Geneva Point Center UPDATE June 2023

It is June at last and things are really picking up here at Geneva Point. Our summer staff is growing each week and the pace of work to prepare for the season increases every day. We are anticipating one of the busiest summers in years with all our returning groups and a few great new events. In addition to launching our 104th summer season, next week we are also launching a season of support. We are happy and grateful for all the contributions are ready received this year and hope they will inspire more friends of Geneva Point to join in. If you have never given to GPC, now is a good time to start. Whether it is your first time or your 104th, below is information about what you can do to support Geneva Point Center and have fun in the process.

We hope to see or hear from you this summer and that you will be a part of our 2023 season of support.
This is our first year participating in NH Gives. We join with other nonprofits across New Hampshire in this grand annual event celebrating their work and generating support. Tell your friends, family members, and co-workers about this exciting 24 hour fundraiser.

At 5:00 p.m. on June 6th, NH Gives begins at! Once you are there, you can make a contribution to Geneva Point Center, or any of your other favorite NH organizations. NH Gives comes to an end at 5:00 p.m. on June 7th, so be sure to make your contribution on time!

The impact you make on Geneva Point Center will be multiplied during NH Gives! This is because all we need is a total of at least $1,000 in gifts during NH Gives to unlock a challenge gift of $1,000, thanks to a generous GPC donor.

We are so excited to see people from every part of New Hampshire come together and support the great non-profit organizations across the state! 

NH Gives begins on Tuesday, June 6th at 5:00 p.m. Visit and click on the calendar icon on the right side of your screen. From there, click on the name of the email platform you use, and a new screen will appear that shows information about NH Gives. Click 'save' so the event gets onto your calendar!
Saturday, June 10, 2023
Get your tickets by June 7
Click the pig/chicken for all the details and tickets.
There are many ways to support Geneva Point Center. This year we introduce a new way to contribute by adopting a cabin. The adopt-a-cabin program is patterned after successful funding campaigns in similar organizations across the country. Click on any brown cabin to learn more.
Annual Membership Giving
Membership giving is the base of support that helps maintain the buildings, grounds, and infrastructure of Geneva Point. Become or continue to be a member of Geneva Point Center Inc. by making a one-time membership gift each year or becoming a sustaining member and making automatic monthly gifts. 
Mark your calendar!

4th Annual Barn Party
Saturday, September 2, 2023
What started in 2020 as a fun way to raise money for the Barn Project is now an established annual event. As always, there will be an extravagant meal prepared by the amazing GPC food and beverage team. Once, there will be great music and dancing with The Kennedys (Pete and Maura). Mark the GPC Barn Party on your calendar now and watch for more details and sign up to begin in early July.
We hope to see you sometime this year at Geneva Point Center.

Many thanks and best wishes,
Peter Claypoole, Executive Director