Wells, Vermont • 802.325.2829
285 Five Star Reviews 100% Guest-Focused 53% Repeat Guests Last Year

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Hello Everyone!

Your Suite is Ready… Spring is arriving early, and the garden cottage will soon be open. Our emphasis continues on well-being rather than wellness—reacquaint yourself with our twelve principles of wellness. We are taste-testing new coffee from T.M. Ward, and upgrading our linens and towels again this year. We will introduce you to new and interesting experiences that we recently discovered. To arrive at Pond Mountain Inn is to be transported into a sanctuary of hospitality, tranquility and discovery—that’s the point of being here. Welcome again to our 2023 season as we celebrate our ten-year anniversary.

All our best – Kay & Glenn
Ellison at Hildene
Cara and Ellison visited us from Rhode Island last weekend, and they loved it here—dinner at The Barn & The Dorset Inn. Wine tasting and Mac & Cheese at Dancing Ewe Farm, two trips to Mach's Market, hiking and playing with the goats at Hildene. The weather was absolutely spectacular! Thanks for visiting!
"Your Water is Delicious"
Last weekend’s guests also work in hospitality—so, they know good food. As I was mentioning they could drink the water from the tap, they jumped in and said, “Your water is delicious!” Our water is delicious—delivered from a 360-foot deep artesian well. Our water is crisp, clean and thirst-quenching!
Les Trois Petits Cochons
That’s French for three little pigs. We just picked up our pigs last week—our pig is the one with spots. Their lineage is impressive again this year—Large Black, Tamworth and Gloucestershire Old Spots. Last year’s pig is delicious—our guests this past weekend said, “This is the best bacon we’ve ever had!” 
Look Closely at the Sap Bucket... 
...it's completely filled with sap! If you missed the three Maple weekends last month, please join us next year for an amazing cultural experience. We met one “Maple Sugaring Family” that goes back thirteen generations. Maple Open House Weekend is Vermont’s most anticipated spring event and a celebration of the current season’s crop. We visited four different producers—one family had sap lines running over two miles away from where they were boiling! It's a fascinating insight into Vermont life!
Queijadas De Leite Recipe

Portuguese Milk Tarts is one of Kay's favorite desserts. It’s a sweet traditional Portuguese dessert that’s made with only a few simple ingredients… eggs, milk, butter, flower and sugar. They bake into creamy little tarts that simply melt in your mouth.

(1) Preheat oven to 400°, (2) Mix 1cup of flour and 2 cups of sugar in a large bowl (3) Whisk in 4 beaten eggs, then add ½ cup of melted butter, (4) Continue to whisk, and add 3¾ cups of whole milk, (5) Pour mixture into greased muffin tin, filled to ¾ full, (6) Bake on center rack for 30 minutes, until golden brown (7)  Remove tarts from tin while still hot, (8)  Serve same day at room temperature. 
National Gin & Tonic Day...

...was on Easter Sunday, and we did have G&Ts. We not only love Barr Hill Gin, we love the people, we love the company, and we love their swanky cocktail bar. It’s a sub-two-hour drive north, but combining the trip with our other experiences makes for an amazing day. And, they always treat us, our friends and guests incredibly well. Make sure to ask for Patrick, he makes everyone's visit special.

