Our Mission
We provide a welcoming environment to explore our faith and serve others.

Our Vision
As a beacon of inclusivity, we seek to transform our community.

Trinity Tidings E-Newsletter

September 10, 2024





5- Amanda P.

22- Mary K.L.

23- Carlos T.

28- Jennifer P.

10- Gail S.

10- Rose Marie Z

14- Keith S.

17- Laurie Jo L.

27- Armen K.

9- Martha R.

14- Sandi P.

24- Rita M.

Please pray for:

Carolyn + Cathy + Caitlin + Jenny + Bill

Bob & Rose-Marie Z.+ Bob R. + Aaron & Cindy Brian + Jane & Carlos + Susan + Sharon

Lori + Jan + Bret + Julia + Dixie

Pray for the Repose of the Soul of

Teddy (Thelma) West (August 31)

O God, whose mercies cannot be numbered: Accept our prayers on behalf of your servant Lila and grant her an entrance into the land of light and joy, in the fellowship of your saints; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.


Notify Diane C. ( of your request.

Names will remain on our prayer list for 30 days.

A request can be renewed.

September 15

Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

Rev. Craig Kuehn

In person and on Zoom & Facebook Live

Worship Schedule

Season After Pentecost


15 17th Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

Rev. Craig Kuehn

22 18th Sunday after Pentecost

Morning Prayer

Led by Carol

29 19th Sunday after Pentecost

5th Sunday-No Trinity Service

(Attend another church-TBD)


6 20th Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

Morning Prayer

Led by Mary K.

13  21st Sunday after Pentecost

Morning Prayer

Led by Meg

20 22nd Sunday after Pentecost

Holy Eucharist

Rev. Craig Kuehn

27 23rd Sunday after Pentecost

Morning Prayer

Led by Amanda

News and Updates

You are invited to view Gratitude Revealed


A transformational, cinematic experience of how to live a more meaningful life,

full of gratitude.


Saturday, Sept 14

 4:00 PM

Trinity Church

click image to watch trailer

click image to watch trailer


Gratitude Revealed is an epic journey, forty years in the making, from acclaimed filmmaker, Louie Schwartzberg, the director of Fantastic Fungi.


Swartzberg’s intimate conversations with everyday people, thought leaders, and personalities reveal gratitude is a proven pathway back from the disconnection we feel in our lives — disconnection from ourselves, our planet, and each other.



Movie lasts 1 hour and 20 minutes. 

You can still keep your dinner plans,

or stay for the good conversation to follow.



Popcorn and beverages will be offered.

If you'd like to share something, feel free to bring.

(non-sticky/ finger food, please)

Contact Martha for more information


Speaking of Gratitude...

A heartfelt thanks goes to Diane and Steve C. from the Vestry and Worship Team.

Our active Altar Guild members, faithfully manage our church environment each and every week to reflect the colors of the changing liturgical seasons.

This last month has been especially challenging with preparation of the church and altar for recent private memorial services for the two members that have passed recently.

Trinity Grounds Maintenance

A BIG Shout-out goes to

Gail & Keith | Cindy & Roger

for their "above and beyond" yard maintenance

on the North side of the church.

We thank you!


Trinity delivered 10 cleaning bins and 10 bedroom bins in August to St John's in Chico for immediate distribution to Park fire survivors.

They were gratefully received by distribution volunteers there.

While we have enough funds in our RESTART account for purchasing another round of bedroom items (thanks to those who have given generously to this project last year!), please consider another donation to replenish the account to build more bins for future calls for supplies. The Park fire has affected so many people, we could be called on for more bins. Ten bins of supplies cost typically $1200-1500.

Give to Trinity's Project (RE)START by clicking below.

SAVE THE DATE: December 7

Las Posadas, a candlelight walk, will once again take place the first Saturday of December, at 6;00 p.m. People will pick up candles and programs near Immaculate Conception Church in Sutter Creek and follow the procession led by Mary and Joseph, as they seek shelter.

We will hear the nativity story and sing carols as the Holy Family unsuccessfully looks for a place to stay. Finally, a stable will be found at Creekside Church.

All are invited into the church hall for a warm beverage, homemade cookies, and a time to connect with neighbors and friends old and new!

Group Prayer, Study, and Meditation

Centering Prayer

 Wednesdays, 9:30 AM

Thursdays, 7:00 PM, evening group meets 

The practice is simple to begin, and benefits are quickly felt.

Email Martha for information

Drumming Circle

Regularly Scheduled on 2nd Sundays at 3:00PM

Contemplative Circle

Regularly Scheduled on LAST Sundays AT 3:00PM

Contact Martha for more information on either Circle.(

Trinity Vestry Meetings

Vestry meets monthly on fourth Tuesdays at 6:30pm, usually on Zoom. The next meeting is Tuesday, September 23.

Email for link if you would like to attend our next Vestry meeting.

Vestry Team Leaders and Responsibility


Spiritual needs of the parish

David Hoos/Steve Russell,

Co-Sr. Wardens

Diane Christensen—Prayers for parishioners (prayer chain email, prayers of the people in worship, newsletter)



Church services, high seasons and holy days, supply priest scheduling, and music

Mary Yount—Musical Director


Communications, Diocese requirements and reporting, office management

Carol Holt, Treasurer


Meg Verardi

Nancy Moore, Clerk


Building and grounds

Julie Mathis, Jr. Warden

Trinity Services

Let us worship together in church and

join in real coffee hour.

Worship IN-PERSON,
on Zoom, and Facebook Live
Sundays, 10:00 AM


1st and 3rd Sundays

2024 Eucharist Booklets

EP A Click Here

EP B Click Here

Lay-Led Morning Prayer

2nd, 4th and 5th Sundays

2024 Morning Prayer Booklet

Click Here

Links to Zoom and Facebook Live
Sunday, 10:00am
Sunday Zoom Link Click Here
Facebook Live Click Here

Daily Vespers

Monday-Saturday 6:00 pm

Zoom Link Click Here

Service Link Click Here

Mission St. Clare

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