November 11, 2023

Clearing the Confusion

As I meet with clients on a daily basis I am reminded how much confusion still exists when it comes to what constitutes a healthy diet.

I get it. A person's doctor says one thing, while the latest article, book, or post say something else, with advice often differing dramatically.

Today I'm going to give you my view, sharing in the noon webinar my slide presentation:


Today, while I will go through it all to some extent, I will focus on:


Since this is the area of perhaps the greatest conflict and confusion.

I look forward to seeing you there, and I invite your questions and input!

Live on ZOOM today November 11, at NOON (EST)!

To join, click this link

If you are asked to enter the Webinar (or meeting) ID, enter this:

892 0634 1064

Not a convenient time? Want to be able to start 'n stop?

Simply catch the podcast later...

Catch these programs later at your convenience on YouTube!

The recordings of my Zoom webinars are now available on our YouTube channel. This is the easiest way to pick up the Zoom webinars after they air. If you want to find the newsletters that go with each of the Saturday videos, go to my website HERE.

During the webinar I will be taking you through the entire presentation. Use the button below to access a pdf copy for your later reference and use.

Packing a Healthy Lunch - View the Presentation Here

Excellent Podcast - "The Oiling of America"

Unfortunately, traditional fats have been replaced in many kitchens by “heart healthy” processed oils and spreads.

Here, Sally Fallon Morell, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains how detrimental this is for our health. She discusses who is behind this push and why. She busts the myth that high cholesterol has a role in chronic illness and heart disease. She helps us understand why we actually need cholesterol in our diet, how the food we consume does not affect the cholesterol in our bloodstream, and why statins are not the answer for avoiding heart disease.

Sally goes deep and wide, examining the flawed research that has led us to where we are today and making a strong case for why we should embrace traditional fats like butter, lard, and tallow, rather than demonizing them.

Listen Here
My info sheet that includes instructions and purchasing links

Shungite Stones for Filtering Your Tap Water

I've talked about this in the past, but I have been asked recently by more than one person how I personally handle drinking water at home. We use shungite stone, and not only does it filter the water of chemicals and anything unwanted, it also adds fullerenes that actually improve health!

No plastic bottles, no lugging water from the grocery store, no fancy, expensive filtration system. I use each set of stones for at least two years!

Special Guest Next Week

Many of you will remember Dan Glazer of AlphaBioCentrix, the company I source the bio-energy disks from. He has been my guest three times before on the radio; this time he'll be with me on Zoom, where we can all pick his brain and ask our questions!

"Software for the Human Body"

I am particularly interested in a new disk called Brain/Heart for chronic fatigue/Epstein Barr and some I've not investigated before that intrigue me and might intrigue you, too.

It will be fun!

Want to get to the "root" of your health issues?

"You have more power than you know..."

Power Up! at Wondrous Roots

Open shop hours 9:30-5 M-F

Consultation by appointment
