RCHP April Newsletter
Dear Church Family,

Tuesday night a family of 7 refugees arrived at JFK airport from the Democratic Republic of Congo. By today they will be permanently settled into an apartment in Highland Park. This arrival was particularly important for me to see. With the chaos that is currently occurring in Eastern Europe, and before that, Afghanistan, sometimes other victims of the world’s abuses and struggles feel abandoned. A Civil War that destroyed Congo from 1998-2003 has left a generation of Congolese in refugee camps in neighboring countries without full status. I have not met this family, but if they are anything like the other Congolese families we’ve resettled, I anticipate hearing from them, upon their arrival, that, “our God is a God who never forgets.”  

The resettlement work that occurs in, through and around our church, serves as a constant, visual reminder to me that “our God is a God who never forgets.” It’s a beautiful reminder and it’s a challenging message too. Who, dear friends, should we be remembering? Who have we almost forgotten? Is there anyone who you’d been connected to, either in church or some other aspect of your life, who needs your outreach? Is there an issue that your attention was drawn to the past, but that you’ve forgotten to engage in, because of the mesmerizing reality of the next-new-crisis? How can we join our God in being a people who remember? How can we join our God in not forgetting about the families that have been waiting in a camp?  

The season of the pandemic has created new storm clouds and heavy fog for many of us. Sometimes it’s been hard to see past the work of putting our own next foot in front of the other. But the clouds are lifting. Let’s look out on the horizon into the joy of seeing the other—in all sorts of places—being able to serve, love and connect with all. God’s deliverance starts with God not forgetting. Let’s awaken our memories.  

The Peace of Christ to you,

Pastor Seth

P.S. Check out the photo gallery at the end of this email for church family highlights!
Upcoming April Events & Happenings
Community Easter Party, April 9th, 10am-Noon
Each year RCHP brings joy to young kids in the community with our Easter Party. Come out for games and crafts and food and fun on April 9th, from 10am-Noon. We do believe that Easter signals deliverance. God, in Christ, wants us to enjoy life to its fullest! In anticipation of Christ’s resurrection and ascension come and join us for Easter fun before we enter the more difficult stories of Holy Week. Call Pastor Seth if you want to help with the party.

SAVE THE DATE! Nature Hike: The next Nature Hike will be our “Pond Skimming” trip on May 14th. April’s Nature Hike date (second Sunday) falls during the Easter Party…so come to that instead!
SAVE THE DATE! New Members Class, May 21st, 9am-11:15am:  There has been a lot of interest lately in the new members class. Pastor Seth will offer a Class on the 21st of May, with members joining the very next day.  
Policy Engagement Group at RCHP -

Next meeting is April 10th at 2 pm  Contact Pastor Amos for more details amoscaley@gmail.com
Ushers Are Needed (and Appreciated)  
Are you available to usher at 1st or 2nd service? Ushers are an important part of every worship service; they graciously greet congregants and new visitors at the door (handing out bulletins) and receive the tithes and offerings after the sermon. If you can assist regularly or even just once in a while, please contact church Elder Cecilia at czr852@yahoo.com
Friends, some of you may have had to REsubscribe to the RCHP newsletter recently and can’t figure out why this is happening. There are numerous possibilities so if at any point, you find you are no longer receiving RCHP newsletters (check SPAM folder first), simply go to the RCHP website to REsubscribe: https://www.rchighlandpark.org/ 
Worship and Education Opportunities
Sunday Worship in April

Sunday, April 3rd, Communion Sunday, Pastor Stephanie,Atonement Theory of Irresistible Love

Sunday, April 10th, Palm Sunday, Healing Liturgy, Pastor Terry, Atonement Theory of Ontological Healing

Sunday, April 17th, Easter Sunday, Pastor Seth, Atonement Theory of Liberation

Sunday, April 24th, Second Sunday of Easter, Pastor Amos
Holy Week Schedule

Maundy Thursday, April 14th, RCHP Potluck at 6pm, Tenebrae Service (readings from Maundy Thursday and Good Friday, with extinguishing light)

Good Friday, April 15th, Good Friday: Reflections on Deliverance, 7pm

Saturday, April 16th, Outdoor Holy Saturday Hymn Sing in South River, 1pm-2pm
-Never before have we tried something like this. Come and join us for a time of singing traditional Easter Hymns outside at First Reformed Church of South River, followed by a contemplative walk around the pond at the park.  

