June 12th, 2022

The Solemnity of the Most

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The Most Holy Trinity

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. We say these words as we make the sign of the cross, the sign of God's saving love for us in Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. God who created the heavens, earth, and all who dwell in it. Jesus Christ, through whom we are offered salvation and peace. The Holy Spirit, who breathes life, leads us to the truth, and strengthens us to live as God's holy people. On this Solemnity, let us pause to reflect upon the mystery of the Holy Trinity, three persons in one God. As we name the mystery, may we come to know God's love more deeply and live it more profoundly.


Have you ever paused on a clear night to look up at the stars, or taken time to notice the splendor of spring flowers, the changing colors of the autumn leaves, or the still beauty of a snow-covered landscape? Such moments of quiet reflection may lead us to a powerful sense of wonder. The same God who created the stars, flowers, trees, and snow created each of us. In sensing God's presence in the beauty that surrounds us, we may be filled with awe in perceiving what cannot be seen. Moments of wonder and awe may take us by surprise. It may be invisible, yet in these moments we see the hand of God.


Not only in the beauty of God's creation do we sense the presence of the Lord. In times of prayer, especially the celebration of the Eucharist, we are strengthened in faith to be assured of the mystery of the triune God. The Holy Spirit guides us to the truth--the truth of who God is and who we are in God's sight. Even in times of great trial, we endure and find hope in the mystery of Christ's love--Jesus, who gave his life for us on the cross and who rose in glory is with us in times of wonder and in moments of difficulty. We see the love of God in the acts of love of others and when we act as Christ's people in service and care for others. We grow in the capacity to see with the eyes of faith, eyes that recognize God's grace and are ready to respond by sharing the love of God, Father, Son, and Spirit, in the world.

Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co., Inc.

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Monday - Friday 8:00 AM

In the Church & Online


Saturdays 4:00 PM In the Church


Sunday Vigil - Saturday 5:00 PM

In the Church & Online

Sunday 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM & 11:30 AM

In the Church

Please stay home if you are feeling ill, have tested positive, or have been exposed to Covid.

Online Mass Links: Zoom | Facebook

Signup to Lector, Usher, EM & Altar Serve
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THIS YEAR we would like to recognize ALL of our 2022 graduates at our annual blessing of graduates during the June 11th & 12th liturgies. If you have graduated from kindergarten, middle school, high school, trade school, college, or you’ve just finished your second degree, master degree, or doctorate we want to celebrate you! And yes! This means YOU! Parishioners, kindly extend the invitation to your family and friends as well. 

Mass Intentions

June 3 - June 10

To schedule a Mass intention, please email stmartinoftours@icloud.com.

Saturday 5:00 Sal Lipari †,

Patricia Ann Sieben

Sunday 8:30 St. Martin of Tours Parishioners

Sunday 10:00 St. Martin of Tours Parishioners

Sunday 11:30 Trinidad Custodia †,

Therese Macasiray Truong †

Monday 8:00 Faithfully Departed

Tuesday 8:00 St. Martin of Tours Parishioners

Wednesday 8:00 James & Vincee Viso †,

Richard Carrillo †

Thursday 8:00 Edgar Cabading †

Friday 8:00 Elaine Macasiray Albaniel †,

Right to Life


Cary Gideon,

Michael Leece,

Ron Stroope, Judy Orsi,


Krystle Cortez, Brandi Duval, Larry Grossi, Camille Brinks, Marcia LeRoy, Rosalia Russo, Tony Jones, Annamary Kethaponkalan, Billy Chau, Paul Apodaca, Devika, Joe Arant,

Helena Knapen

Please pray with us for our parishioners, family and friends.
Calendar of Events:
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Friday, June 17th from 4:00 - 5:00 PM

Food Box Pickup

Everyone welcome (no ID needed)

Volunteers needed from 3:00 - 5:30 PM, please meet behind the Bailey House

Sunday, June 19th

Happy Father's Day

Please join us for Mass at 8:30 AM, 10:00 AM or 11:30 AM

For a complete list of Parish events:
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Discipleship Passports DUE

If you haven’t done so already, please drop off your

passports during the 5pm, 10:00 am, or 11:30 am Mass this weekend. Please make sure your child's name is on the passport, and provide your contact information for notification purposes. Passports are no longer being stamped, but we will renew the Mass Passport program in the Fall.

Passport holders with 25 or more stamps will be eligible for the dinner with the bishop this summer.Special recognition will be awarded to passport holders with 40 or more stamps.

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 Parish Support

We thank you for your continued support!!! To make a one-time or recurring online gift, use the Give Today button below. Thank you again!


Sunday Offerings:           

Week 6/2/2022

Fiscal Year to Date









Give Today

ADA (Annual Diocesan Appeal)

Our goal this year was $142,329. As of June 1, 2022, we have received 333 pledges with a total amount pledged of $141,829.32. We only need $499.68 to

reach our goal! Thank you so much to everyone that made a pledge this year!! There is still time if you would like to drop your pledge in the Sunday basket or go online to stmartin.org. All donations above our goal are rebated back to the parish. Thank you again!

