Friday, September 6, 2024 | |
Greetings UCCB,
Harvest themed Freebee Market, Hotdogs, Petting Zoo, Live Music and Bouncy House this Saturday at the Freebee Market! New children's program and "Blessing of the Backpacks" on Sunday!
What a weekend awaits us! This Saturday we will enjoy a festive morning at the harvest themed Freebee Market where we will welcome our community with free hot dogs and a bouncy house for kids. There will be a band and a petting zoo, and of course the harvest bounty of Freebee Market! Join us between 10am and noon for fun and fellowship at UCCB. Bring a friend!
On Sunday the welcome continues with the beginning of our new children's program during the sermon portion of Sunday worship. We will have a "Blessing of the Backpacks" at the Word for All Ages.
Directly following worship there will be a congregational meeting to approve the ministerial profile and the search committee that will launch our search for a new settled minister. What a great moment to celebrate an enormously productive summer at UCCB with ice cream following the meeting!
Reach out to a neighbor or friend and bring them to one of the weekend activities at UCCB. Children will enjoy the bouncy house and petting zoo and who doesn't love ice cream?
Welcome UCCB and friends!
See you on Sunday,
Richard & Jill
Richard & Jill Edens
Interim Co-Pastors
UCC Boxborough
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Welcome Sunday & Congregational Meeting - September 8th
The Fall Program resumes on Sunday, September 8, with worship at 9:30pm. After worship, there will be a congregational meeting to affirm the Search Committee and the Ministerial Profile that has been written by the Profile Team over the summer. See the letter from our Moderator, Peter Senghas, for more information.
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Little Free Pantry at UCCB
Part of our Open Doors mission is the Little Free Pantry, which provides free food to anyone in need, anytime. This Sunday we invite you all to bring non perishable food items to help continue this wonderful program!
I’m passing along info about the LFP in case you are not familiar with it. Also, if you’d be interested in taking a week as a “steward,” there is information about that below as well!
If you are interested in learning more about the Little Free Pantry, check out the church’s website: . If you would like to organize a group or individually adopt a week, contact Jenn at the church office ( to sign-up and learn more.
Thank you!
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Children’s Programming Begins Sept. 8th
Beginning September 8, children may go with two adult volunteers following the Word for All Ages to the Gathering Room for a program. During the Offering the children will return to their Sanctuary to sit with their parents. The programming is intended to reflect the scripture from worship. Some Sundays there will be other activities. For example, on September 8, the children and youth will learn about the Little Free Pantry from volunteers, Anne Chandler and Kellie Senghas. Please bring gifts of canned fish/meat, peanut butter and canned vegetables for the Little Free Pantry as one of the activities will be sorting and shelving the food inside and replenishing Little Free Pantry outside.
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On Tuesdays at 10am, you are invited to a lively and far-ranging conversation with the Pastors on the scripture for the coming Sunday.
On Tuesday, Sept 10, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, September 15
17th Sunday after Pentecost: Proverbs 1:20-33; Psalm 19; James 3:1-12; Mark 8:27-38.
On Tuesday, Sept 17, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, September 22
18th Sunday after Pentecost: Proverbs 31:10-31; Psalm 1; James 3:13-4:3,7-8a; Mark 9:30-37.
On Tuesday, Sept 24, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, September 29
19th Sunday after Pentecost: Esther 7:1-6,9-10; 9:20-22; Psalm 124; James 5:13-20; Mark 9:38-50.
On Tuesday, Oct 01, we will discuss the lessons for Sunday, October 6
20th Sunday after Pentecost: Job 1:1, 2:1-10; Psalm 26; Hebrews 1:1-4, 2:5-12; Mark 10:2-16
The meeting opens at 9:45 for visiting. Please join us. The Zoom link is:
Passcode: 7387
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Silent Auction Needs Your Donations!
Get into the Christmas spirit early by giving a gift or a service to the Merrie Christmas Fair’s Silent Auction, which will be held online again this year at from November 13 through 23. You donate an item or a service that you provide, then people bid to win that item or service.
