January 2022
Dobyns Rods News & Updates
Stay up to date on all the latest and greatest from Dobyns Rods!
Gary's Corner...
The year 2022 is here. This will take a little time to get used to. I’m fearful that we’ll see some big changes this year. The housing market has been robust for a long time. I read this past week where they say interest rates will likely be raised three times this year. It’s sure to hit the housing market hard and there’s usually a trickle-down effect on everything else. What this year brings will be a wait and see for sure. 
The west is getting lots of storms and it’s really helped with the water situation there, at least in northern California. I made a trip back to see the grandkids for Christmas and fished Oroville a couple of times. The water level is up 80-plus feet, only 200 feet more to go to hit full pool. As crazy as this sounds, it’s very doable this year. They already have a great snowpack. The big desert lakes like Powell and Mead are still in serious trouble and I just don’t see this turning around anytime soon.
Here in Texas, we’ve been spoiled with mid-70’s and a few low 80-degree days all the way through December. January 1st hits and we get a low of 19-degrees with a high of 34. Welcome to Texas weather!!! We’re running a little dry on rainfall but still in great shape. This past December with all the stable warm weather had the big fish bite off the hook. There were lots of really big fish caught. A couple of our own guys had giants as well. Brice Boseman, who many of you guys have talked with here at the warehouse, had an 11-pound 4-ounce fish and several 8’s and 9’s. Josh Jones made a Texas trip to Ivey for two days and caught a 15.10 lb. giant plus another fish over 10 pounds. Lake Fork guide clients had many fish over 10 pounds plus a high 11-pounder in December, I’m sure there were probably a couple of bigger fish caught, too. I just didn’t hear of them. I heard of a few giants out of Florida this past month as well which goes right along with everyone saying California, Texas, and Florida are our known three big bass states. Which of the three is the best? This will always be a great debate but right now I believe Texas is putting out more giants over 13-pounds than anywhere else.
I’d like to start a section here in our newsletter for 10-pound plus fish caught on a Dobyns rod each month. So, anyone with a big catch, if you’ll email us a good photo of your catch, we’ll run it the following month. Here’s the address [email protected]. But as always, if you get a great pic, please send it our way. We’re always looking for newsletter photos, plus website and catalog shots as well.
This past year we had some inventory issues just as everyone did. Here’s a short list of models we’re out of stock on right now. If you’re looking for a certain model and it’s not listed here, we should have it. We should not have inventory issues this year, unless a certain model gets hot, but we’ll be in great shape all year. Most of these models listed below are on the way to us now as well.
DX 704C
DC 795SB
DC 804CB
DC 635CB
STP 620-2SF
STP 740-2SF
The requested “Don’t Fish Chicken” decals are now in stock in sizes 4”, 6”, and 8”. It’s funny but these are a hit.
We have new additions in clothing and caps. We’ve received a lot of requests for hoodies with different colored logos. We now will have our orange logo, as always, but also some blue, red, and lime green logos as well. We’ll still have our Super Heavyweight hoodie, but we’ve also added a lighter 100% polyester hoodie with different colored logos to match all of our rods. We’ve had tons of requests for 100% polyester hoodies, so we have them. We’re adding a lot of different caps as well. There are more clothing changes coming in the next few months. Fishermen like choices and we’re going to be providing lots of options. As always, feedback is appreciated!!! It’s how we make changes going forward.
In many parts of the country “tournament season” starts the first Saturday after January 1st, so let’s see some wins on Dobyns Rods this next weekend. Good luck to all and may your live wells be filled with big ones in 2022!!!!
Building A Rod Arsenal
By Pete Robbins for WesternBass.com

For the beginning or mid-level tournament angler, building an arsenal of rods that'll keep you covered in competition can be a daunting task. Does more expensive equal better catch rates? Do you need a specialized stick for every niche presentation? How many is too many?

Western legend Gary Dobyns, owner of his eponymous Dobyns Rods company, can obviously have any rod he wants, but when he hits the lake, he keeps it relatively simple, and said that you should, too.

Fred Roumbanis "Boom Boom" Rods $139.99
New Dobyns Rods Hoodies Now Available
New polyester and heavy weight cotton hoodies are now available. Who says you can't buy happiness with all these color combinations?

Smith Wins Angler Of The Year
Congratulations to Dobyns Rods Pro Staffer Kyle Smith on winning Angler of the Year!

Recently, Kyle’s success in five tournaments with the local Volunteer Division, which is part of a national organization, Major League Fishing’s Phoenix Bass Fishing League, propelled him to recognition as the league’s 2021 Angler of the Year. To earn this title, Kyle won first place (and a $13,000 prize) in the league’s South Holston Lake tournament and placed high in the year’s other four tournaments. That title qualifies him for a larger upcoming regional tournament in South Carolina that offers a big prize payout.

