For quickest in-shop service, please feel free to pre-order your must-have teas in our online shop at!
Hello all and I hope you are well! The first day of spring is only a few weeks away and I am very much looking forward to longer days and hopefully warmer temps :)

March is Caffeine Awareness Month and this month we are going to focus on all aspects of this widely-used stimulant as it relates to tea. We're going to dive into some of the myths and provide tips and info that you can employ to minimize its potential negative effects.

Gong Fu Tea Service continues and our winter menu will be in effect for a few more weeks, after which the spring menu will be announced. Appointments for this seated service are being accepted and please see below for all the details. I look forward to you joining me for this relaxing and culturally enriching experience.

Many of you are aware that my shop rental situation has not been ideal. Even though I thrive in challenging situations, I have gotten to the point where I may not be able to be located where I am. Even though I have periodically looked for another location for years, it has been difficult to find one that meets my needs due to the regulations associated with operating a business like mine. I know not all available spaces get listed, so if any of you know someone who has a commercial space for rent please have them contact me at The requirements are as follows: retail/industrial/flex/office space, accessible with ample parking, must not be in a Main Street walking area, approximately 1,000 SF (give or take 200 SF), within 10-15 miles of Bohemia, would prefer to rent from an individual or small company and not a large, impersonal corporate entity, and finally the landlord must be rational, reasonable and respectful. These are just the main requirements to narrow the search, but there are others that are specific to how I operate.

I appreciate your continued support of my small business and I wish you much health and great tasting cups of tea!
-- Kristine, FDN-P
Supply chains continue to be a bit of a challenge, but I am still working diligently to get all of your favorites back in stock. Great news is that Apple Pie Black Tea and Salted Chocolate Caramel Black Tea are finally back in stock! Mount Everest Breakfast Blend Black Tea, Jasmine Mint Green Tea, Lemongrass Spearmint Green Tea, Calm Organic Herbal Tisane, Digestion Helper Organic Herbal Tisane and Lactation Blend Organic Herbal Tisane have all been freshly blended :)
Gong Fu Tea Service

Gong Fu Tea Service continues to be enjoyed at the bar!! This Chinese method of tea preparation means "done well" and it requires time and focus, delivering a more aromatic and flavorful infusion than those prepared using the more familiar western method of tea preparation. I am happy to be able to offer this cultural aspect of tea and guide you further through your own tea journey.
This is an appointment only, seated service and, at the moment, is limited to three/four appointments at a time. Each session lasts 1-1/2 hours and costs $30 paid upon booking. It includes multiple infusions of the tea that you select from the Gong Fu Tea menu and there are 3-7 infusions, depending on the tea selected and as time allows. It also includes a Gong Fu lesson, if you like, so that you may incorporate this method into your own tea ritual at home.

The menu is crafted and rotated seasonally and curated from the larger origin tea offering available in the shop. The winter menu is as follows:
  • Satemwa Estate Bvumbwe BSP White Tea - Malawi
  • Zi Juan "Purple Beauty" Green Tea - Yunnan, China
  • Hojicha Roasted Green Tea - Japan
  • Dong Ding Dark Roast Formosa Wulong Tea - Nantou, Taiwan
  • Tie Luo Han Wu Yi Wulong Tea - Fujian, China
  • Jin Jun Mei Black Tea - Fujian, China
  • Golden Buds Black Tea - Yunnan, China
  • 2007 Wild Tree Vietnam Dark Tea - Ha Giang, Vietnam

Gong Fu Tea appointments are available:
Thursdays & Fridays - 11:30 through 3:00
Sundays - 11:30 through 2:00
Please note that there are no appointments on Saturdays.

If you would like to make an appointment for this unique experience, please email or reply to this email. I look forward to preparing tea for you! :)
Pre-order Reminder

Winter continues to be a busy time at the shop and, as a reminder, pre-orders of loose leaf teas are encouraged in order to streamline the preparation of your custom orders and reduce your wait time, especially if the shop is busy when you arrive. Orders also continue to be shipped nationwide and all (pre)orders can be placed in our online shop Please place orders at least 24-hours ahead of desired pick up time, if possible, to ensure that I will see your order in the portal and have the time to pull it together in time for your arrival. Indicating the approximate date and time of pick up in the Comments section in the Cart helps ensure that your order will be ready for you upon arrival. If you plan to browse at the shop or grab a cup of tea, then please do not pay online - select the Pay at pick-up option. You will receive an emailed notification once your order is ready for pick-up.

