from Maine BSLA
News + Events for Maine Landscape Architects
Spring 2023
Invitation: Join us on a Walk
Landscape Design for Wildlife
Sunday, June 4
8am - 10am
In person

BSLA Maine invites you to join us on a wildlife walk with naturalist William Broussard in Capisic Pond Park. We will learn about the wildlife that call Portland Maine’s largest freshwater pond home, and we will discuss how to design landscapes to attract and maintain a diversity of wildlife.

Members + non-members, families and friends, all are welcome. Cost $10, limit 20 people.

Maine Registration Board Opening
After 35 years of service, Terry DeWan, FASLA, has retired from the Maine State Board for Licensure of Architects, Landscape Architects, and Interior Designers. Terry, thank you for your decades of serving our profession!

This means there’s an opening for one position on the Board for a landscape architect. The Board is scheduled to meet every other month. As a member of the Board, you would also be part of the Council of Landscape Architects Registration Boards (CLARB).

Qualifications per the Maine statute: "Each member of the board must be a resident of this State and in the case of... landscape architect, members must be currently licensed or certified by the State and have engaged in the independent practice of landscape architecture... in the State for at least 5 years immediately prior to appointment."

If you're interested and want to learn more, please email BSLA Maine section co-chairs Johanna or Steven. Thank you!
Searsport School Opportunity
Nick Neisus, a Searsport, Maine educator, seeks a Maine landscape architect or firm to consult with the school on a new playground project. If you're interested, please email Nick directly:
Call for suggestions
Launching Inside/Out 2023
Now in our fourth year, Inside/Out is an ongoing, growing series of landscape architecture site tours across our region. Prioritizing issues of climate and health, equity and resilience, each tour discusses ideas and implementation as we explore these landscapes together.

Is there a landscape that you’d like to explore — or share — in 2023? Please let us know here.

We would especially love to include residential projects in our 2023 tour series! Any project type is welcome; construction sites too.

We're building the 2023 lineup and seek suggestions for site tours from across Maine and Massachusetts -- the Berkshires to Bar Harbor, Portland to Millinocket to the Cape to Cambridge and more.

This two minute video offers an overview of the series.

Photos above: Inside/Out Maine highlights from the past few years include (clockwise from top left): Todd Richardson and Lisa Cowan at the Ecology School; Todd led a tour of the Ecology School landscape for Inside/Out fall 2021, while Jeff Pelletier/michael boucher landscape architecture led a tour of the Portland Foreside site. Larry Johannesman and Steven Mansfield on bikes as part of Inside/Out Rangely Lakes, fall 2022; Nick Aceto and Grace McNeill, Caitlin Aceto, and Margo Barajas lead tours of ALA construction sites in Portland (fall 2022) and Scarborough Downs (fall 2021).
Please help spread the word
A two-week introduction to landscape architecture, architecture, and design thinking
Our summer program registration is OPEN! Please help us spread the word on this amazing pilot!

We have paired local practitioners in both landscape architecture and architecture to introduce students to the fundamentals of spatial practice - learning to see and think with their hands. Open to all ages - from rising juniors + seniors in high school to currently enrolled college + university students, to life-long learners. 3 college credits. There are tuition waivers for Maine public high school students (and homeschooled) in the graduating class of ‘24, ‘25, and ‘26! Tuition waivers for life-long learners 65+ too.

The two-week studio-based workshop will include hand drawing, model making, firm visits, spatial interventions, portfolio prep and documentation, and, of course fun!
There's an always-growing list of events for our entire Maine and Massachusetts chapter at, and we're always open to good stuff to add, too.

Maine landscape architecture community, we're here to serve you. Please don't be shy with questions, comments, suggestions. The Maine BSLA Section Co-Chairs are Johanna Cairns and Steven Mansfield. The chapter office is led by Gretchen:

In person or online, we can't wait to see you soon.

Thanks for being part of our community.