Scaling Up Cryo-EM For Biology and Chemistry | |
Image Source: M. Jason de la Cruz et al. (2023). Structure, Elsevier, 10 October 2023 | |
In a paper at Structure, M. Jason de la Cruz et al. discuss cryoEM development over time. This includes its recent explosive growth, innovations in sample preparation, hardware advancements, implications of machine learning, and more.
It concludes with, "To create a sustainable ecosystem for cryo-EM, it is crucial to establish strong partnerships with industry players. Collaborations with vendors, manufacturers, and suppliers are essential to ensure the availability of high-quality equipment, consumables, and support services."
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Have You Visited Our Cryo-Em Department Yet? | |
Have you visited our cryo-EM department yet? We have been adding to and updating our product offerings.
You will find products for your cryo-EM research needs, including sample preparation, vitrification, sample transport, and more. If you do not find what you need, contact us, and we will help you.
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Did You Know We Offer Unipuck Starter Kits? | |
We offer Uni-pucks, the leading system for remote data collection at numerous beamlines worldwide. The Uni-pucks available from MiTeGen are made in America by the longest-established puck producer in crystallography.
For your convenience, we offer preconfigured Unipuck Starter Kits. These kits contain everything you need for sending samples to the beamlines.
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The USNC/Cr is seeking support in paying its annual IUCr dues. The dues allow U.S. scientists to serve in leadership roles within the IUCr Executive Committee, the IUCr General Assembly, the scientific commissions of the IUCr, and the editorial boards of IUCr Journals.
Contributions can be made through the National Academy of the Sciences, where you can choose the “Other” option and enter the name of this project as “IUCr dues.” Please also inform Joe Ferrara (USNC/Cr Vice Chair) via email,, so that he can verify the receipt of your contribution by the USNC/Cr. Joe can also provide instructions on other contribution mechanisms, such as ACH electronic transfers or paper checks. MiTeGen is a proud supporter of the USNC/Cr.
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At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous events, conferences, workshops and symposiums throughout the year. These events include fields such as structural biology, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you might find interesting. | |
The Diamond-CCP4 Data Collection and Structure Solution Workshop on practical macromolecular crystallography is November 6th to December 5th at Diamond Light Source. The workshop will consist of presentations and tutorials delivered by experts in the field, plus one day of data collection time at Diamond's MX beamlines. | | |
The New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Conference is November 28th to December 1st in Hanmer Springs, Canterbury New Zealand. The conference will cover a broad area of interests, including evolutionary biology, enzymatic mechanisms, structural biology, and cell biology (among many others). Also included are speakers and education talks and more. | | |
Events, Workshops and Conferences | |
If you are looking for more events visit our events page. It lists conferences, workshops, symposiums, user meetings and more.
Topics include structural biology, material science, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more.
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Industry Resources and News | |
Here is a small selection of industry resources and news for your browsing.
- Nature Structural & Molecular Biology (NSMB) will celebrate its 30th year in January 2024. They are soliciting comments and letters to the editors, reflecting on the past and the upcoming years - Learn More
- Article at PNAS, Cryo-EM structure determination of small therapeutic protein targets at 3 Å-resolution using a rigid imaging scaffold - Learn More
- Paper at Nature, Molecular pathology of neurodegenerative diseases by cryo-EM of amyloids - Learn More
- Article at Nature Methods, CryoREAD: de novo structure modeling for nucleic acids in cryo-EM maps using deep learning - Learn More
- From the CCDC, the Teaching Subset is a collection of the structural data for over 750+ chemical structures. This data set and the associated learning resources we provide can be used to teach a variety of topics in chemistry for a range of ages - Learn More
- Paper at Cell Structure, Applications and limitations of electron 3D crystallography - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cryst F, Making your raw data available to the macromolecular crystallography community - Learn More
- Metals MDPi is soliciting manuscripts for its upcoming special issue, "Feature Papers in Crystallography and Applications of Metallic Materials" - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cryst F, Using structural genomics depositions in undergraduate teaching of protein crystallography: everybody wins - Learn More
- Paper at Appl Cyrst JAC, Remote and automated high-throughput powder diffraction measurements enabled by a robotic sample changer at SSRL beamline 2-1 - Learn More
- Paper at Acta Cyrst B, In data we trust: X-ray diffraction experiments for charge density investigations - Learn More
- Read the recap of the Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-Based Sciences and Education (CLASSE) 2023 Summer Student Programs - Learn More
- From 25 years of BESSY II light source for the good of society, Learn More
- Find beamline proposal deadlines from around the world at - Learn More
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A reminder that Our New Lab Program is available for those planning a new lab or are expanding their lab. It offers special discounts, startup bundles, and expert support and service. If you are starting or expanding your lab contact us and we'll explain the program in detail. Or if you know someone who is starting or expanding their lab please share this information with them. | |
Have your lab be the first to know. Follow us on social media! | | | | |