Dear MCC,
Sunday we are continuing our worship series, The Five Agreements. This Sunday’s agreement is “Don’t take anything personally.” This might sound like a simple concept, but it is quite challenging.
Often in life, we find ourselves under attack. We respond defensively. Sometimes we already have our defenses lined up before the attack occurs. Once we behave defensively, then the other person takes that personally. The cycle continues and everyone ends up miserable.
This Sunday we will explore ways to no longer take things personally. We will acknowledge that the negativity from others is not about us. Again, that might sound easy. But it is a skill we need to practice. Join us on Sunday to learn how!
We also have a full weekend ahead! I hope you’ll join us for the film God and Country at MCC Tampa at 6:30 on Friday night and for the democracy forum on Saturday at St. Paul Lutheran church. Click here for more info.
You are loved,
Rev. Jakob
he/him/his (Why list pronouns? Click here to learn more!)