La Kermesse is Back! Please save-the-date for Saturday, May 21st from 3-6 pm for the Normandale Carnival, "La Kermesse." It will take place in and around the Edina Community Center Gyms (backside of Normandale). The date is fast approaching, but we know our community can pull together a wonderful La Kermesse de Normandale for our students and families. However, we need your help.
There will be a volunteer sign-up sheet coming soon for the event (please help if you can!), but in the meantime we have two opportunities to help make the carnival super fun for our students.
1. Raffle Baskets: We are looking for cash donations to put together one raffle basket per grade. No amount is too small. We will divide up the funds and make 6 raffle baskets total. All payments should go to Betsy Mulvehill's venmo (betsy-mulvehill) or email/text her if you'd like to give another way (, 612.227.5057)
2. Prize Wall/Gift Cards: We will have a gift card prize wall at the event. We are looking for gift cards to include in this prize wall. It could be $5 or $25 or anything in between. All gift cards can be dropped off at the Normandale front desk in an envelope for Elizabeth Fulmer.
Thank you all so much for your consideration and generosity. We can't wait to gather as a community. Please look for Facebook posts and emails in the coming days and weeks for volunteer signup and more updates.
The La Kermesse Committee
Betsy Mulvehill, Berit Allar, Elizabeth Fulmer, Jen Cook, Lauren Warner, Liz Seaman, Molly Borg, Nicole Stevens, and Sarah Priest