A selection of Alliance people, places and programs cited in popular and trade media.
Innovative agri-food research gets $7.2 million boost (July 15, Farmtario)
A $7.2 million investment in Ontario-led research and innovation will increase agriculture and food sector competitiveness.
Two winners of Early Career Research Award named (July 10, Farmtario)
University of Guelph researchers aim to improve GRIP and disease readiness.
Soil school: How nutrients move and the impact on fertilizer management (July 3, Real Agriculture)
Alliance-funded researcher Dr. John Lauzon joins an episode of RealAgriculture's Soil School to discuss fertilizer management.
U of G propelling a tech-driven agri-food future (June 27, U of G OAC)
Research and development of agri-food technologies is underway at the Ontario Agricultural College (OAC), as University of Guelph researchers look for smarter ways to produce more food with less.
Is your herd safe? Cybersecurity essentials for dairy farms (June 18, Progressive Dairy)
Dr. Ali Dehghantanha, Alliance-funded researcher and founding director of U of G's Cyber Science Lab discusses cybersecurity on dairy farms.
U of G researchers receive more than $ 7.8M in federal support (June 14, U of G News)
NSERC Discovery grants awarded to Alliance-funded researchers as part of $7.8 in federal support.
Ontario innovator wins Food Waste Challenge (June 13, The Western Producer)
St. Catharines-based Clean Works was named one of two winners in the novel technologies stream of Canada’s Food Waste Reduction Challenge. Clean Works technology was developed at U of G with Alliance funding.
Understanding transmission of the avian influenza virus (June 11, Farmtario)
Dr. Claire Jardine explains One Health approach to avian influenza at a poultry industry event.
Field strawberry season kicks off early (June 6, The Grower)
Berry Growers of Ontario discuss how day-neutral strawberries have revolutionized the industry. U of G researchers tested U.S.-bred day-neutral strawberry varieties to select berries that would thrive in Ontario’s soils and climate and be “fruitful” for the province’s growers.
Efficient low-cost GIS solution beats out AI to count corn plants (June 5, U of G's Food from Thought)
A Canadian seed company will implement the technology, which was developed at U of G with support from the Alliance. The new geographic information system (GIS) technique for counting plants in corn test plots uses drone images and could replace traditional manual counting and more expensive options.
Duo behind Beck’s Broth saluted with health food award (June 4, Global News)
Former HQP Scholar Domenique Mastronardi and company CEO Beckie Prime were recently the recipients of the One to Watch award with their bone broth-based drink Beck’s Broth.
The state of cannabis production in Ontario (June 4, tvo today)
Dr. Sara Epp, an Alliance-funded researcher and a rural planning and development professor at U of G, discussed the state of cannabis production as a form of agriculture.
Pain control aids calves at castration (June 3, The Western Producer)
A recent Alliance-funded study found that young calves show more pain responses when not treated with pain control at castration. However, the study also showed that there was no impact on average daily gain by mitigating the pain at castration.