Sunday, April 17th, Easter Sunday  
6:00am, The Franco Juricic Memorial Easter Run Sunrise Run to the Park
6:30am, Easter Sunrise Worship at the Gazebo at Donaldson Park
9:00am and 11:15am Easter Sunday Worship with Instrumentals and Choirs
Pastor Seth preaching on Atonement Theory of Liberation
10:10am, Sunday School for all ages
South River Update - A Message from Pastor Mckenzie: 

In South River we have re-launched a beloved program called "Study Zone" on Wednesdays and Thursdays from 4-5pm. The program will run through the end of May. Kids in grades K-5 can drop in for homework help from South River high-schoolers. If anyone in high school or beyond is interested in volunteering a couple hours of time in the Study Zone, extra help from additional tutors would be appreciated!

If you would like to get involved in First Reformed Church of South River and dream with me about how we can better serve the greater community here, please email me - frcsouthriver@gmail.com - or text/call (541) 228-0022. I'm really excited about possibilities involving community art and activism, and would invite any artists to join me in creating a community art project for Earth Day in South River on April 22. Also please stay tuned for a weekly evening group to start up soon. 
We hosted a Meet & Greet on March 31st that invited surrounding neighbors in to meet the members of the church, folks from RCHP, and treated everyone to some live music from Pastor Terry and Aidan Selmer. Thank you to Terry and Aidan for their music and friendship extended to this community! 

We continue to worship every Sunday at 11am and it's nice to see friendly faces from RCHP when they join the congregation for worship and stay afterward to chat over coffee. Thank you for your prayers and support for this community that is starting to grow anew, like a spring flower. 
Peace, Pastor Mckenzie. 
RCHP Adult Education Course: Space for God Continues

Based on the text, Space for God: Study and Practice of Spirituality and Prayer by Don Postema.
Through devotional reflections and readings, art, meditation and prayer, Space for God provides a joyous guide for spiritual living. The video introduction to Chapter 6 is now available on the RCHP website. Please use the following Link for direct access: https://www.rchighlandpark.org/spaceforgod-6 Opportunity to discuss responses to the chapter on Monday, March 7 at noon with Pastor Amos in the social hall or at 7pm with Carol on Zoom contact her for the link cjteddpc@mac.com 

All are Welcome. Three ways to participate. Choose the way that works best for you!

  1. Audit the course on the RCHP website. Free and flexible. A new chapter uploads to the RCHP Website each month.
  2. Independent Self-Study. Purchase a copy of the text with a free will donation (up to $25 to cover costs). Dive deep.
  • Read one chapter of the text, ‘Space for God, each month.  
  • Complete the ‘At Home’ exercises at the end of each chapter.  
  • Reflect on your experiences in a personal journal.
3. Small Group Connections. Share your journal reflections with other participants in a monthly meeting on the second Monday of the month (lunch hour in person or 7-8pm on Zoom). 
The Table at 5:30 p.m. on Sundays in the Quilt room

Join your church family for a more intimate and informal version of worship which includes a simple meal with fellowship + a time for thoughtful prayer and biblical contemplation.
Children and Youth
LYT April 12th - 6:30-8:30pm
LYT "Postcards to Politicians" Night! At the LYT (LGBTQ+ Youth Together) Meeting--Tuesday, April 12th 6:30p-8:30p--we'll design and write postcards to politicians in Florida and Texas, protesting the anti-LGBTQ+ measures that have recently been introduced in those two states. Allies are welcome! (LYT is a discussion and activity group for LGBTQ+ youth, grades 2nd-12th. At least two adults will be present during the meetings and the group will be divided into smaller discussion and activity groups based on grade.) If you have any questions, please call Austin at 404-944-1648 or email him at austin.lytgroup@gmail.com 

Jr High Youth Group, Sunday Nights at 7:00pm in the Cave

High School Youth Group 7:00-8:15 Wednesday nights
A Message from Pastor Terry

Last call for sign-ups for the youth group retreat at Cross Roads camp! Both middle and high school retreats will take place the evening of April 29 through the morning of May 1. It will be a weekend of games, worship, and fellowship. Cost is $20 per person. 
Connecting With God
Seth’s 7:45am Wednesday Bible Study (February 2, 9, 16, 23) is turning to the Gospel of Luke.
If you’ve been looking to reengage scripture maybe Wednesday morning would be a good time to come out to church. If you need to leave early, to get to work on time, no problem! After the better part of a year reading Exodus we are going to head into a few months of a careful read of Luke’s gospel. Join us in the parlor.

