Saginaw 4-H members Samantha H. and Elliana S. were selected as the 2022 Mark of Excellence essay contest award winners as part of the Michigan 4-H State Awards Program. The essay contest is open annually to all 4-H members ages 11-12 years old. Each county may select up to 2 essays to be recognized as state winners. This year, 15 youth from 12 counties received the Mark of Excellence Award.
The theme of the essay contest is: “Because of 4-H, I can…” Each award recipient received a medal, certificate, and their winning essay added to the Mark of Excellence history book at the State 4-H Office.
Mark of Excellence Essay by Elliana S.
Saginaw County 4- H
Because of 4-H I can ….
OVERCOME. Before my first public speaking demonstration at fair, I was crying, felt like I was going to get sick and wanted to quit. I was terrified then of public speaking, but my mom assured me that I could do it and she wouldn’t let me back out. I did it and actually won first place. I was so proud of myself that I did something I didn’t think I could do. I learned I am capable of doing hard things. Public speaking may not be hard for some people, but it was very big deal to me and now I enter every year.
PERSERVERE. The night before my cake decorating entry was due for fair, I had been working on my cake for about 2 hours. The frosting on my cake started melting and sliding down my cake. My Mom said the only way to fix it was to scrape it all off and start over. I was so upset and felt like giving up, but I didn’t. I made new frosting that was thicker and started over. I did get frustrated and tired, but I finished the cake and ended up winning Grand Champion for cake decorating! I learned to keep trying even when I was tired and the job seemed big.
LEAD. This year I am on the 4-H Saginaw Advisory Council as Co-Secretary and was on the Saginaw County bi-laws council. I have learned about the right procedures to follow during a meeting, brainstorming ideas, working together with others and that youth has a voice. I had ideas for a change in our bi-laws so youth could participate more even when they are in sports. It was added to our bi-laws. I learned that trying something new I wasn’t comfortable with gave me confidence and made a difference.
BE RESPONSIBLE. I have to make sure my animals are fed and taken care of. When I am cooking, I need to make sure I am being safe and following the recipe. I have to make sure I have my paperwork turned in on time and show up to the meetings. I also have a responsibility to others around me and our world. We can show this by picking up trash and volunteering. I have been able to help hand out food and distribute gifts for the Franklin Avenue Mission. I have learned that I have so much to be thankful for and that we should help others whenever we can.
I have learned to sew, cook, raise animals, make fishing tackle, teach classes to others, have respect, problem solving, became interested in science, confidence, to complete task, hard work, planning the cost of my projects, communicating, leathercrafting, recycling, showmanship, saving money, friendships, concern for others, robotics, organization, hiking, gardening, life skills and more. Every mistake I made was okay because 4-H taught me we grow by learning.
Mark of Excellence Essay by Samantha H.
Saginaw County
Because of 4-H I can…
4-H opened up a whole new world for me. Since joining 4-H seven years ago I
learned to knit, cook, raise livestock, speak in public, and make new friends with like
interests. The list is longer. My life is so much more exciting with 4-H in it. Let me tell
you about some of these things.
I know how to knit but I don't care for it. Maybe it's because I have to concentrate
so hard not to drop a stitch or because I have to sit in one place and not move around.
I’m working on a sweater and a headband. The yarn for the sweater is a beautiful shade
of red. Those four skeins were expensive. My forward progress on it stopped cold when
Covid shut down all face-to-face meetings. Because I like red I will finish that sweater.
I like to bake and cook.
My food classes taught me a lot and not just about
putting ingredients together. There are many additives in processed foods that range
from sugar to preservatives that are not good for the human body. When I cook, I keep
these things in mind. In my food class, I set out to make and then sample at least three
different foods. Some are great. Some are not, the green tea balls come to mind.
Raising animals is an important part of my 4-H experience. I know that if I were
not in 4-H I couldn’t have animals. The rabbits are my favorite and the new kits in the
nest box are always cute. I love all the animals we have on our farm. I love the fair and
the people who share the same feelings about animals.
Public speaking gave me confidence to talk to both adults and other kids. I had
one failed attempt at a demonstration at the fair. I was doing cupcake decorating but the
frosting was so stiff I could not squeeze it out of the piping bag. The judges praised me
for not showing frustration. Even in failure, I did well. I was still embarrassed because
my friends were watching.
Doing 4-H gave me the opportunity to make more friends. These friends taught
me how to do beef showmanship and many things about their care. I don't have beef
but I want to learn. These friends have also been very kind to me and my family.
I’ve only scraped the surface of my 4-H experience. I know that others, adults
and children, have taught me how to do many things; but I can teach them what I know.
My life is so much better with 4-H in it.