Thank you for your continued cooperation in helping to serve you in the most efficient and expeditious manner possible! :)
Tea and Caffeine

Did you know? Caffeine is the most widely consumed stimulant in the world. Specifically it is a methylxanthine compound that stimulates the central nervous system. It inhibits drowsiness and improves mental alertness and focus. It has a bitter taste, which explains why coffee is bitter and tea tastes bitter if it is over-steeped. Caffeine levels in tea is rather complex, so my goal is to break it down and hopefully provide some clarity on some myths that exist.

Fun fact: Caffeine has a half-life anywhere from 1.5 to 9.5 hours depending on how quickly it is metabolized in the body. This means half of the caffeine you consume will still be in your body somewhere during this timeframe based on your clearance ability. If you are consuming caffeine and are having trouble getting to sleep at night, trying cutting off your intake earlier in the day to see if this helps to resolve or lessen the problem. So if you go to bed around 10:00 PM and you slowly metabolize caffeine, you would need to cut off your caffeine intake before noon - no afternoon pick-me-up.

Now on to the myths:
Myth #1: Tea has more caffeine than coffee. Well this depends on the form of tea. Pound for pound tea leaves do contain more caffeine than coffee beans; however, this is not the form that we consume and much less weight of tea is used during preparation than coffee. While caffeine is water soluble, not all of it gets extracted into the infusion that you drink if you steep it for the correct length of time. The longer the steep time, the more caffeine that gets extracted into the cup.

Myth #2: Black tea has more caffeine than all of the other teas. While the type of tea does contribute somewhat to the amount of caffeine, there are many other variables that play a role. One such factor is the type of the tea plant with Camellia sinensis assamica generally having higher levels than Camellia sinensis sinensis. Another factor is the part of the plant that is harvested, in which the tea bud generally contains more caffeine than the first leaf, which has more caffeine than the second leaf, and so on down the plant. Twig teas, which are crafted from the stems usually have lower amounts of caffeine. A third factor has to do with certain processing steps of the leaves. An example is roasting, which reduces the caffeine content. Lastly, growing conditions may impact the amount of caffeine. In particular, shade-grown teas may have higher levels of caffeine than sun-grown teas. These tend to be general trends and there may be some outliers, as there seems to be nothing that is strictly black and white with tea ;)

Myth #3: Decaf tea has no caffeine. This is false. While most of the caffeine is eliminated, there is still some caffeine in a decaf tea - usually less than 2 mg. By law, in order for a tea to meet the decaffeinated requirements, over 97.5% of the original amount of caffeine must be extracted out.

Myth #4: All tisanes are caffeine-free. Also false. While most tisanes are caffeine-free, there are a handful of botanicals that do contain a stimulant. These include yerba maté, guayusa, yaupon, and cacao, among others.

Myth #5: Caffeine-sensitive people who can longer consume coffee cannot consume tea either. This one depends on the unique bio-individuality of each person. Tea also contains an amino acid called L-theanine, also known simply as theanine. Theanine helps to balance out the stimulant properties of the caffeine. It is the reason why tea drinkers generally do not get the energy rush or crash, heart palpitations or jitters after consuming it. The theanine provides a moderating effect that yields a more even and sustained energy. Again, this is a general statement and there are some who are so sensitive to caffeine that the theanine does not provide enough of a protective effect. If you are one of these people and would like to test your tolerance, drink a small cup of tea first thing in the morning (with a little food) and see how your body responds. You can slowly increase the amount of tea for several days to see where your threshold is.

Even decaf teas have some nuance and the term "naturally decaffeinated" means absolutely nothing. It is important to know the process that is being used to decaffeinate your favorite brew. There are three processes that are used to decaffeinate tea:
  1. Ethyl Acetate - a chemical process that is only used in teabag teas. Upside is that it is a cheap process and keeps the cost of the end product low. Downside is that it can leave residue on the leaves, can change the flavor of the tea, and can reduce up to 80% of the essential oils and beneficial antioxidants. Teabag teas that do not indicate the process are most likely decaffeinated using this process.
  2. Water Process - tea leaves are bathed in water long enough to reduce the caffeine and this process is used in both teabag and loose leaf teas. Upside is that it is a cost-effective process and does not leave residue on the leaves. Downside is that the tea can taste watery and lack aroma due to a fairly significant reduction in the flavor and aromatic constituents. The beneficial constituents are also reduced - somewhere in between the levels of the other two processes. If the water process was used, then the packaging will most likely indicate as such.
  3. Carbon Dioxide (CO₂) Process - tea leaves are wetted and then exposed to pressurized CO₂. This process is used predominately in loose leaf tea. Upside is that this process seems to be the best process for preserving the original integrity of the leaf. While it does remove some of the flavor, aromatic, and beneficial constituents, this is only about a 15% reduction. Downside is that this is the most expensive process to employ, resulting in a limited selection of teas that are decaffeinated using it. I only offer teas that are decaffeinated using this method.

