
Friday, February 25, 2022

Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, President & CEO |

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In-Person Homecoming Returns To Campus

The Huston-Tillotson University campus was energized last week by the return of in-person homecoming festivities for the first time since 2020.

"Back in Full Effect: A fRAMily Reunion" was just that and more, in a celebration that had something for everyone.

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Saturday Photos 2

Saturday Video 1

Saturday Video 2

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HT Institute For Justice & Equity Hosts Clinic

The Huston-Tillotson University Institute for Justice & Equity (IJE) hosted The Expunction and Drivers License Recovery Clinic Saturday in the Downs-Jones Library on the HT Campus.

The Institute for Justice Equity, in partnership with the Texas Law and the Richard and Ginni Mithoff Pro Bono Program, assisted residents with clearing their drivers license records and how to have items removed from their official record.

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Dr. Jones Delivers Inspiring Message At W.E.B. Dubois Lecture

Dr. Ricky Jones delivered an empowering message as part of the W.E.B. Dubois Lecture Series at Huston-Tillotson University.

Dr. Jones, a Professor & Chair of Pan-African Studies at the University of Louisville, implored members of the #GeniusGeneration to know your history and to continue in the fight that those before us have labored for.

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Dr. Burnette Receives Inaugural Barbara Jordan Public Service Award

Congratulations to Huston-Tillotson University President Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette, who received the inaugural Barbara Jordan Public Service Award from the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs in the Office of Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at the University of Texas.

Dr. Burnette also provided for a distinguished address on the legacy of Barbara Jordan, who among her many accomplishments was the first Black person elected to the Texas Senate post-reconstruction era and the first Black woman from the South elected to the U.S. House of Representatives.

Pictured in the accompanying photo from L-R: Edwin Dorn, Professor of Public Affairs; Peniel Joseph, Associate Dean for Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion; Professor of Public Affairs; Barbara Jordan Chair in Ethics and Political Values; Founding Director, Center for the Study of Race and Democracy; Kuro Tawil, student; Brianna McBride, student; Zoē Parker, student; President Colette Pierce Burnette; and JR DeShazo, Dean, LBJ School of Public Affairs.

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Give To HT Via Amplify Austin March 2-3

Huston-Tillotson University will participate in the biggest giving day in Central Texas, Amplify Austin was founded by I Live Here I Give Here in 2013 to launch the one-day giving campaign. For 24 hours, March 2-3, 2022, Amplify Austin brings our entire community together to give to local nonprofits. We are undaunting, unapologetic, and victorious in our quest for opportunities. Help us reach our $50,000 one-day giving goal as part of our Annual Fund campaign.

Giving Link

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HT, Texas Capital Bank Announce Partnership

Huston-Tillotson University has announced a new partnership with Texas Capital Bank to provide a commercial lending certificate here at HT.

Texas Capital Bank and the American Bankers Association began the Commercial Lending Certificate Program for Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) in 2021. The agreement with Huston-Tillotson is the only the second HBCU partnership in Texas.

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Dr. Burnette Receives Seminary of the Southwest Teaching Award

Huston-Tillotson University President Dr. Colette Pierce Burnette is the 2022 recipient of the Durstan R McDonald Teaching Award at the Seminary of the Southwest.

Established upon the retirement of Dean Emeritus Durstan R McDonald in 2002, the McDonald Teaching Award is given each year by the Faculty of Seminary of the Southwest in recognition of exceptional teaching in the spirit of the award’s namesake.

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SBT, Civilitude Provide Blessing Bags To Homeless In Austin

On Valentine's Day, the Huston-Tillotson University School of Business and Technology collaborated with the Civilitude to provide Blessing Bags to those experiencing homelessness in Austin. 

The students in the SBT and employees from Civilitude gathered in an assembly line at HT to package bags of non-perishable foods and cleaning supplies to be directly distributed to those in need. 

"We are always happy to work with partners who value the community and its members as much as we do," said Dr. Rohan Thompson, Dean of HT's School of Business and Technology.

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Dr. Downing To Be Inducted Into

CIAA Hall Of Fame Friday

Huston-Tillotson University Associate Vice President / Associate Provost Dr. Beverly Downing will be inducted into the Central Intercollegiate Athletic Conference (CIAA) Hall of Fame on Friday in Baltimore, Md.

Dr. Downing had a legendary career as a player at Livingstone College and Championship-winning Head Coach of Women's Basketball and Softball at Saint Augustine's University.

