Friday Newsletter

May 19, 2023

From the Pastor's Desk

We took a look at Julia Ward Howe’s Mother’s Day Proclamation last week in worship. After the Civil War, Howe, who was the composer of the song Battle Hymn of the Republic, wrote what would become an early tribute to mothers as fierce agents of peace in a warring world. It was 1870 but it just as easily could have been today. She starts off “Again, in the sight of the Christian world, have the skill and power of two great nations exhausted themselves in mutual murder,” and then continues, “Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn all that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience. We, women of one country, will be too tender of those of another country, to allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs.” Read more here. In worship this week, we will continue to look at the ways the early church understood themselves to be agents of that same peace, a traveling clinic for a sick world. Our Jewish sisters and brothers call this practice, Tikkun olam which means repairing of the world; Isaiah 58 calls us to be “repairers of the breach, restorer of the streets to live in.” Our text this week, Acts 16, is a fascinating story about how Paul and Silas found themselves doing just that and call us to something similar in our own time. See you Sunday!

Ever onward,

Pastor Kelly

This Sunday

Worship Service: 10 am

Sunday School & nursery care available

Coffee Hour: following service

Families Lunch: 11:30-1:00

Youth Group Skating Party: 12pm-3pm

Worship Notes

We are welcoming our spring 2023 new members in worship this week, come welcome them!

We are continuing with our new song, "Draw the Circle Wide". Keep practicing!

Sunday Music Spotlight

This week during service we have the joy of hearing our Handbell Choir play a song based upon the tune melody, Prospect. This melody tune was collected by W. Walker (1809-1875) and was included within his 1835 shape-note collection called “The Southern Harmony.” The tune has been attributed to “Graham,” however no biographical information is known about the original composer. Shape-note singing is a form of choral hymn-singing that originated in the United States during the 18th/19th centuries as a way to simplify congregational singing. Although mostly a novelty, there are many musicological societies who continue hosting conventions to celebrate this American tradition. [Source:]


Needed for Vacation Bible Camp: two large cardboard boxes (refrigerator-sized). Contact the church office or Teri Mohney if you can help!

Help out at VBC this year--contact Teri Mohney ( or 503-851-6160) to discuss how you can help with this fun, impactful event. Forms with various roles will be available at church on Sunday.

It's the last Sunday to sign notes of encouragement to our college age students! Please take a moment to sign the cards in the narthex. Thank you for your support of our youth! 

Come to Families Lunch on May 21, 11:30-1:00. Lunch served to all, then kids' activities and infant care available during adult program time. Youth are invited to go roller-skating (RSVP for roller skating here.)

Give blood this coming Monday, May 22 (details below!).

Save the Date

Congregational Meeting: June 11, 11 am (renewal of Boulder Hall loan)

Vacation Bible Camp: 6/26-6/30 for current Kindergarteners-5th graders. Register here or pick up a form in the narthex.


The nursery will be closing for the summer after June 4. This will give our worker and volunteers a much-needed break. Many thanks to Children’s Ministry for stepping in to fill a leadership void while the nursery is in transition. The transition will be discussed during the summer with a hope of revitalizing this ministry before fall. The space will be available as an "escape room" if needed with service streaming capabilities. Please contact Teri Mohney or Suzanne Taylor for more information.

Sunday School also takes its summer hiatus after May 21 and youth groups after May 28.

A reminder that worshipers of all ages are welcome in the sanctuary when we gather and practice together how to be the body of Christ!

The Scripture text for Sunday worship (and Pastor's Bible Study) is departing from the narrative lectionary for the next several weeks. We will be staying in Acts as we continue to "draw the circle wide". Texts are as follows:

4/30: Acts 13:1-3; 14:8-18

5/7: Acts 3:1-10

5/14: Acts 19:23-41

5/21: Acts 16:16-40

Session is meeting on May 31 instead of May 17 this month.

Access the full church calendar here.  

Deadline for placing info in the Friday Newsletter is every Thursday at 9 am!

In the Community

Center 50+ South Salem Village Social & Coffee Hour. Join us on May 22, 10:00-11:00 am either in person (at Westminster) or online. Meet your neighbors and get connected! More info here.


For Westminster's continued support of Elmarie and Scott Parker, mission co-workers in the Middle East. Read their latest hope-filled letter here.

To the Presbytery of the Cascades' New Ministry Team for supporting us financially with a grant as we seek to open a new Childcare Partnership daycare program. We were even featured in the monthly Presbytery newsletter.

Prayers for

Krystal Peterson, who has been hospitalized with pneumonia and is now home recovering.

**If you would like a written prayer included in Sunday's worship bulletin, please email or call the church office (; 503-364-3327) or fill out the prayer request form on the website by Thursday at 10 am each week.


The Cancer Resource Center provides free head coverings to patients undergoing cancer treatment. We have wigs, hats, and scarves to give to patients no matter where they are being treated. As the weather warms up, some patients ask for scarves rather than a wig. This year we have very few large square head scarves. If you have a large head scarf you do not wear, would you please donate it? You can take it to the CRC in building C at Salem Hospital or you can drop it off in the church office. I will take the donations to the CRC. If you have questions, or would like to learn about the blessings of volunteering in the CRC, please contact Lynnea Lyman.

Remember to bring your fabric this week. We are starting to assemble the pillowcases for Doernbecher. Thank you to all who have donated already.

Greetings Westminster Friends! Once again the American Red Cross is hosting a blood donation drive at Westminster on May 22, 2023. Thank you so much for your life-affirming donations in the past. Please join with other Westminster members and the Salem community by rolling up your sleeves and pitching in! You can be as altruistic as you have always wanted to be! There are still many appointment spots available between 1:15pm and 5:15pm, so please give us a call soon to pick your spot. We also need folks to give the "Power Red" or "Double Red" where one gives two units of red cells and gets BACK ALL your plasma and platelets (plus some saline solution)! You will feel more hydrated and often less tired after that donation. To get scheduled you can use the Red Cross blood donor app or email or call Bill Nelson at or (503) 576-1278, or Pam Garland at (503) 551-2998. Thank you, and let's keep Westminster the premier church blood donation site in Salem!! All the best to you, Bill Nelson

Westminster Presbyterian Church


3737 Liberty Rd. S 

Salem, OR 97302

PHONE: 503-364-3327

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