Tip #1: Origin teas are a great option for all-day drinking. With each infusion there is less caffeine that gets extracted, but you still have great flavor and aroma. Even flavored teas can sometimes be infused a second time for a great-tasting cup with less caffeine.

Tip #2: If your favorite tea is not available in a decaf option and you would like to reduce the caffeine, there is a quick and simple process that you can implement at home:
  1. Make your tea as you normally would, but only steep it for about 30-45 seconds
  2. Throw out this first infusion.
  3. Pour more water over the same tea leaves.
  4. Steep for the correct time.
  5. Remove leaves and enjoy!
While this will not reduce the caffeine to the level of a decaf tea, it will reduce it by about 30%. Try it and see how it works out for you!

If you decide to employ any of these tips or info to make your tea-drinking experience more enjoyable, please let me know how they work out for you!
Do you or someone you know need a personal health detective to address chronic wellness issues that can't seem to be resolved? Make 2022 the year you find results for good!

As a Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition (FDN) Practitioner, I see clients to help them get to the root of their health and wellness issues and reclaim the vitality that they very much deserve. I offer fully customized, programs that are unique to each client and that incorporate holistic protocols addressing body, mind, spirit and senses. This is an extension of my work in tea and herbalism for the past fifteen years, but I will now be able to help those of you who need it at a much deeper and personalized level than I can offer in the shop. In addition to the new tools in my toolbox, I will continue to draw from my experience in using tea for health, along with my herbalism training, during the development of the comprehensive protocols that will be specific to the bio-individualized needs of each client. I want to be the last wellness practitioner you see and educate and empower you to make the choices that are best for YOUR health so that you can be your own health advocate moving forward. I look forward to showing you what I can do to help you achieve your wellness goals and enjoy continued vitality well into the future!

To learn more, please visit If you are ready to make the investment in your wellness, then I would be happy to discuss the potential opportunity with you. You may book a complimentary discovery call directly through the website so I can learn about your issues and you can learn more about how I work and how my approach is different from the conventional medicine and/or alternative approaches that you have already experienced. I also have a new email address specific for Vitality Holistic Wellness business and I ask that all inquiries regarding these services be directed to

The website also shares My Why - the reasons why I am so passionate about this approach to health and wellness. This is a very personal experience for me and I share my 32-year journey toward finding health and wellness and dealing with autoimmunity and a compromised immune system, among many other issues that you or someone you know may be experiencing. I hear from so many of you about your own chronic wellness issues and I share my story as a way to connect and open the door and show that there is hope…even after 32 years! If you would like to read my health story, please click here. It is long, so make sure you have a big mug of tea :)

I also email out a newsletter with health and wellness tips that do not fit within the scope of this newsletter. If you are interested in receiving the Vitality Newsletter, then feel free to sign up while you're at the website!
New at the Shop

Apple Pie Black Tea and Salted Chocolate Caramel Black Tea are finally back in stock!! :)

Many of our autumn and holiday teas are now out of stock and very limited supplies remain of the following: Christmas Blend Black Tea, Rooibos Christmas Cookie (Vanilla & Walnut) Herbal Tisane, Rooibos Orange Gingerbread Herbal Tisane, Rooibos Pumpkin Creme Herbal Tisane, Rooibos Pumpkin Spice Herbal Tisane, Mulling Spice Organic Herbal Tisane, and Holiday Punch Fruit Tisane.

The following seasonal teas will be in stock until the weather begins to get warmer in late March/early April: Gingered Vanilla Toddy Black Tea, Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Black Tea, Roasted Chestnut Black Green & Yerba Mate Blend, Maple Walnut Green Tea, and Candied Pomegranate Herbal Tisane. Be sure to grab some of your favorite cold-weather favorites before they are gone!
Infuse Tea Bar & The Pleasures of Tea
106 Main Street
West Sayville, NY 11796 - online shop

500+ Loose Leaf Teas & Herbal Tisanes
Certified - Tea Professional, Tea Sommelier & Tea Health Expert
Student of the Art & Science of Herbalism
Certified Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner - Vitality Holistic Wellness

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