
#77 - Week ending June 10th, 2022

Welcome to this weeks 'Take 5', your 5 minute weekly Optinet roundup. If you need clarification on any points or have questions drop an email to or raise a ticket in the portal.

Tracking FTA's

You can see how many times a patient has failed by switching to the 'Consent / App. Hist' tab on the patient record - the 'Cancellations' table shows every cancellation / failure along with when it was cancelled, by who and the reason.

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Custom Lens Catalogue

In FLEX you can download supplier lens catalogues from many of the top suppliers, if a supplier subscribes to Hawkstone then they will be available in FLEX - but what if your supplier isn't in FLEX or you want to create your own catalogue with lenses from a mixture of suppliers? In this case you would create a custom catalogue.

How to create a Custom Catalogue
Email Disc.png to open a ticket automatically to book staff training to book a FLEX demonstration

Summer is here (apparently!) - Planning Sales Promotions

So summer is here and you are starting to plan the sales & promotions for the months ahead, do you know you can set promotions in advance - defining the dates the promotion should start / end, which suppliers or brands are included and discount amounts!

Click the button below to

How Do I Create a Promotion?

DEV NEWS: Looking ahead to 1.5.7

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In the next release, we have added greater control over when SMS & EMAIL appointment reminders are sent.

New columns have been added, 'Reminder Start' & 'Reminder End', that set the time range when messages can be sent.

In the example below, the practice is not open on Sunday (no entry exists in the table for Sunday) so reminders for Monday would be sent between the times specified on the Saturday as that is the closest available 'open' day.

Latest Patches

  • HPP indicates high priority patches that are downloaded and installed automatically
  •  MTS indicates patches that have been deployed to the 'Hosted FLEX' servers
  • REQ indicates a patch that will be loaded on request or when an issue is highlighted


*** If you would like any other patches applied, please raise a support ticket ***


  • #054 - Lens Catalogue
  • Lenses in catalogues that contain multiple values in their 'App Code' field will now be displayed in FLEX (e.g. Sinclair Optical)

How are we doing?

We want to hear from you!

Send us your ideas for enhancements to FLEX, service improvements and general feedback - click the link below...

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