Keeping It Fresh and Clean- Livestock Water Tank Maintenance
Maggie Justice, PhD- Extension Beef Cattle Specialist- Assistant Professor
While this seems like one of those simple chores, making sure our animals have clean fresh water is a simple reminder that we could all use. Cleaning water troughs periodically is a good idea. All troughs should be drained and cleaned properly at least once a year or every 6 months. But if they are prone to getting very dirty then more frequent cleanings may need to occur. Cattle may drink from 7 to 30 gallons of water a day and water quality can impact overall maintenance of a herd’s health and productivity.
What if the tank needs a good scrubbing?
1. Drain the tank- getting the tank empty can be difficult unless the tank has a built- in drain. If there isn’t a built-in drain, consider letting the herd drink the water down to a point where it can be easily accessed.
2. Add in one part household chorine bleach for 32 parts of water and let sit for 15 minutes then drain again.
3. Using a stiff brush, scrub the sides and bottom really well.
4. Rinse and repeat.
5. Let the tank dry out and keep the herd away from the tank for at least 30 minutes during cleaning.
Other helpful tips
- Location location location- keeping troughs out of direct sunlight can also help minimize algae growth.
- If needed add 2 ounces of household chlorine bleach (unscented) to 50 gallons of water weekly to help regulate algae growth.
- Other chemical control options including copper sulfate can also help- make sure to follow all label instructions.
Spending a few minutes each week to scout out water troughs will pay off in the long run. Routine cleaning can help solve most of the issues surrounding livestock water troughs. Clean tanks and good quality water will promote healthy productive herds.