Downing and her fellow Hall of Fame inductees have been celebrated this week during the league's basketball tournament Feb. 22-26.

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Jackson Named SEC Trailblazer, To Be Honored At League Tournament

Huston-Tillotson University Vice President for Institutional Advancement Linda Y. Jackson will be honored at the Southeastern Conference Women's Basketball Tournament celebrating her accomplishments as a trailblazing student-athlete.

Jackson was the first Black women's track athlete at the University of Arkansas, where she set several school records.

During the tournament in Nashville, Tenn. March. 2-6, Jackson and a select group of SEC Trailblazers will be recognized for their contributions to the advancement of women and the growth of women's athletics at their universities and within the Southeastern Conference.

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Mister HT's Black History Month

Challenge Continues Through Monday

Join us in taking the challenge from Mister Huston-Tillotson University Christian Broussard and participate in the Black History Month Challenge.

Post on your social media accounts for each day of Black History Month and use the hashtags #MrHTBHMChallenge #blackhistoryisamericanhistory #blackhistoryishistory #blackhistoryislearning

Visit HT's Official Instagram Page For Challenge Posts

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HT Sustainability And Environmental Justice To Participate in SXSW Event

Huston-Tillotson University, Food Tank, and friends present an official SXSW event: Just Food: Community, Culture, and Economy on Friday, March 11 from 2:30 - 5 p.m. in the King-Seabrook Chapel.

Just Food: Community, Culture, and Economy will feature 25 speakers to address ways to improve sustainability efforts for the community.T his event is free and open to the public with registration, both in-person in Austin, and virtually through our livestream. 

Register Here

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Huston-Tillotson University has undergone significant renovations to benefit and support our #GeniusGeneration of students.

Click the image above and take a look at the facility upgrades on our beautiful East Austin campus.


#HTVaxUp:Tips To Stay Safe

Huston-Tillotson University provides tips to help keep you and your loved ones safe

Click on the graphic to watch the video for important reminders so we all can enjoy healthy and happy moments with those who matter most.

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#HTisIDEAL #GeniusGeneration #CultureOfExcellence

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HT Volleyball Coach Mafo Inducted Into Hall Of Fame At College Alma Mater

Congratulations to Huston-Tillotson University Head Volleyball Coach Joelle Mafo, who was inducted into the Hall of Fame at her alma mater, Missouri State University - West Plains.

Mafo was honored for her outstanding play as a volleyball student-athlete during her two seasons at the school.

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The 32nd Annual Huston-Tillotson International Alumni Association Benefit Golf Tournament will be held Thursday, May 5 at 8 a.m. at the Morris Williams Golf Course.

Click on the graphic above for registration information.


Shop Official HT Online Store

Get #fRAMily Reunion ready on the official online store for Huston-Tillotson University! Visit to take advantage of February's special plus browse more than 20 categories of Ram Gear.

Click on the logo, then select shop on the upper left hand corner to get your HT apparel, with a portion of all sales benefitting Huston-Tillotson University.



Sport / Opponent

Location /Time

Fri. Feb. 25

Baseball Doubleheader at LSU-Alexandria

Alexandria, La.

6 p.m. / 9 p.m.

Sat. Feb. 26

Baseball at LSU-Alexandria

Alexandria, La.


Sat. Feb. 26

Softball Doubleheader at Texas A&M San Antonio

San Antonio, Texas

1 p.m. / 3:30 p.m.

Sun. Feb. 27

Basketball at RRAC Tournament

Alexandria, La.


Mon. Feb. 28

Basketball at RRAC Tournament

Alexandria, La.


Tue. Mar. 1

Basketball at RRAC Tournament

Alexandria, La.


Thur. Mar. 3

Track at NAIA National Championship

Brookings, S.D.

All Day

Fri. Mar. 4

Track at NAIA National Championship

Brookings, S.D.

All Day

Fri. Mar. 4

Baseball vs. Jarvis Christian

Downs Field


Click Here For Full Athletics Schedule



Click The Graphic to signup to receive the RamZine!

Previous 2021 Issues Of RamZine



Are you an alumnus/alumna? We want to hear from you! Contact Chris Cutkelvin, Director of Alumni Relations, at 512-505-3074 or via email at or schedule a virtual meeting below:


Fri. Apr. 29

Last Spring Class Day

Fri. May 6 -8

Reunion Weekend

Fri. May 6

Honors Convocation - 10 a.m.

Sat. May 7

Commencement Convocation

8:30 a.m.


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