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CONNECTIONS: August 15, 2024

Sue Bullis watches on as Moises Boigues helps to move filled backpacks on Sunday after church.

Greetings, Church!

Yes, today is Thursday, not Wednesday (Don't be thrown by this landing in your mailbox a day later!) It has been a wonderfully full, sacred, week in the life of our community. On Sunday we kicked off our "Back-to-School" celebrations by distributing backpack tags and blessing our students, educators, administrators and school staff. After Coffee Happy Hour, our 5-8th graders (and friends) went to work to fill over 80 backpacks for students at College Park Elementary, and members of our community, for the first day of school. A small group of volunteers finished packing the bags on Tuesday and dropped them off at College Park, with the remaining backs distributed last night at our Wednesday worship service. We held another backpack blessing in worship last night, and of the 80 backpack tags we had at the beginning of the week, only 3 remain! A couple of our students even asked if they could get an extra tag to share with a friend. I love that so many kids will carry the message of "Be Loved. Be Kind. Be You." with them to school this year, and I hope and pray that they remember they are never alone. God is with them, on the good days and the bad, and so is their church family.

On Monday we launched our daily meal service partnership with Samaritan House, and things are off to a great start! Samaritan House staff and volunteers are making daily adjustments to ensure smooth service and a dignified dining experience. It's hard to tell how many guests stay for a sit down meal (several take meals to go), but last night we had close to 100 people come through the line, several taking meals back for family members and neighbors. As one of our guests was leaving he said "See you tomorrow, JV!" In just three days we are already getting know our neighbors on a first name basis, and they are getting to know us. Building beloved community, one meal at a time.

I want to extend a special THANK YOU to Kathy Gallo, Candy Nagare, Eric Chaney, Suzanne Monte, Kibbie Ruth, Mike and Kay Harris, and Merle Mason for stepping up to serve these first few days, and to Dave Goulden and Jim Granucci for their role in working out the details with Samaritan House staff and volunteers in the weeks (and months) leading up to this week. I'd also like to thank Chase Montara, Oscar Rosa, and Alvaro Duran for their work in supporting the launch of this service on our campus. This list goes on, and I won't be able to name everyone, but thank you, beloved community, for whatever role you have taken in helping us be God's Hands, Feet, and Face (including your patience as we got things up and running).

If you're curious about how this all works, or are considering volunteering, we invite you to swing by and check things out- no need to sign up in advance! If you would like to sign up to serve, email Jim Granucci.

Enjoy a glimpse into our week through the photos below, and keep reading to learn more about what is coming up. My heart is full of love and gratitude for the opportunity to grow, learn, and serve alongside each of you.

With hope for the days ahead,


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CLICK HERE for last Sunday's entire service.

CLICK HERE for Rev. Jessica's sermon, "Love Beyond Measure"


Thursday, August 15

  • 10:15 - 11:30 AM — Women's Coffee Group, Hillsdale Mall Food Court
  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
  • 6:30 - 8:30 PM — Bell Choir: Having Fun with Bells!

Friday, August 16

  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall

Saturday, August 17

  • 8:30 - 10:30 AM — CC Riders Weekly Bike Ride (contact Peter Held,
  • 10:30 AM — Coffee with CC Riders, Village Hub in Woodside (3154 Woodside Road)

Sunday, August 18

  • 10:30 - 11:30 AM — Worship Service in person and online
  • 10:45 - 11:15 AM — Youth and Children's Programs, CE Building & Memorial Garden
  • 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM — Coffee Hour, Kloss Hall
  • 7:00 - 8:30 PM — Grupo: Los desafios de la crianza (hybrid), Buckham Room

Monday, August 19

  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall

Tuesday, August 20

  • 10:00 - 11:30 AM — Men’s Coffee Group, Hillsdale Mall Food Court (contact Peter Held,
  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
  • 6:30 - 8:00 PM — Board of Directors Meeting (hybrid), Buckham Room

Wednesday, August 21

  • 4:00 - 6:00 PM — Samaritan House Meal Service, Kloss Hall
  • 7:15 - 8:45 PM — Bilingual (Spanish/English) Worship and Potluck, Kloss Hall

Summer Worship Series on Ephesians

"I encourage you to live as people worthy of the call you received from God. Conduct yourselves with all humility, gentleness, and patience.

