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The Bridge
April 15, 2022

The Mission of St. John’s is to be a community of God’s people who heal brokenness, build bridges, and exemplify borderless kindness.
Worship at St. John's
The Great Vigil - April 16
8:00 p.m.

Lighting of the New Fire and
Blessing of the Paschal Candle
(under the portico of the church)

Holy Eucharist Rite II (in person and Zoom)
Meeting ID: 856 2565 6166
No passcode is required
The video recording of The Great Vigil service will be posted on the St. John's Facebook page, YouTube, and the St. John's website. Additionally, a recording of the sermon will be available. Links to the recordings will be posted on our website (
Sunday Services - April 17
Easter Sunday
9:00 am Holy Eucharist Rite I (In-Person)
10:30 am Holy Eucharist Rite II (In-Person and Zoom)
1:00 pm Santa Eucaristía Rito II (en persona)
You are invited to come to the communion rail to receive the Eucharist or a blessing. You may receive the wine either by intinction, sipping, or not at all. Receiving the Eucharist in one kind is full reception. You may receive standing or kneeling. If you need a gluten free wafer, please tell the minister. If you prefer a blessing, please stand in the line with the priest and cross your arms over your chest.
To participate in our virtual Sunday services, you do not need to have a Zoom account or download Zoom. Simply click the link to join.
Meeting ID: 879 9502 6837
No passcode is required
You may also join the service by telephone -
dial (346) 248-7799 and enter the meeting ID when prompted.
Meeting ID: 879 9502 6837
The video recording of the 10:30 a.m. service will be posted on the St. John's Facebook page, YouTube, and the St. John's website later in the day. Additionally, recordings of the English and Spanish sermons will be available. Links to the recordings will be posted on our website (
Consider This
Letting Go with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind
April 15, 2022
Good Friday
Is It Finished?
Reflection By Benjamin Thomas
When Jesus had received the wine, he said, “It is finished.” Then he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.
- John 19:30

Good Friday is dark. It holds much of the same somber feeling tones of Ash Wednesday, the day we receive the ashen cross on our foreheads that overlay the cross of chrism at our baptism. That day we remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return, the day that placed us on the journey through Lent.

Today, Good Friday, the church altar has been stripped, as well as the altar of our hearts, signifying the emptiness and abandonment we are to feel with Jesus. Today, we find ourselves in the second service in one liturgy spanning three days where Jesus is brutally and slowly murdered by a world that simply could not handle his vision of love. It appears that birthing conscious love into the world has everything to do with dying—a letting go in order to prepare our hearts to hold the profound love Jesus offered. But today we are witnessing death.

When Jesus said, “It is finished,” and then bowed his head and died, I imagine how quiet it must have been in those moments following his death. Silent because they, like us, are grieving a loss too deep for words. There is no language that can begin to capture the magnitude of this loss. Our loss. The world’s loss.

And yet, I also imagine that they must have wondered, as they were reeling from their loss, “Is it finished? Is it really and truly finished?” What a question to ask ourselves on Good Friday. A day where every single moment of a short earthly life, every prayer, healing, miracle, blessing, sermon, teaching, meal—are all bound together in the brutality of suffering. Jesus’ entire life, work, and body ends up suspended on a cross in the most powerful posture of letting go the world has known.

A posture that inspires another question I find compelling: “What if we really are co-creators in an evolving universe?” And that we’re at the foot of the cross today collectively witnessing Jesus, who died for love, not as an end in itself, but as the wager he staked his entire being on. Good Friday strikes me as what seeing with the eyes of the heart costs in order to go through the eye of the needle and bring the body of Christ back together again. In the realest sense possible, he is The Tree of Life.

So, what if it isn’t finished and we’re being called to grow the garden of God together? May we listen to his voice of love in the darkness.
St. John's Notices and Activities

Sunday, from 11am-1pm.

Come shop for fresh, delicious, and affordable fruits and vegetables, local eggs and honey, and a variety of pantry staples!

The market accepts cash, credit, debit, SNAP, and
Double Up Food Bucks. 
We are planning to have eggs hidden for our kiddos - members and families - after the 10:30am and 1:00pm services on Easter Day.
YOU are invited to bring cookies and other treats to share on Easter Day - April 17. This will be a day of celebration and joy as we gather together after each service to enjoy Extravagant Treats and fellowship. Please bring your cookies & treats ready to serve. St. John's will provide plates and napkins, as well as coffee and tea.
Easter Bonnets are so much fun! In the past few years, the men of St. John's have shown that they love hats too! We were asked to give lots of notice this year so you can prepare your best bonnets and hats for Easter Day - April 17.

The Parish Hall is open for coffee and fellowship after each Sunday service!

Thanks to our volunteers who make the coffee, set it up, and clean up after. And always, thanks to Sheri Rasmussen who keeps us in iced tea!

