda Eberhart to advertise First Friday on Next Door and through a reminder email the day before the event. Attendance has generally been good, and the events are fun. Due to COVID, First Friday is currently suspended through July, and likely through the summer. Please check the TCNA newsletter for information about future First Friday events.
V. Paul and Maria Gallo, neighbors on Tuscany Court, have headed up our Crime and Safety Committee over the past year. They maintain communication with the Northern Police District, invite the neighborhood liaison officers to visit the TCNA board meetings periodically, and keep track of crime in the neighborhood. Generally speaking, TCNA is one of the safest neighborhoods in the City. We have had some issues this year with a package thief, who was caught and sentenced to 6 years for a series of crimes and violations of probation; a car theft; an attempted carjacking by some adolescents or young teens, who were apprehended; and a small number of other crimes. The biggest issue appears to be theft from cars overnight, particularly when cars are left unlocked. Please make it a habit each night to double check that you have locked your car, even if it is left in a garage or other building.
VI. Linda Eberhart chairs our Communication Committee and is responsible for sending out the amazing newsletters you see each month, as well as the occasional alerts. Having this method of communicating with members has been cost-effective and useful for us and we thank Linda for all the hours she puts into the newsletters and alerts. She also collects information and feedback from those buttons in our emailed newsletters and collates the information for the Committee Chairs and Board.
Hannah Mazo
chairs the Membership Committee with Linda . Together they send reminder dues notices, perform outreach to new members, and publicize the benefits of membership in TCNA. At our May TCNA Board meeting ,the Board voted to send a notice with the dues renewal over the next six months, stating that due to Coronavirus and its effects dues payment is optional for one year. So, if you can pay your dues, which remain at $15, please do. If it is difficult for you, please know the TCNA is in sound enough financial shape that we can cover you for the next year.
VIII. Ann Christopher chairs our Events Committee and organized a great neighborhood picnic and social hours after the June and November membership meetings. The November meeting included the presentation of thank you stones and plaques to Kenna Forsyth and AJ O’Brien, long time TCNA members and board members who moved from the neighborhood over the past year or so.
In all, we remain active and in good shape. We are a safe, friendly, and beautiful neighborhood that has few serious problems. We do have some important issues that require dedicated work and advocacy. We invite you to join us in this work.
Events Happening In and Around
Every Monday 4 - 5:30
39th Street and Charles Street
Stand for Black Lives Matter
lease join friends and neighbors on each Monday, to stand for Black Lives Matter and in support of positive change in our Police Dept. We stand on the corners of the intersection at 39th Street and Charles from 4pm to 5:00-5:30. In recent weeks we've had very positive responses from passing cars and trucks. Our numbers have grown from 16 on June 1, to 34 on June 8th.
We hope you will join us. Wear a mask, bring a sign and practice social distancing. Contact
Sue Talbott
for more information
Let's Make A Difference on Mondays! (MAD)
Household Hazardous Waste
Drop Off at 2840 Sisson Street
- July 10 and July 11, 9AM to 7PM
- August 7 and August 8, 9AM to 7PM
Wear a face mask and stay inside your car.
Reopening BMA Outdoor Sclpture Garden
Every Tuesday through Saturday 10am - 5pm Weather Permitting
Admission Free
Capacity in the sculpture gardens is limited to 77 people and groups are limited to five people or fewer to help mitigate the spread of COVID-19. Visitors are strongly encouraged to wear masks and maintain a six-foot social distance. For more information about the sculpture gardens and safety protocols,
please click here
If you know of other events or information that you think should be included in the Tuscany-Canterbury E-newsletter, please send them to the Newsletter Coordinator.
Tuscany-Canterbury Neighborhood Association
uscany-Canterbury is a treasure of a neighborhood. If you are not a member of the TCNA, we hope you will join. If you know someone who is not a member, send them this newsletter and ask them to join.
Officers and Board Members for July 2020 to June 2021
Andrew and Luciene Parsley (Tuscany Road)
Vice President:
Garth Thompson (Ridgemede Road)
Past Presidents:
Anne Perkins and Linda Eberhart (Tuscany Road)
Bill Bass (Cloverhill Road)
Alison Moliterno (Cloverhill Road)
Board Members
- Bonnie Boland (The Colonnade, Canterbury Road)
- Ann Christopher (Tuscany Court)
- Julia Frazier (Canterbury Road)
- Paul and Maria Gallo (Tuscany Court)
- Pat Hawthorne (Gardens of Guilford Condo, Stony Run Lane)
- Hannah Mazo (Ridegmede Condo, Ridgemede Road)
- Rosalyn Mansouri (Winthrop House, Charles Street )
- Amy and Patrick Mutch (Tuscany Road
- Jo-Ann Orlinsky (St. James, Charles Street)
- Brian ten Siethoff (Cloverhill Road)
- Rose and Brian Weeks (Cloverhill Road)