Andrew Cunningham l Executive Director, Infrastructure Council l 217-520-2345

Email Andrew

March 17, 2023

The Infrastructure Council is an initiative of the
Illinois Chamber that brings together Chamber members with a focus on increasing
infrastructure investments in a strategic and thoughtful way to boost the overall business climate in Illinois. Our focus is on the public and private systems that are essential to Illinois businesses. 

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Session Update

The House was in Springfield this week for three days of session while the Senate was out.

For the first time in the 103rd General Assembly, floor action was robust this week. 19 bills passed out of the House on Wednesday and 21 passed out on Thursday. Even more bills were moved to 3rd reading. Committee action was mostly limited to subject matter hearings each day.

The House and Senate will both return next Tuesday, March 21st.

The third reading deadline for House bills is Friday, March 24th. The third reading deadline for Senate bills is March 31st. View the Senate session calendar for 2023. View the House 2023 calendar.

Register and Sponsor Today - Chamber Day 2023


When: Tuesday, April 18, 2023 from 9:30 AM to 1:00 PM CDT


Where: President Abraham Lincoln A Double Tree by Hilton

701 East Adams Street

Springfield, IL 62701


Register Here

We still have a few sponsorship slots available for the event. Chamber Day is a great way to connect with lawmakers and meet local business leaders from across the state. We have confirmed the attendance of all four legislative leaders and we would love to have you there. The Chamber is truly grateful to all our sponsors as we know we can't carry out our mission on behalf of the business community without your support. 

A bronze sponsorship for $500 includes the following:

  • 2 Event registrations/seats included
  • Sponsor's involvement will be posted to IL Chamber social media accounts 
  • Company listing on all event promotional materials, including e-mail blasts and press releases 
  • Company logo or listing on event sponsor sign, program and webpage 

More sponsorship information for all levels can be found HERE. 

Illinois Chamber Joins US Chamber Coalition in Call for Federal Permitting Reform

This week, the Illinois Chamber signed-on to the US Chamber's Coalition letter calling for federal permitting reform. In part, the letter says the following.

Today, the single biggest obstacle to building the infrastructure of the future is a broken permitting system. That is why the undersigned list of diverse groups across the country and economy is calling on Congress to Permit America to Build by enacting meaningful, durable legislation to modernize America’s permitting processes before the end of the summer.

We are pleased to see support for modernizing our permitting process from across the ideological spectrum, and a recognition that the current system is broken. We know there are differing perspectives in Congress on how best to address current challenges. Our organizations will not agree on every issue. We are committed, however, to working with Congress to find solutions and pass meaningful and durable legislation.

As a starting point, we are united on the following principles:

  • Predictability – Project developers and financers must have an appropriate level of certainty regarding the scope and timeline for project reviews, including any related judicial review. 
  • Efficiency – Interagency coordination must be improved to optimize public and private resources while driving better environmental and community outcomes. 
  • Transparency – Project sponsors and the public must have visibility into the project permitting milestones and schedule through an easily accessible public means.
  • Stakeholder Input – All relevant stakeholders must be adequately informed and have the opportunity to provide input within a reasonable and consistent timeframe.

IDOT Launches Rebuild Illinois Dashboard

The Illinois Department of Transportation announced the launch of a new webpage dedicated to keeping the public informed of the progress delivering the Rebuild Illinois capital program. The online dashboard offers up-to-date cumulative data on accomplishments for improving roads and bridges since the 2019 passage of Rebuild Illinois. 

On the dashboard, the public can find information on number of projects awarded, miles and bridges improved and safety improvements completed, as well as the total amount of investment that has been made possible by Rebuild Illinois. The data can be looked up annually or by each quarter of each fiscal year, showing the impact of Rebuild Illinois on roads and bridges under IDOT’s jurisdiction as well as accomplishments on the local system overseen by counties, municipalities and townships.

The page will be updated on a quarterly basis, adding accomplishments as the year progresses.

Senate Joint Transportation & Appropriation - Public Safety & Infrastructure Committee Hearing

On Tuesday, there was a Joint Senate Transportation & Appropriation - Public Safety & Infrastructure Committee subject matter hearing on accessibility, affordability, safety & funding for public transportation in the RTA service area. In addition to funding, Chairman Villivalam said the mission of the hearing was to begin looking at the successes and challenges of the public transportation system in the region which included topics such as equity, economic impact, and environmental impact. The hearing held in Chicago ran for about 3 hours.