Crappie Chatter With Jeff Lowdermilk
Greatest 5.09 Pounder Ever!

There is this feeling when a 3.07lb Crappie thumps on the line of the Sierra Series that lets me know there is a “big’un” on the hook.  The sensitivity is the one thing I appreciate most about a Dobyns Rod and feeling that thump is why I live to fish.  But on December 16th, I laid my eyes on the most beautiful 5.09 pounder, her name is Berkley Lora, named after her late grandmother.  Seeing my own baby, Jade, become a mother for the first time was so much better than catching my largest fish.  Holding my granddaughter, Berkley, was a feeling that is still hard for me to put into words, and I am still busting with pride.  Berkley’s dad is big into Bass fishing, so he was fond of the name Berkley and with me being a Crappie angler, I can’t wait to get her on the water one day.

I am learning that being called “Papa” is great, but nothing beats the excitement I feel when I go visit Berkley, it is way more exciting than weighing in a 14-pound winning bag of Crappie.  I am a laid-back guy, but the feeling I felt until I knew my daughter and granddaughter were both okay was way more stressful than trying to get a 3-pound Crappie into my livewell with 5 minutes left in a tournament.  Meet the greatest 5.09 pounder that I have ever held in my arms, Berkley Lora! I can’t wait to get a Dobyns rod in her hand!
Kohls Braves The Snow And Cold For Some Time On The Water
Dobyns Rods Pro Staffer Billy Kohls decided to hook the Ranger Z520 up and hit the lake as soon as he could after a big snow storm right after the new year. The lake didn't disappoint with a nice kicker fish almost right away. Risking getting out there can be a little sketchy, but you are usually rewarded with some big bites!

Strategic Angling Episode #42 - December Bassing Tactics
In this episode Dobyns Rods Pro Staffer JJ Patton discusses what he uses this time of year to find success. Until that ice hits, the fish are eating something!

TacticalBassin Talks BFS Buyers Guide
"Bait Finesse is here to stay! Many anglers are wondering what BFS is for, and how to apply it to their fishing. In today's Buyer's Guide we're covering our favorite BFS rods and the reels for casting ultralight presentations. Then we're looking at some of our favorite baits for this method. If you've not experienced the bait finesse system for ultralight fishing, you're missing out on a lot of fun!"

"Don't Fish Chicken" Decals Now Available
Looking West: Fishing Bass With Dobyns Sierra Trout & Panfish Rods
By Dobyns Rods Pro Staffer Steven Latino

Credit where credit is due: my old man taught me a few things about fishing. From the days of fishing carp and catfish on 2lb and 4lb test to being different than the rest…these lessons still stick with me. While my dad was never a tournament angler, his skills were far beyond where mine are at today. I want to talk about these two lessons above, as they have driven success on my local lakes.

Let’s start this story about 5,721 miles to my west (the approximate distance from Diamond Valley Lake in Southern California to Lake Biwa in Japan) with a technique that I was introduced to in 2014. The technique, known as I-Motion, was developed to have natural, minimal motions from the bait to trick fish into thinking it was unsuspecting prey. This technique, which was brought to the US in 2010 by Jackall with its Seira Minnow, is almost counter intuitive to us anglers here in the United States. Instead of imparting action on the bait, we want the bait to do as little as possible.

So what’s different? Well, first off, these baits are generally less than 3 inches and weigh as little as 1/8 ounce. Casting can be a little nightmarish, but don’t you worry, as Dobyns has you covered….in a little less traditional way. My arsenal for throwing these finesse baits actually steps out of the “bass” realm and welcomes in the new Sierra Trout and Panfish Series rods. When I am out throwing these baits, we are generally using a 0 to 1 power rod, like the STP 700SF or STP 740SF. I have recently added an STP 791SF to try to get a little more distance out of my casts…and every once in a while will go up to the Champion Extreme DX 741SF when throwing some of the larger baits. As you can see, light is the name of the game. These rods are paired with a 1000 or 2500 series reel, 5lb braid and a 4lb leader to maximize casting distance, along with fooling these fish with a more natural presentation.

I know what you are thinking…did he say 5lb braid and 4lb leader? Yes, that’s right. Normally, I am known to whip a chatterbait during a tournament on 20lb, but sometimes these finicky fish call for extreme measures. This technique shined through in our December tournament of 2021. The water was clear, the air was calm and the fish were being stingy. We pulled out the finesse gear and went to work, ultimately landing second place using this technique.

I will caution, this is not for the faint of heart out there, as the fish that generally eat this bait are large and know how to use local cover to break your light line. The other challenge lies with the bass and their ability to commit. Many days, the fish will follow your bait and never actually eat; however, fishing small wind currents or shade can help overcome this shyness. Another thing that is unique, the fish truly do not want the bait to have action. As you fish this bait, long casts and a slow and steady retrieves are paramount. It is not unusual to look at your bait and have two to four large fish in pursuit just behind or under your offering. Our natural thought as an angler is to change cadence or direction, but this is not what you want to do. I have tried many things, and here are the results: Stop the bait…the fish will swim away. Twitch the bait…the fish will swim away. Speed the bait up…the fish will swim away. All you can do is keep pace and hope they change their mind.

