"We Protect What Matters Most"
Floods can happen anywhere — just one inch of floodwater can cause up to $25,000 in damage. Most homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage.
Flood insurance is a separate policy that can cover buildings, the contents in a building, or both, so it is important to protect your most important financial assets — your home, your business, your possessions.
Why Should I Consider Flood Insurance?

Flood damage can happen to you, no matter where your home, apartment or business is located. You can buy flood insurance even if your property is not located in a flood plain. Mortgage lenders, pursuant to federal law,
may require homeowners to
purchase flood insurance.

Flood insurance can be purchased through licensed property and casualty insurance agents in Pennsylvania to cover almost any building and its contents, including rental property and condominiums. Tenants can buy protection for their belongings as well.
Las inundaciones pueden ocurrir en cualquier lugar: solo una pulgada de agua de inundación puede causar daños de hasta $ 25,000. La mayorÃa de los seguros de propietarios de viviendas no cubren
los daños por inundación.
El seguro contra inundaciones es una póliza separada que puede cubrir edificios, el contenido de un edificio o ambos, por lo que es importante proteger sus activos financieros más importantes: su hogar,
su negocio, sus posesiones.
¿Por qué deberÃa considerar el seguro contra inundaciones?
Los daños por inundación pueden ocurrirle, sin importar dónde se encuentre su hogar, apartamento o negocio. Puede comprar un seguro contra inundaciones incluso si su propiedad no está ubicada en una llanura de inundación. Los prestamistas hipotecarios, de conformidad con la ley federal, pueden exigir a los propietarios de viviendas que compren un seguro contra inundaciones.
El seguro contra inundaciones se puede comprar a través de agentes de seguros de propiedad y accidentes con licencia en Pensilvania para cubrir casi cualquier edificio y su contenido, incluidas las propiedades de alquiler y los condominios. Los inquilinos también pueden comprar protección para sus pertenencias.
Looking for more information on Flood Insurance and Water Damage with your Homeowners Insurance Carrier?
Call One of Our Certified Flood Insurance Specialists at any of our Offices ....
Stacy J. Ferguson
Account Manager, Personal Lines
Ronalyn D. Birnbaum
Managing Agent,
Commercial/Personal Lines
Easter Celebration
Stroudsmoor invites you to come home to the Inn for the Holidays and rediscover the old-world charm and hospitality synonymous with the name Stroudsmoor. You'll want to come back to have Easter dinner in the Poconos every year!
Ready to make a reservation?
Call our Restaurant Concierge to Reserve your table!
(570) 421-6431 ext. 404
Pictures with the Easter Bunny and Free Egg Hunts
When: April 1, 2023 - April 8, 2023
Recurrence: Recurring weekly on Sunday, Saturday
Time: Varies by activity/age group
Price: Free egg hunts; fees may apply to other features

Coming Soon in May for National Pet Month
Watch for details about this special community outreach
project partnering with Meals on Wheels Pet Program.
Take your agent with you!
FRM Group Insurance and Financial Services is licensed in Pennsylvania,
California, Maryland, New Jersey, Florida, New York, Georgia, Alabama,
South Carolina, Ohio, Texas
#poconoinsurance #FraileyCoversYourHome #FraileyHablamosEspanol #carboncountyinsurance #lehightoninsurance #jimthorpeinsurance
#weprotectwhatmattersmost #thinkfraileyfirst #takeyouragentwithyou
FRM Group
1286 N Ninth Street, Stroudsburg , PA 18360
445 Coal St, Lehighton, PA 18235