What makes this award-winning gin uniquely interesting and delicious? The complex flavor composition is delicately infused with local honey. The owners—a beekeeper and a distiller working together in one of the most beautiful agricultural regions on Earth—the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont created a gin so delicious that you can almost taste Vermont in every sip! Join us or visit Barr Hill directly—they’re on 116 Gin Drive in Montpelier.
President Chester Arthur Birthplace • Fairfield, Vermont
Summer Destination & Beautiful Spring Photo…
Arthur served as the 21st president of the United States from 1881 to 1885 following the death of James Garfield. Evaluations by modern historians generally rank Arthur as a mediocre president, and has also been described a one of the least memorable presidents. However, journalist, Alexander McClure, wrote, "No man ever entered the Presidency so profoundly and widely distrusted as Chester Alan Arthur, and no one ever retired ... more generally respected, alike by political friend and foe.” Mark Twain wrote, "It would be hard indeed to better President Arthur's administration.”
The abbreviated content above is from Wikipedia, which, as you know, is not considered a reliable source for academic citation.
Hudson River Rail Excursions • New York City to Albany
There's Good News & Bad News ...
The good news is Hudson River Rail Excursions has brought back rides in the Hickory Creek sleeper-lounge car aboard New York Central's 20th Century Limited train, which was called "The Most Famous Train in the World." Train travelers can book a seat in the Hickory Creek car for a round-trip journey from NYC to Albany over 21 dates in June. Passengers will travel the same route as riders in the 1940s and 1950s, on a round-trip day excursion between New York City's Moynihan Train Hall in Penn Station and Albany-Rensselaer Station. Now, after all that, the bad news, tickets for 2023 are sold out, sorry—however, there’s a wait list. The website is still well worth visiting! 
Happiest Cities in America—Vermont’s on the List, Again! 
Round Church in Richmond...
Two Vermont Cities Land on List of Happiest in America, and both are therefore the happiest cities in New England—#9 South Burlington, and #10 Burlington, Vermont. This photograph confirms what most of us already know—Vermont is such a happy place!
According to WalletHub's new "2023's Happiest Cities in America" report, location can play a big role in happiness. They examined over 180 cities based on 30 key indicators of happiness, and Fremont, California, which earned top scores in the report's "emotional and physical well-being" category. The city that ranked last on the list is Detroit, Michigan.
New Day Trip Itinerary...
Renoir, Rodin, Monet, Gauguin, Pissarro all come alive at The Clark—view modern art at Mass MoCA (above), explore the cultural beauty of Bennington, and stop by Robert Frost’s house. Experiencing the country drive from Pond Mountain Inn on Routes 30, 7 & 7A to southern Vermont and the Berkshires may be one of the prettiest drives in the northeast…
New Day Trip Itinerary...
Discover the birthplace of Vermont, drive through the world’s longest covered bridge (above), explore Saint-Gaudens National State Park, learn about “The Shakers”, and see a stunning Ivy League town of Hanover, New Hampshire—Dartmouth. Visit the library’s “Dr. Seuss Room,” Class of 1925. And, just up the road is King Arthur Baking Company...
Upcoming Events & Insightful Features
Those Are My Toes…

Last summer, we headed to Saratoga for a mineral bath at The Roosevelt Baths—an experience not to be missed. The Roosevelt Baths opened in 1935—at the peak, they were drawing 2,500 baths each day. Yes, the water is brown with a faint sweet smell, and a delightful bathing temperature of about 100°. Are there any therapeutic benefits? Many say yes, and I do too. Afterward, I was very relaxed and my skin was incredibly soft. If nothing else, your experience will make a great story! The history is fascinating; I shared two links.
Celebrate Earth Day April 22, 2023
How Much Water is There on Earth? The short answer is, not all that much. The globe illustration shows blue spheres representing relative amounts of Earth's water in comparison to the size of the Earth. Water is never sitting still. Thanks to the water cycle, our planet's water supply is constantly moving from one place to another and from one form to another. Things would get pretty stale without the water cycle!

Do you notice the "tiny" bubble over Atlanta, Georgia? That one represents fresh water in all the lakes and rivers on the planet. Most of the water people and life on earth need every day comes from these surface-water sources.

Thanks to the USGS for the content and photo. 

Enfield Shaker Museum… 

This large museum campus is another “must visit”. Founded in 1793, this village was the ninth of 18 Shaker communities to be established in this country. At its peak in the mid-19th century, the community was home to three “Families” of Shakers. Here, they lived, worked, and worshiped. They practiced equality of the sexes and races, celibacy, pacifism, and communal ownership of property. Striving to create a heaven on earth, the Enfield Shakers built more than 100 buildings (including the Great Stone Dwelling, the largest-ever Shaker edifice), and farmed over 3,000 acres. Michael, thank you again for the personal tour last month—our guests loved it!
The abbreviated content is from The Shaker website.

Enjoy the pleasantly languid start to each day, then let adventures still unwritten take you further…

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Inspiring Day Trips
Pond Mountain Inn Bed and Breakfast
1955 Saw Mill Hill Road, Wells, Vermont 05774