So the next time you are faced with clear to lightly stained water, and tough conditions, don’t hesitate to pick up that panfish rod or trout rod and make some adjustments. The Sierra Trout and Panfish Series have a place in the bass fishing world!
One For the Memory Book!
Dobyns Rods FR 704C - $129.99

Dobyns Rods Mesh Hat - $19.99

Dobyns Rods Face Buff - $19.99

Seeing a child's pride and excitement when they hook that first jig fish...Priceless!

Congratulations to this young angler, the smile says it all!
Picture This...
Lawrence Tidwell Jr. had some crankbait snackers using his
Brian Stacey working the Crappie on Crescent Lake using the Dobyns Rods Sierra Trout & Panfish Series.
Chris Lankford caught this 6.74lb bass on the MB 836SB, great first fish on a new rod!
Congratulations to Doybns Rods' Pro Staffer Jeff Lowdermilk for placing 8th at Crescent Lake with the Crappie USA toutnament!
Jody Kea has been putting his Champion Extreme rods to work! Nice job Jody!
Steve Youmans started off the new year catching some smallies on the KD 735CB and KD 765FLIP.
Stop Losing Expensive Chatterbaits
Follow along Dobyns Pro Staffer Rich Lindgren as he gives 3 quick tips to prevent your favorite chatterbaits & bladed jigs from hanging up on stumps & snags that will help you catch more Big Bass!

Dobyns D-Blade Beast Spinnerbaits
The Beast is everything you ever wanted in a spinnerbait: high grade ball bearing swivel, welded eye, specialized head so the skirt cannot ball up on it, hand tied unique colors, custom plated stainless steel blades, specialized bait keepers and most importantly, a very even and balanced skirt. The strands are singly placed and tied one by one around the spinnerbait head. The Beast Spinnerbaits come in 3 sizes, 9 colors and both Colorado/Willow and Willow/Willow blade combinations.

Dobyns Pro Josh Jones Recaps A Successful 2021
ATTENTION FOLLOWERS, thank you! I also have some bass statistics I want to share with you later in this post from this year. This past year has been a dream for me. Words can’t describe how thankful and blessed I am, and let me start by saying, without you all, none of this is possible.

The last 12 months I have set many personal records, won numerous National Crappie tournaments and even a National Championship. I did some things I could have never imagined possible in this industry. I made lifelong friendships and long term partnerships, for which I still don’t think I deserve.

From everything I’m hearing, I’m the first person in the history of Texas, and maybe the whole entire country, to catch not one, but TWO largemouth bass over 15 pounds on public water in a lifetime. MIND BLOWN! Not only did I never think I would get to experience that feeling again after the first 15, but I got to do it in the same calendar year. To me, that’s unfathomable considering the millions of great anglers in the state and the country. To have my name compared to one of the greatest trophy bass catchers of all time, Butch Brown, is likely the greatest honor of my life, other than the title my little boy calls me, DaDa.

With all of that, I’m going to leave you all with my last 12 months Bass stats, minus 4 or so months I took off for deer and crappie tournaments. I can’t thank you all enough and the year 2022 is going to be my best one yet, God Willing. 2022 I’m taking no time off, carrying the cameras with me everywhere I go, and have some road trips planned on the west coast to target the World Record Largemouth, but I’m not going to kid myself, I’ll be happy with all the DD’s I can get my hands on .

******The last 12 months….******
My largest 5 bass totaled 68.78 pounds.
I boated somewhere over 150 bass, over 8 pounds.
27 Double digit bass
3 smallmouth over 6 pounds
3 meanmouth over 7 pounds.

Like I said, none of this is possible without you guys and my amazing sponsors for taking a chance on “this long haired hippie”. Also, shout out to Toyota ShareLunker Program - Texas Parks and Wildlife for the awesome work they do.
The Best Fishing Gifts
By Pete Robbins for OutdoorLife.com

Despite the constant urge to simplify—whether that be by limiting the number of colors of plastic worms you use or through a technique like tenkara—anglers are, by nature, gear hounds. We always think that there’s a better way to do something, whether that’s a reel that adds casting distance, glasses that’ll help us cut the glare more efficiently, or a lure so good “that it has been banned in 30 states,” as the hyperbolic ads tell us. That gear addiction makes finding fishing gifts easy, but the challenge is finding the best fishing gift for the person you’re shopping for. 

The Most Asked Question: What Is The Best Jerkbait Rod?
Dobyns Rods' Pro Staffer Trey Harpel answers one of the most common asked questions: What is the best jerkbait rod?