September 6, 2024

FRWA Responds to Article Regarding Lead in Schools

Florida Rural Water Association (FRWA) along with the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) have utilized the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) WIIN Grant for Lead Testing in Schools and Child Care Programs. From the beginning of the program to now, a total of 35,829 samples have been collected and analyzed by certified laboratories, from over 700 school and childcare facilities across the State of Florida. 

A recent report came out that insinuated Florida has not been diligent in sampling, remediating concerns, and not prioritizing children’s health. (Click here to review the complete article.) Nothing could be further from the truth- As we are nearing $2 million dollars that has been spent on Lead in Schools sampling alone. Our goal in Florida is to continue to promote this program so that every school and childcare in the state is tested and children are drinking high quality water without lead.

Out of 35,829 samples analyzed, 590 samples resulted in elevated results that required action for remediation.

***What this means to parents and the public*** 

  • 98.4% of samples analyzed were below the action level for remediation. 
  • All 590 exceedances have been either completely remediated or removed from service and are no longer accessible by students and faculty. 

In a few short months, the Lead in Schools Program will be turned over to the water utilities to continue the sampling program to ensure they maintain healthy drinking water standards for the school and childcare facilities.

Water utilities will maintain the sampling process by sampling 20% of school and childcare facilities, in their service area, for 5 years. The schools will be sampled starting with elementary, then middle schools, and lastly high schools, over the 5 years to cover all the schools. This process will be repeated every 5 years. 

Once the utilities take over, the minimum sampling requirements are as follows: 

  • For childcares: 1 drinking water location, 1 classroom or 1 kitchen sink. 
  • For schools: 2 drinking water fountains, 1 kitchen faucet, 1 classroom faucet, and 1 nurse station.

FRWA has received positive feedback from each school board that has completed the testing including from Lake County School Board: “The Lake County School Board is very glad to participate in the Lead in Schools program, we want to make sure we are doing everything we can to protect our children. We would also like to thank the FRWA with their assistance for ensuring this program runs as smooth as possible. Thank you.” Billy Fischer, Lead Water Treatment Plant Operator, Lake County School District. 

FRWA and FDEP continue to sample schools and childcares across the state to ensure our youth have access to safe drinking water while attending educational institutions. 

Once the child care or school board gives us the approval, the process goes as follows: 

  • We coordinate with a certified lab and sampler that the school often requests. 
  • Samples are taken at child cares and any schools in the state of Florida. (Examples of fixtures: water fountains, classroom faucets, kitchen faucets, bathroom faucets) 
  • Under the current Lead in Schools program, through FDEP, there is no minimum or maximum amount of sample locations, but the locations do have to be where children have access to water. 
  • The sampler is usually escorted by a school employee and testing is conducted before school starts in the morning. 
  • The result of the testing is then shared with FDEP and posted on FDEPs website. 
  • If there is ever an exceedance, the lab notifies FRWA within the final report, and the school will bag the fixture, replace and/or repair. 
  • The fixture is resampled to confirm there is no longer an exceedance prior to return to service.


2024/2025 FRWA Membership Directory

Watch your mailbox for your copy of the Florida Rural Water Association's 2024/2025 Membership Directory. In the meantime, you can browse through the new issue electronically by clicking on the image below.

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This Week in Water History

September 6, 1893: The Houston Daily Post ran a series of investigative articles about the Water Works Company and the pollution in Buffalo Bayou–an early surface water supply for the City of Houston, Texas. In a September 6, 1893 article, Houston Cotton Exchange officials charged that the bayou was “an immense cesspool, reeking with filth and emitting a stench of vilest character.” The newspaper noted in 1895 that a dozen privies, a smallpox graveyard, a dead cow, oil mill, and cattle yards had been sighted in the waters above the Water Works’ dam. In another article later that year, reporters wrote that cattle from the Southern Oil Mill stockyards were discovered wading in the bayou alongside decomposing cow carcasses. A drain from the mill ran directly into the bayou creating additional unsanitary conditions. “It is our opinion that the use of this water is a menace to the lives of the people of this community,” avowed the investigative reporters.

Update: With the devastation of the Houston by Hurricane Harvey in 2017, it is astonishing that water service in Houston was never lost, nor was a boil water order ever issued. Houston OBVIOUSLY made a lot of improvements in their water supply over 124 years.


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