Please consider serving your
St. Martin of Tours Parish Community

Liturgical Ministers
Ushers, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers, Choir & Environment

Pastoral Care Programs
Befrienders, Food Box, Farm Workers’ Families, Coat Drive, Giving Tree, Welcoming Committee

St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP)
Treasurer, Phone monitors, Home visitors, Data Entry, Computer programmers

For more information and to begin your ministry, please complete the Volunteer application online at https://stmartintourschurch.org/volunteer/

Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA)

formerly known as RCIA


Are you interested in joining the Catholic Church?

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) - formerly known as The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) - is for you! The OCIA is a process for adult women and men who are interested in becoming members of the Roman Catholic Church. This process is intended for adults who


·     have never been baptized but wish to become Catholic;


·     or, have been baptized in another Christian community who would like to be received into the Catholic Church;


·     or, those who were baptized in the Catholic Church as infants but were never taught the faith and never received the other sacraments of initiation, namely, the sacraments of Confirmation and the Eucharist.

A similar rite is adapted for children and teens between the ages of 7 and 18 who fall into the same categories.


During this process, you will be introduced to the beliefs and practices of the Catholic Church and discover what it means to be a disciple of the Lord. If you have questions or are interested in the OCIA, please contact Lerma Simpson at (408) 294-8953 ext. 321 or at lerma.simpson@dsj.org

Family Activities

This Sunday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity. The Church celebrates the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity on the first Sunday after Pentecost. In the Holy Trinity, God reveals Himself to us as the one true God. Here are some ways your family can mark this special day together:


1. Show younger kids this video and learn the Holy Trinity song and dance together: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZ_vnP0kwrQ

2. Together with your children how to draw the Trinity shield by watching this video by Catholic Icing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34f_OI9c1mk&t=4s


3. At dinner this Sunday, share some foods with a Trinitarian theme.

  • Italian Rainbow Cookies have three colors—they make a good dessert!


  • Cook something that includes “the Cajun Holy Trinity”: onion, celery and green peppers. 


  • Strawberries were planted in medieval Trinity gardens because of their three-pointed leaves.


  • Bake Trinity Muffin Bread (recipe below) with the children


Ingredients: Biscuit mix, cinnamon sugar in bowls, muffin pan, paper cupcake liners.

Instructions: Make the biscuit mix according to the recipe, or package directions. (Alternately, cut bread stick dough into 1" sections and give each child 3 sections.) Give each child a paper cupcake liner, and three small clumps of dough. Have each of the children roll their dough into three, one-inch balls. Roll the balls of dough into the cinnamon sugar and place them into the paper liner. Bake according to the recipe or package directions. 

When the muffins are finished baking, the "three balls of dough become one." Before eating the bread, pray the “Glory Be” together.

Catholic IQ...

A Matrimony Quiz

1.  The exchange of vows, called the “giving of _______ ,” is when the sacrament of Matrimony actually occurs.

 a) consent

 b) flowers

 c) rings

 d) wedding cake  


2.  In the Roman Catholic Church, the ­­­­________ celebrates the sacrament.

 a) deacon

 b) priest

 c) couple

 d) parents

 3.  It is possible for a Catholic to marry a non-Catholic in a valid Catholic wedding.

 True | False


4. A divorced Catholic cannot remarry unless his or her first marriage was

 a) performed in a foreign country

 b) celebrated before 1990

 c) annulled

 d) forgotten

5.  If either the bride or groom does not give their consent, the marriage is still valid.

 True | False


Family Reflection...

June 12, 2022 Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Proverbs 8:22-31 • Romans 5:1-5 • John 16:12-15

“When he comes, the Spirit of truth, he will guide you to all truth.” —John 16:13

Being smart isn’t the same as being wise. Some people are really smart when it comes to memorizing facts or solving math problems, but that doesn’t mean they always make wise choices or focus on what’s most important in life. Jesus didn’t have a lot of education compared to some of the “smart” people in his religion, but he was very wise. He knew how to listen to the truth that came from God that was in his heart, where the Holy Spirit speaks. In fact, the Bible sometimes compares the Holy Spirit to wisdom. So even if some people were mean or judgmental about other people, Jesus followed his heart and treated everyone with love, no matter what they looked like, how they talked, what kind of job they had, what they could or couldn’t do with their bodies, or if they were religious or not. Whether or not we are smart in school and get good grades, we can all be wise if we listen to the Holy Spirit like Jesus did.

Prayer: Jesus, help us to listen to and follow the voice of the Holy Spirit that leads us to do what is good and true.

Family Reflection: Who are the wisest people you know?

Children's Sunday Bulletin & Activities

Web Link for this week - Children's Sunday Bulletin & Activities:


Stay up to date with Diocesan wide news, events, and stories as well as news from the USCCB and the Vatican. Read the Bishop’s messages, see what our children are doing in school, and learn about upcoming community events. Follow the Diocese of San Jose on FacebookInstagramTwitter, and Vimeo. Social Media Posts: Facebook Instagram
The Valley Catholic

Please email the Parish Office.
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