Wednesday Evening Bible Study, 5:45pm
We are now meeting from 5:45-6:30 either outdoors in front of the church by the birdbath (weather permitting), or in the prayer chapel. We’re doing a series on the minor prophets until the end of the school year.

Morning Prayer, Mon.-Sat. @ 9 am on zoom 
Daily Morning Prayer Is a Great Way to Start the Morning Connected to God and Neighbor - For almost 2 full years now RCHP has offered a 6 day a week morning prayer time over zoom. This is a great way for those who are finding outings challenging to stay connected to the life of the church, and, even for those who are totally back in their routine, starting the day in prayer, with church family, has been something that some might want to continue engaging in forever! You are invited to join by going to the link at rchighlandpark.org on our website.
Musical Opportunities, Wednesday Nights: Our choirs sounds great right now! If you’d like to add your voice to our choirs (gospel, chancel or kids choirs) please know that you are always welcome! 

Childcare on Wednesdays runs from 6pm-8:15pm, with a 30 minute ‘break out’ for the kid-choir practices.

Adult & Children's Choir Rehearsal Schedule - All on WEDNESDAYS

5:30 to 6:00pm - Praise Team Rehearsal in Sanctuary (for just that week’s team — respond to me if you need that schedule)
6:00 to 7:15pm - Chancel Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary (Childcare provided upon request)
6:45 to 7:15pm - Children’s Choir Rehearsals in Parlor (Voices of Praise) and Prayer Chapel (First Voices)
7:15 to 8:15pm - Gospel Choir Rehearsal in Sanctuary (Childcare provided upon request)
Connecting With One Another
Coffee & Conversations

You are invited into a safe and affirming space for LGBTQ+ adults for fellowship. This is a safe and non-judgmental space where all are welcome. Please join us to begin planning our June PRIDE Celebration and activities at RCHP. We meet at 7:00pm on the 4th Thursday evening of the month in the RCHP Parlor. If you would like additional information please contact Renee Burawski at rburawski@gmail.com  or Nicci Spinazzola at niccispinazzola@gmail.com  
"LitLovers" Reading & Culture Group

If you love talking about media and arts, and would like a lightly structured format for sharing, give LitLovers a try on Tuesdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Each week, participants are welcome to share about books, movies, TV shows, music and culinary delights. For April: Join us for a potpourri of topics including The Really Terrible Orchestra. (Doing what you like to do, even if you do it “badly”)

Contact our co-hosts, Deb Convery at deborah.convery@gmail.com or Carol Turner at cjteddpc@mac.com for more information and for a Zoom link.
Weekly Virtual "Drop-In"
All are welcome to drop-in for an hour of friendly, free-wheeling conversation on Thursdays from 12:30 to 1:30pm. Contact our host, Carol Perry caca98@aol.com for more information and for a Zoom link.

Thursday Sewing Circle
Each Thursday, from 10am-1pm, there is a wonderful opportunity to gather folks together for crafts and conversation. Please come to the Quilt Rm on Thursdays and check this out!
Serving and Working For Justice & the Beloved Community
Justice and Mercy Invitations

Elizabeth Detention Center Allows Visitors Again! If you are interested in visitation please let us know. 

DIRE will hold its first Community Meeting in months on April 7th, at noon! Come and meet the new director, Sandra Aguirre

Interfaith-RISE will hold its next Community Meeting on April 21st, at noon.  

Enjoy the Cafe each day for Breakfast and Lunch!