Accept each other with love, and make an effort to preserve the unity of the Spirit with the peace that ties you together."

-Ephesians 4:1-3

The writer of Ephesians celebrates the different qualities everyone brings to the table, but emphasizes that the calling of Christ requires we be mature and loving enough to work together as a unified body. Join us this Sunday as we explore how to build a vibrant and connected community that builds itself up in love.



The California Fire Foundation, a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization, provides emotional and financial assistance to families of fallen firefighters, firefighters and the communities they protect. Formed in 1987 by California Professional Firefighters, the California Fire Foundation’s mandate includes an array of survivor assistance projects and community initiatives. The two projects that drove us to support this foundation are Victims Assistance and Community Improvement.

Make a Gift

Call for Leadership Nominations

The Leadership & Governance Committee is happy to announce an OPEN CALL FOR NOMINATIONS for leadership positions at the Congregational Church of San Mateo. For more information about the call for nominations, please read the Call for Nominations Letter. For more information about the different roles and responsibilities of the Board, the Committees, and the Ministries, please refer to the Governance Manual. Paper copies of the nomination form are located in the church office and on the Welcome Table outside of the Sanctuary OR you can fill out the Nomination Form linked below:

Leadership Nomination Form 

Deadline for nominations is August 31.

Celebration of Life

Join us in praying for the family of CCSM member Dorothy Skanderup, who passed away on July 20 at the age of 95. Dorothy lived a rich and beautiful life; her obituary may be read here. A Celebration of Life will be held at the Stratford in San Mateo, where she lived, on August 16 at 2pm.

The Stratford

601 Laurel Ave., San Mateo, CA 94401


TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 • 6:30 - 8:00 PM

The Board meets regularly on the third Tuesday of the month, unless otherwise announced. All are welcome to attend either in person or on ZOOM. Click here for the ZOOM link. To see prior BOD meeting minutes, go to:

Board of Directors Mission Statement

Acknowledging the dynamic nature of God, the Board of Directors will embody innovation, radical hospitality, and a spirit of gratitude in our approach to serving our congregation and community and we encourage the congregation, committees, ministries, and staff of CCSM to do the same. We all commit to examining and embracing our Guiding Principles, and to creating opportunities for enhanced connections, fellowship, and trust in everything we do.

MEETING AGENDA for August 20

Gathering and Opening Prayer – Don Ruthroff

Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes – Lauren Mathews

           1. July 17, 2024

Action Items:

           1. Leadership and Governance Committee – Final Approval of Membership Form

Informational and Discussion Items:

           1. Environmental Justice Ministry – Doug Henton and Gary White: information on the potential establishment of a Resilient Hub (Red Cross) at CCSM

           2. Emerging Issues

Ministry and Committee Reports - Consent Agenda, Submitted Written Reports

Verbal Reports:

           1. Council of Ministries Report – Kay Harris

           2. Treasurer’s Report – Martha Bronitsky

           3. Senior Pastor’s Report – Rev. Jessica Vacketta

Closing Prayer – Rev. Jessica

Update from Rev. Dr. Sheryl Johnson

I'm happy to share that our daughter Andrea (Andie) is doing very well! Born on May 3, she is now over three months old. She is figuring out her hands and likes making sounds back and forth. Andie is big for her age (wearing a lot of 6-month clothes already!) and is a good sleeper (thank goodness!). Kelly and I are so lucky to have had the summer to really get to know her and to adjust to being a family of three. We are excited for the fall as well, and can't wait for everyone to meet her!


Rev. Sheryl will return to CCSM from parental leave on Sunday, September 1st.


Thank you for your generous donations supporting students at College Park Elementary School AND some of our own CCSM kiddos!