All different kinds of donations are welcome:
· gifts you purchase
· gifts you make
· art and photography
· delicious homemade food (food-of-the-month or one-time treats)
· Christmas-themed items
· tickets to plays, concerts, or sports events
· gift certificates to local restaurants
· skills you can share (cooking, hiking, cross-country skiing, singing, decorating, pie-crust making, gardening, etc.)
· services you can provide (remodeling advice, pet sitting, rides to the airport, planting bulbs)
· something you really like – others will, too!
Add your gift to the list on the Silent Auction poster in the Gathering Room during coffee hour or contact Mary Anne Vogel (home: 978-263-8957, cell: 978-852-9637, or email:
Can’t decide what to donate? We gladly accept money to buy articles for the Auction from local businesses. Mail a check to the church, or bring your check to the church office between 9 AM and 2 PM weekdays, except Wednesdays. Make the check out to “UCCB” and write “Silent Auction” on the memo line.
You can also donate money online using the church website ( Click on the blue DONATE button at the top of the homepage to bring up the Donations form. Near the bottom of the form, next to “Special Collections” enter the amount you would like to give and type “Silent Auction” in the box next to the amount. Click Continue at the bottom of the page to finish the donation by entering your name and credit card information.
Please let us know what you want to donate by November 1st. The Silent Auction needs everyone’s participation to be successful! Thank you very much!
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Register Now for Rise Against Hunger
Worship in Action, Sunday September 29, 2024
The upbeat music! The assembly line! The stylish hair nets! We’re excited to bring back Rise Against Hunger. All ages are invited to this Worship in Action service - there are roles for everyone! We’ll gather in the Community Center for a short worship service, then work together to assemble meal packets that will be distributed globally to those most in need. Just one way that we put our faith into action by caring for the world and demonstrating our love for neighbors, near and far. Have friends who are equally motivated – invite them to join!
All participants are required to register and agree to a liability waiver and release. It would be helpful for people to register ahead of time, freeing up time during the event for us to package as many meals as possible. On the registration page click the “Register” button. Where it says “Choose the time best for you to end world hunger” check “Volunteer Shift #01” (note that we’ve reserved two hours for the event, but any amount of time you can give will be appreciated). Don’t forget to hit “Submit” at the bottom of the page. Questions? Contact Most Sundays in September, Kellie will be available during fellowship time after church to register you if easier. See you on September 29!
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Register now for the Southern New England Conference UCC Justice Summit: Politics as an Act of Faith - Saturday, September 14.
This day-long program will equip local church leaders, both lay and clergy, to engage with politics as people of faith. This Summit has something for everyone, including: a Bible study exploring what scripture says about politics and justice; sessions on the challenges of engaging political conversations, especially in such a polarized time; and connection with faith-based justice leaders for practical opportunities to take your faith beyond the pews. You can join on site at Wesleyan University in Connecticut or online. Learn more and register (by August 30 for onsite) at:
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Are you whiling away your evenings (or days)?
Shame on you! Just kidding. If you are into sewing, quilting, knitting, crocheting, taking pictures, decoupaging, making cards, creating doll clothes, painting, macrame, cross stitch, embroidery, candle making…………. The KNITS AND GIFTS table needs your talents. I’m hoping that many of you will contribute items to the table for the Merry Christmas Fair. In past years this table has offered a large variety of beautiful homemade items.
Pricing of items will take into account the cost of materials, but recouping your time can be difficult. It’s truly a labor of love. Shoppers are looking for unique, one of a kind items at a reasonable price.
If you have any questions please give me a call or send a message.
Marlee Roberts.
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Do you have something you want to share in the weekly Flash?
Submissions for the weekly newsletter are due on Thursday morning at 9:00am. Please submit your camera ready announcement and the dates which you would like it run to Any questions, please contact Jenn in the church office at 978.263.7387.
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