Volunteering at the Farm: Speak with Ashar for more details
HP Food Pantry

During COVID our community is in need of the food pantry more than ever. The HP Food Pantry is collecting donations via an Amazon Wishlist. To donate badly needed items, click on https://tinyurl.com/s7pxpzn Contact Kathi Lombardi with questions: foxyrox18@gmail.com The items needed most this month are:

Food Pantry needs for April:

Tomato Sauce 
Baby Diapers- sizes 3, 4, 5 (2 not as urgent)
Adult Diapers 

In addition to the Amazon wish list, items may be purchased from big box stores like Costco or Sam's Club; contact Kathi for further details.
Supporting Each Other During Difficult Times
W.I.S.E. Care Blog:
In April, the WISE CARE Committee calls for recognition of those on the autism spectrum, those with developmental disabilities, and those who care for them. Challenges often include overstimulation plus understanding and responding to social cues. Communication is often difficult for them. Caregivers often need to do a lot of research and apply pressure to get needed services. A positive sign is that early diagnosis followed by therapeutic service is helping children lead more fulfilling lives. Prepared by Carol & Charlie Page
RCHP Grief Support Group
Our group is a space that allows us to explore our thoughts and feelings related to our grief and loss. It is a place to both receive and provide support and understanding while finding new ways to approach the challenges presented by our grief. Come meet others who seek meaning, offer perspective, and counter the sense of isolation so many of us have felt as we walk through this process. We will provide you with emotional and spiritual support in a safe and non-judgmental environment.
Please join us from 7-8:30 pm on Monday April 4, Monday May 2, and Monday June 6. We will meet in person in the parlor. If you would like to be part of our group please contact Pastor Stephanie Kaper-Dale, Kathy Malkiewicz at kathmaldtr@gmail.com  or Nicci Spinazzola at niccispinazzola@gmail.com  to sign up. We must have at least 6 group members to begin the process.
The Self-Help Support Group

Join co-leaders Jess Munger and Terry Horyn for nurturing support for the body, mind and spirit every Monday and Thursday from 4-5 p.m. in the parlor. Seating is socially distant and masks are required. Topics addressed can be anything from Covid fears to physical ailments to emotional challenges. All are welcome! For more info, contact Jess at jessmsn409@gmail.com

Church Based Mental Health

Asking for help is a sign of strength. Call our bilingual (nosotras hablamos Espanol!) Warmline for free non-crisis confidential mental health care (866) 777-2380 Email: ayuda@improvingNJ.org www.NJCommunityMentalHealth.org
Bereavement Calendar
RCHP remembers all those who died in April and all those who still mourn

The following names have been offered for remembrance in April 2022: 

Andy Colmant, Father of Liz Estes and Grandfather of Liv, Josie and Michael Carey

Eleanor DiGeronimo, also known as Gram, 
Beloved Grandmother of Kristin Tone, and Matt & Deanna Hepburn, 
and Beloved Great-Grandmother of Carmella and RoseMarie Hepburn

John Faust, Beloved Husband of Illona Faust, 
Beloved Father of Sarah and Jonathan & Sarah-Jean, 
and Pop-Pop to Jake, Kennedy, and Charlotte

Bruce Jackson, Beloved Brother of Gail Green

Michael Kalnok, Beloved Father of Laura Kalnok

Joseph Neves Marcal Jr., Beloved Father of Marcia Marcal Persiano

Clara O’Neill, Beloved Long Time Member of RCHP

Jordan Riley Parlatore, Beloved Daughter of Tiffany Baker

Nana Rachel, Beloved Grandmother of Jess Munger

Loretta Romeo, Beloved Mother-in-law of Rich Lord

If it would be a comfort to include your loved ones in a monthly memory calendar, call Lisa at the RCHP office at 732-249-7349.
Blessings All Around!                
We celebrate former pastoral intern Mark Poyner's ordination and installation as pastor at Whiting Reformed Church.               
The prayer shawl group blesses another beautiful creation that will bring comfort to someone in need of love and comfort.
Breathing New Life Into This Old House                               
Adult Education took a 'field trip' to 59 Adelaide Ave, to see the newest construction of affordable homes in Highland Park by RCHP-AHC. Thank you, adult ed group, for praying for the project!
Healthy Families/Healthy Food!
Global Grace Health Vaccination Clinic continues to visit communities around the state--here visiting families in Camden
Planting seeds and starting the next growing season at Global Grace Farms
Out in Front & Behind the Scenes
Thanks be to God for HP High School students for their fundraising efforts on behalf of Ukraine and for the Worship Arts Team who have made our chancel area so beautiful during the Season of Lent!
Children’s Spaces Transformed with Love and Care
The nursery and children's library are now connected! We hope this encourages all families with young children to make full use of this. It is your church space!