May 2022-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Volume 15 Issue 4

A special thank you to our 2020-2021 Platinum Sponsor:
For Sponsorship Opportunities CLICK HERE
IAHU has a new Website!! CHECK IT OUT
President's Message

What a year! It is hard for me to believe my time as President of IAHU is coming to a close. It has been my pleasure to be your president for the past twelve months. I feel like coming from the COVID year we had to almost restart. Had to figure out how to do things, not only in person but also virtually. Making sure the two work well for all those participating was a lot of extra work. 

Having a great team has made the job easy and enjoyable. I would like to thank each and everyone of them for the hard work and ability to get things done this past year. Nathan Semons, you did a great job planning this year’s symposium. I know you will do a great job leading our association this next year. Ernie Kroll, you always were prepared with your financials and had great questions and answers for them. I look forward to watching you grow in your leadership. Angie Jackson, thank you for setting a great example of what a president needs to do and be. I have loved working with you the past few years. Rhonda Bartholomew, not only did you do a great job with HUPAC/State PAC, but I also don’t think many people realize you are the heart and soul of planning our symposiums. Helping to guide the President Elect’s through the process of getting the location, planning the meals and all the little details. You are truly a huge part of our state association. Sue Stokesberry and Terrie Trevino, you two have done a great job organizing and getting our awards submitted to NAHU. You also did a great job during the symposium putting together the awards presentations at the State Symposium. Ryan Heider, thank you for staying on to assist with membership for one more year. Knute Kleven and Dawna Aragon, thank you for attending all the membership calls and keeping the state up to date on where were we stand with our retention. Phaedra Anderson and Angie Jackson a huge thank you for all your work with our Legislative issues. From organizing our visits in Washington, DC to keeping us up to date on what is happing in the State of Idaho. Korey Ashton thank you for being our Vanguard Chair. I know we as a state have a long way to go with it but know you will lead us in the right direction. Steve Moore thank you for guiding us to Malia Rogers. Having your knowledge and experience to help us with our Professional Development and helping guide Malia and her bringing in her expertise in graphics has made this year so much easier with our dual events, both virtual and in person. Brett Thomas thank you for setting us apart from other associations with an amazing website. You have taken us the next level. Pedro Rojas huge thank you for taking over the Media Relations and social media. You make it look easy and have us getting the word out on all the awards and events on every platform. Benn Brocksome your hard work and diligence is so appreciated. The weekly updates we get from you let us know we are being well taken care of and our interests are being protected. No organization could run without the guidance of a great Executive Director. Wendy Leatham thank you! You have had so much on your plate this year and have done such an amazing job of making sure we are running smooth.    

Thank you IAHU membership for allowing me the opportunity be your president. I hope I have served you in a satisfactory way. Be assured Nathan will be taking great care of our association this next year. Our association has earned more awards and recognition than in past years. This goes to show our association is in great hands and our future looks bright! 

Thank you!

-Guy Stubbs

 A Look Back At The 2021-2022 IAHU Symposium

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David J Isern Award Winner: Guy Stubbs

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Scott Leavitt Service Award Winner: Tara Tandrow

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Nathan Semons, Angie Jackson, Ernie Kroll, Wendy Leatham

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Brad Miles, David Munger, Troy Goodwin, Trent Sutton

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Beautiful Venue!

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Delicious Food

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Your Health Idaho Award Winners

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Leading Producers Round Table

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 Pete Chesney and Darrald Bean

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Jerry Jensen and Johnathan Bloomer

For More Symposium Photos Click Here

Upcoming Events
NAHU National Convention
June 25-28
Austin, Texas

From The Professional Development Team


The NAHU HealthCare Happy Hour is an informative & interesting resource that not every member takes advantage of. There has been some confusion and questions regarding the new Broker-Compensation Disclosure requirement effective after December 27, 2021. AgencyBloc discusses this topic and tools to assist with this:

This is the info NAHU released regarding that new requirement as well:


From The Legislative Team

2022 Idaho Primary Election Recap
Local Chapter Reports
brought to you by our Gold Sponsors
Treasure Valley Association of Health Underwriters
Lis Brown - President
2021-2022 TVAHU Board Members
Northern Idaho Association of Health Underwriters
Ernie Kroll - President

Dear, North Idaho Association of Heath Underwriters, members.

Thank you for your continued membership, which supports the work at your local chapter, state, and national levels. I believe by joining together through membership and working together, we can best achieve or mission statement of: Through education, advocacy, and professional development, we will improve our members’ ability to meet the health, financial and retirement security needs of all Idahoans. 

Recent 2022 Events

May 19th, Annual May CE Day was a partial success!

We had great speakers, Gave Family promise a check for $1200 from our bowling fundraiser, various board members gave updates including treasurer, membership and several awards were given out. We did IPAC 50/50 split and raised funds for IPAC. Enjoyed delicious catered barbecue and elected the new board for next year. Unfortunately, due to a poor internet connection with the venue we were not able to accommodate our virtual attendees. If was you, please accept our apology and you should have received a full refund, if not please let us know? 


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Carey Spears, Spears Insurance, was recognized with the Member Of The Year Award along with an LPRT certificate


Carolyn Schultz, Paycheck Connection LLC, was recognized with a Lifetime Appreciation Award for her outstanding commitment to our chapter and industry.

NAHU website member login


if you haven’t logged into your NAHU account in a while at this might be a good time to make sure your contact information is up to date for consumer searches, membership related communications and you can update your billing methods. If you need help with resetting your password or need to change your username email, contact .

Additionally, if you know someone that might be interested in joining NAHU, below is a link that can easily be shared 


       In closing I would like to thank our 2021-2022 board for their outstanding work this past year and our membership for their support; which makes it possible for our association to meet our Vision; Through the services of insurance professionals, every Idahoan will understand and have access to solutions for health, financial, and retirement security needs.



Happy May 2022



Ernie Kroll

NIAHU 2021-2022 Chapter President    

2021-2022 NIAHU Board Members
Eastern Idaho Association of Health Underwriters
2021-2022 EIAHU Board Members
Southern Idaho Association of Health Underwriters

2021-2022 SIAHU Board Members


Blue Cross of Idaho

PacificSource Health Plans
Regence BlueShield of Idaho

Allstate Benefits
BPA Health
Delta Dental of ID
Mountain Health Co-op
United Heritage Insurance
Willamette Dental Group
Your Health Idaho

P.O. Box 8102
Boise, ID 83707
Contact Us