If you would like to bring snacks, you are invited to do so. Please take your dishes home with you so you won't have to wonder what happened to that plate Dear Old Aunt Gladys gave you.
Wednesday Bible Study - Zoom

We will resume meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, April 20, at 7:00pm.

The Sunday readings will be found in each week's Christian Formation email sent out on Tuesday.

For more information, please contact Scott Morizot.
Meeting ID: 818 0719 2209
No passcode is required
Cornerstone Literary Circle - Zoom

Cornerstone Literary Circle is continuing to read John Meacham's book on John Lewis, His Truth is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of HopeWe'll be back on April 20th, and we read Chapters 6 & 7 for that meeting.

The reading assignments will be found in each week's Christian Formation email sent out on Tuesday.

Please contact Laurie Williams for more information. 

The link to join the class is here:
865 2855 1870
Passcode  446185
Thursday Morning Bible Study - Hybrid

We will resume meeting in person and via Zoom on Thursday, April 21, at 10:00am.
For more information, please contact Elaine Jackson.
The link to join the class is here:
Meeting ID: 821 5253 7149
No passcode is required
(please refer to our website or to the Christian Formation email sent every Tuesday for more information and links)

Take a look at the flower beds in front of the parish hall - we have been gifted with a large number of native plants! It is beautiful! And the yellow columbine in the bed behind the parish hall is in its glory!
For more information about this ministry, please contact Kevin Flegal.

Pictures of our beautiful Spring wardrobe!
Cross Vine
Flowering Pear
Texas Mountain Laurel
Blue Bonnet
Mexican Plum
To learn about how our Labyrinth Community Garden serves the community, or for information about obtaining a bed in the Garden for you and your family, please contact Patty Arnold.
Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Established in 1921 by the Diocese of Texas, Camp Allen Summer Camp is widely known as the "best week of the year" by countless children each year. And after two years of the pandemic, kids need camp more than ever! Camp Allen offers action-packed and faith-filled one week summer camp sessions for ages 8-16. 
Caring for Each Other
If you find that your situation is causing financial, spiritual, or emotional difficulties, or if you are in need of food, do not hesitate to call Deacon Victoria (512-297-5953) or email Mthr. Minerva (

We are a church family; when a family member needs assistance we want to try and help that member.
A Prayer for Ukraine

God of Peace and Justice, we pray for the people of Ukraine today.
We pray for peace and the laying down of weapons.
We pray for all those who fear for tomorrow. that your Spirit of comfort would draw near to them.
We pray for those with power over war and peace, for wisdom, discernment, and compassion to guide their decisions.
Above all, we pray for all your precious children, at risk and in fear, that you would hold and protect them.
We pray in the name of Jesus, the Prince of Peace.
Archbishop Justin Welby
Archbishop Stephen Cottrell
Our Gathering Policy
Masks are optional on the St. John's campus. The CDC guidelines highly recommend that all persons who are not fully vaccinated wear masks while indoors. Thank you for your cooperation in these efforts to keep our St. John’s community safe and healthy. 
Please visit our website (Austin St. John's)
for other ways to make a donation.
Please send mail to the church post office box:

St. John’s Episcopal Church
P. O. Box 81493
Austin, TX 78708-1493
All First Class Mail, Priority Mail and Priority Express Mail will be forwarded through Dec. 7, 2022.
Stories and Photos for The Bridge

You are invited to send photos and stories about yourself, your family, and our parish for inclusion in The Bridge. As we come back together, let's share our experiences! Please send your ideas, stories, and photos to Fay Jones, (newsletter editor) by 12:00 pm on Wednesdays.

Running event announcements two weeks prior to the date is recommended.
Our Vestry
Mr. Steve Kriechbaum, Senior Warden
Mr. Kevin Flegal, Junior Warden
Ms. Maria Caballero, Clerk
Ms. Sandra Welles, Treasurer
Class of 2023
Mr. Steve Kriechbaum
Ms. Sandra Welles
Sr. Carlos Lugo
Class of 2024
Ms. Maria Caballero
Sra. Maria Angie Hernandez
Ms. Sandra Ward
Class of 2025
Dr. Carolyn Cline
Mr. Kevin Flegal
Sra. Patricia Mata
Our Staff
The Rev. Minerva Camarena Skeith, Rector

The Rev. Victoria Mason, Deacon
Ms. Fay Jones, Director of Communications

Mr. Philip Riley, Choirmaster and Organist

Sr. Alfonso Hernandez, Spanish Music
Fay Jones, Editor (
St. John's Episcopal Church
11201 Parkfield Drive
P. O. Box 81493, Austin, TX 78708-1493
Regular Sunday Services
9:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I
10:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II hybrid
(in-person & Zoom)
 1:00 p.m. Santa Eucaristía, Rito II
The Parish Office is open Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday
from 10am - 12Noon.
For more information about St. John’s Episcopal Church, please visit our website at