The hearing started with a panel from RTA, CTA, Pace and Metra. Representatives from the transit agencies cited reasons for the decline in ridership, future innovations, current staff diversity numbers and a general need for state assistance. Other organizations proving comment included the Civic Committee, Chicagoland Chamber, Chicago Federation of Labor, Metropolitan Planning Council, CMAP and the Center for Neighborhood Technology.


The RTA testified to its significant, nearly $730 million-per-year funding gap concerns that it will face by 2026 due predominantly to the post-pandemic decline in ridership and federal relief funding that will expire by 2025. We previously shared information on this approaching funding gap in a newsletter in December. Further, Chairman Villivalam indicated that he and other members of the Senate are willing to be a part of a process whereby the State assists the transit agencies in some way. 

Bill Action of Note:

HB 1105, ICC Approval of Eminent Domain passed out of the House 111-0-0. This bill provides that property belonging to a public utility that provides water or sewer service and that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission may not be taken or damaged by eminent domain without prior approval of the Illinois Commerce Commission. Provides that the requirement does not apply to property to be acquired by a municipality with 140,000 or more inhabitants or a regional water commission formed under specified provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code or a municipality that is a member of such a regional water commission, only in furtherance of purposes authorized under the specified provisions of the Illinois Municipal Code, and limited solely to interests in real property and not improvements to or assets on the real property belonging to a public utility that provides water or sewer service and that is subject to the jurisdiction of the Illinois Commerce Commission. The Chamber supports this bill.

HB 1131, SW Development Authority passed the House 112-0-0. This bill Amends the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority Act. Adds Monroe County to the territory of the Southwestern Illinois Development Authority. Provides that the Chairman of the Authority shall be elected by the Board annually from the voting members (rather than elected from the members appointed by the county board chairmen). Allows the Authority to also enter into intergovernmental agreements with Bond, Clinton, and Monroe counties, in addition to other entities (currently, the only counties included are Madison and St. Clair counties).

HB 1342, Transit passed out of the House by a vote of 91-13-4. This bill provides that the powers of the Chicago Transit Board include the power to pass ordinances or adopt rules and regulations concerning the suspension of riding privileges or confiscation of fare media. Amends the Local Mass Transit District Act and the Regional Transportation Authority Act. Provides that a local mass transit district's board and the Suburban Bus Board may adopt all ordinances and make all rules proper or necessary to regulate the use, operation, and maintenance of its property and facilities, and to carry into effect the powers granted to each board with any necessary fines or penalties, including ordinances, rules, or regulations concerning the suspension of riding privileges or confiscation of fare media, as each board deems proper. Includes similar provisions for the Chief of Police of the Metra Police Department.

HB 1440, Pretreated Seed Ban passed out of the House 77-36-0. This bill provides that, notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person shall produce ethanol using seeds that have been treated with a pesticide.


HB 2033, Local Government/Bonds passed out of the House 110-0-0. This bill provides that an ordinance levying a tax for the payment of principal of and interest on general obligation bonds or limited bonds may be filed electronically with the county clerk.

HB 2091, Driving Test passed out of the House 111-0-0. This bill provides that, upon completion of the required study of age-related issues, the Secretary of State may adopt administrative rules to raise (instead of raise or lower) the age requirement for actual demonstrations of an applicant's ability to exercise ordinary and reasonable control of the operation of a motor vehicle. 


HB 2231, Common Carrier passed the House 73-36-0. This bill amends the Transportation Network Providers Act. Deletes language: (i) providing that a Transportation Network Company is not deemed to own, control, operate, or manage the vehicles used by Transportation Network Company drivers, and is not a taxicab association or a for-hire vehicle owner; and (ii) providing that Transportation Network Companies or Transportation Network Company drivers are not common carriers, contract carriers or motor carriers, as defined by applicable State law, nor do they provide taxicab or for-hire vehicle service. The Chamber opposes this bill.


There was no rulemaking of note for this Council in the March 17th edition of the Illinois Register.

Articles of Interest  

Lawmakers, Organizers Want to Force Lakefront Power Plant Owner to Clean Up Coal Ash Byproduct

Wall Street rewards Illinois with a debt upgrade — but doesn't sugarcoat its outlook

Illinois Secretary of State Eyes Technology Enhancements in 2023 and Beyond

Transit agencies look to the state to help make up projected $730 million budget gap

Supplier, Buyer Relations Are Shifting Again as Pandemic Strains Ease

Companies Are Balking at Spending for Green Freight Transport

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Not a member and want to learn more about the Illinois Chamber - click here to contact Lauryn Thornton. Click here to contact Jack Bernhardt.