With your help, we were able to share over 80 backpacks and supplies to students heading back to school this fall. A special thank you to Sue Bullis for spearheading this project, and to our 5th-8th graders (led by Kibbie Ruth), and friends, who helped pack supplies on Sunday, and to Sharon Tobin and Gary White who helped deliver supplies on Tuesday.


Reclaim Our Vote is a national non-partisan, non-profit organization which works to encourage primarily Black voters in voter suppression states to vote. One effort is sending hand-written postcards with voter information to registered but inconsistent voters, and post-carding has been shown to increase turnout by almost 3%!

For the next few Sundays we will have a table where you can get a packet of postcards, addresses, and voter information stickers to send off in mid-September. We may even organize a postcard-writing party! For more information, contact Krista Hanson (650-773-7276; or Susan Lake (650-576-4092; Join us in supporting our democracy!

Celebrate Together Againor for the first time — as we come home to CCSM on September 8 following worship. Enjoy food, games, music, and connection. Bring a dish that means “home” to you, and join us for a potluck meal on the lawn after worship. CCSM will provide the meat, veggies, and drinks.  

Volunteers are needed! Can you spare just 30 minutes on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, September 6, 7, or 8, to help set up, take down, or help the lunch go smoothly?

Use our new tool — SignUp Genius — to sign up here:

Or go old school and contact Sandy McNabb.

To make it easier to plan, please let us know you're coming and, if you're able to bring a dish, what that will be. Email Sue Bullis ( or Nancy Nugent ( Thanks!

The Logos Method Sound Journey is an immersive somatic experience. Our nervous systems need to be recalibrated on a regular basis. Each experience builds on the next and supports us to be more connected to the liminal space, sharpen our intuition, and experience deep peace.

Join Chuck and experience this yourself on Thursday, August 24, 7-8:30pm. Click on the image above to register.

Take a "staycation" instead of a vacation to a fly-in location.



Weekly on Wednesdays  • 9:30-10:00am on Zoom

In light of the recent events in Gaza, Israel, and the occupied Palestinian territories, we are invited to join Churches for Middle East Peace, an ecumenical partner of the United Church of Christ's Global Ministries, to join others across the world in praying weekly for peace. Registration is free, but required to receive the Zoom Link. 


Make a Gift

You can also make a financial gift to help with humanitarian aid for people in Gaza, Palestine, and Israel through the United Church of Christ’s Wider Church Ministries HERE.

Call for a Ceasefire

 Send a pre-written message to your elected officials through UCC’s “Just Peace Church” program HERE calling for a ceasefire and encouraging Congress to take immediate action for de-escalation in Israel and Gaza, and support steps towards a lasting peace.



The "Blessing Box" outside of the entrance of CCSM is a project of the Ministry of Service and Justice, responding to the need for families in our neighborhood to access food and an expression of our call to be the "hands, feet, and face of God" in our community.

  • The container will be in the narthex to collect the following food items:
  • canned, dried and boxed
  • no fresh food please
  • donations must be full UNOPENED containers
  • no fruits, vegetables, or bread

  • We also collect individually wrapped plasticware!

Thank you for your continuing generosity!

CCSM Council of Ministries

Email to connect to any ministry!

Kay Harris, Council of Ministries Lead

Jim Schwandt, Building and Grounds

Kim Rey, Troy Grabow, Children, Youth and Families

Melodie Lew, Congregational Care

Sandy McNabb, Connect and Celebrate                       

Gary H. White, Environmental Justice

Alison Schwandt, Engagement/Communications 

Julien Phillips, Latino/a Ministry       

Pam Ridlehuber, Liturgical Arts

Sue Bell, Katie Bylander, Music        

Genel Morgan, Sharon Tobin, Service and Justice

Dave Olsen, Spiritual Life/Adult Ed.

Ivan Raikov, Stewardship

Email Kay Harris to get connected to a Ministry Lead anytime!

Click Here for a Full List of Staff and Leadership

Regular Office Hours:

9:00am - 4:00pm

Monday - Thursday

Contact Us
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