Trinity Tidings

This Coming Sunday: February 20, 2022

Seventh Sunday After The Epiphany

 Click here for the Sunday Scripture Readings
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Our Trinity children, from 2 yrs to 12 years, made 25 very special Valentines for people in our congregation. Here are 12 of their “Works of Heart”. ❤️
Sunday Schedule
8:30am . . . . Holy Eucharist in .....................Person
9:15am . . . . Adult Education in .....................the.Parish Hall .....................Classroom
10:30am . . . Children's Chapel in Person
10:30am . . . Holy Eucharist in Person and

Weekday Worship 
9:00am . . . . Tuesdays in the Courtyard..
Food Pantry Sunday
This Sunday (Feb. 20th) is Food Pantry Sunday at Trinity. Please look for our poster and basket in the Narthex where you can put your food items and/or checks to The Helping Center Food Pantry. The following is a list of food items that the Helping Center needs: 
  • Grape jelly in plastic containers
  • Peanut butter, Strawberry Jelly
  • Flour, sugar, cooking oil
  • 100% whole grain cereal
  • Milk, Eggs, Butter, cheese
  • Canned or boxed ready-made meals
  • To-go breakfast items
  • Ketchup, mustard, mayo
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Ramen noodles, Chips
  • Toilet Paper, Plastic bags
  • Canned corn, Canned meat
  • Small juices
  • Breakfast food
Rev. Claire's new email is up & running. 
She'll still be checking the gmail account that is published in the directory. Her new email is

M&O Opportunity
We are requesting that those who are interested in helping provide beds for children bring new Bed-in-a-Bag sets to Trinity. The Highland Lakes Crisis Network (HLCN) is partnering with a group called Sleep in Heavenly Peace to build, outfit and deliver beds to children ages 3-18 in Burnet & Llano Counties who do not have beds. This group will meet at Foxworth-Galbraith on Industrial in Marble Falls Saturday, February 26, to build and deliver beds. The goal is to construct 50 beds. They will then deliver the beds to those who have a need. The beds will need new mattresses and pillows, as well as linens. They will purchase the mattresses and pillows but are asking for donations for the bedding. These are twin size beds. If you drop the bags at Trinity we will get them to the HLCN. If you would like to help with the build, you can be part of the 100 volunteers they need Saturday, February 26, 8-1. For more information, or if you wish to make a financial donation for this project, contact Kathy Nicholl @ 512-755-3970 or, or Highland Lakes Crisis Network @ 325-423-3662 or

Feb 18 . . Brad Paterson
Feb 19 . . Lin Christ
Feb 22 . . Molly Berg
Save the Date
Feb 27 - Nan's Celebration
Mar 1 - ..Shrove Tuesday ...............Pancake Supper
Mar 2 - ..Ash Wednesday - services ..............12noon and 5:00pm
Holy Cow! Online Survey Coming Soon
As Trinity goes through a time of transition while reemerging from the disruption of the past 2 years, the vestry and leadership of the church has hired a consultant to help assess some of the current concerns and priorities of our parishioners. You will be receiving information about on on-line survey within the next couple of weeks. We strongly urge all of our parishioners to take the time to thoughtfully complete this survey, which should take only 15-20 minutes. Your input will be invaluable to the clergy, vestry, and staff of Trinity as we make plans for our future ministry together. 
Adult Christian Education

Sundays at 9:15 in the Parish Hall's Multi-Purpose Room. Class is both in-person and shared on Zoom. 

This coming Sunday
February 20 - St. Johnny D: Faith & Art, with Leesa Lewis, our Seminarian who is also an artist. 

The study of the patristic fathers, sometimes referred to as desert fathers, are part of my Tuesday lineup for class this spring, Theology in the Classical Era. Join me as I present some inspiring connections on one of my favorite patristics, St. John of Damascus. St. John of Damascus, also known as John Damascene, whom I affectionately nicknamed “Johnny D,” was a monk and theologian. His writings were crucially important in staunchly defending the value of visual art in communicating the Christian faith and in worship. For his efforts in that, I am eternally grateful. I hope you will be also after learning more on this fascinating early father of our faith.

Join Zoom Meeting HERE

Meeting ID: 892 4916 7235
Passcode: 967015

Looking Ahead
February 27 - Our Delegates and Clergy will talk about interesting news from Diocesan Council

March 6 - Talking about Death - the Rev. Dave Sugeno

March 13 - Living Gospels: Walking with the Communion of Saints - the Rev. Claire Field
Art & Faith
Are you interested in how the arts support our life of faith? Our Seminarian Leesa Lewis shares this interesting online offering from Duke Divinity School. You can watch a livestream of the event here.
Rescheduled Celebration for Nan
We have rescheduled our celebration of Nan’s ministry on February 27th following the 10:30 service. Stay tuned for more details!
On-line Worship
Each Sunday, we livestream the 10:30am service of Holy Eucharist. 
It will be available on Trinity’s Youtube page beginning at 10:20. Anytime after 10:20am click on the above YouTube link to go to Trinity’s YouTube channel. There you will see “ Live” or “Live Now” and click on it to join the service. If it is not there, refresh the page after a couple of minutes. The link to the worship bulletin will also be sent in our Saturday email. Bulletin

Lenten Soup Suppers
This year we are finally regathering for our Lenten Soup Suppers in-person! Because we have had so little opportunity for fellowship the past 2 years, we are going to place the focus this year on the suppers themselves, with very short, informal presentations and lots of opportunity for discussion. We want these sessions to be informal and fun. Right now, more than anything else, we just need to be together! As always, we will close each session with worship. And, as always, we will enjoy fabulous soups provided by different ministry groups of Trinity. We hope you and your family will plan to join us. 
Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
Shrove Tuesday is just a few weeks away! The Men’s Bible Study group will be providing us with a delicious pancake supper on March 1st, beginning at 5:30. Come feast with us as we move from Epiphany into the season of Lent. 

Trinity Church Office: 830.693.2822 | Office Hours Monday through Thursday, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The Rev. David S. Sugeno, Rector | The Rev. Claire Field, Associate Rector