View as Webpage | May 2022
Our calling is to serve the Lord Jesus in mission not as independent individuals but in a brotherhood. Our community life refreshes the faith that makes our work a ministry and not just employment; it fortifies us by the example and encouragement of our confreres, and it protects us from being overwhelmed or discouraged by our work.
-- Constitution of the Congregation of Holy Cross, 4:33
The United States Province of the Congregation of Holy Cross announces the ordination of three men to the priesthood. The ceremony took place on Saturday, April 23, 2022, at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, on the University of Notre Dame campus. The Most Reverend Kevin C. Rhoades, bishop of the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend, conferred the Sacrament of Holy Orders on Rev. Cameron Cortens, C.S.C., Rev. Drew Clary, C.S.C., and Rev. Gabriel Griggs, C.S.C..

Rev. Thomas Eckert, C.S.C., director of the Holy Cross Mission Center, and Rev. Jose Ahumada, C.S.C., (pictured left) district superior of the district of Chile-Peru, visited the Policlínico Parroquial Hermano Andrés (Policlínico) in San Juan de Lurigancho, Peru, an area commonly known as Canto Grande. With an estimated population of more than a million people, prevention is a central axis of the work done at the clinic.

Around The Province

At Holy Cross College, students learn to build a life that matters. "We excel in the education of the mind and the heart," said the Rev. David Tyson, CSC, president of Holy Cross College. "Rooted in the Western intellectual tradition, we are gritty and able to adjust to whatever the times call for."

Each year, the U.S. Province of Priests and Brothers recognizes its Jubilarians. We celebrate priests and brothers commemorating 25th, 50th, 60th or 65th anniversaries of ordination or religious profession. We commemorate their years of love and service to the Church.

Twelve undergraduate men, accompanied by four Holy Cross seminarians, a Holy Cross collegian, and a Holy Cross priest, recently participated in a backpacking pilgrimage in the Great Smoky Mountains in Tennessee that covered thirty miles over the course of four days and three nights.

Did You Know?
Holy Cross founder, Blessed Basil Moreau, envisioned a religious community of priests, brothers, and sisters who would assist the diocesan clergy, respond to pressing needs in the church, and educate "both mind and heart," principally in schools, parishes, and mission territories.

To fill the spiritual and educational void of post-revolutionary France, the Congregation of Holy Cross was founded at Sainte Croix ("Holy Cross") in 1837 by Blessed Basil Moreau.

In 1841, Father Moreau sent Father Edward Sorin and six brothers to America. By late 1842, they arrived in what is now South Bend, Indiana, to begin building the first permanent foundation of the Congregation: The University of Notre Dame du Lac.

Since then, three Holy Cross Congregations of priests, brothers, and sisters have founded nine colleges and universities in the United States.