Developing & advancing new HP MRI technology to better
detect, understand, and treat human diseases worldwide
HP C-13 MRI Highlight:
Acquisition & Analysis Resources
The Hyperpolarized MRI Technology Resource Center (HMTRC) is a National Center for Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NCBIB) funded through the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) that focuses on the development and dissemination of new technology advances in hyperpolarization techniques, instrumentation, specialized data acquisition methodology, and analysis software for biomedical research. 

As part of our Technology Research & Development, this center develops Acquisition and Analysis Methods for Hyperpolarized MR Data working with intra- and extra-mural collaborative projects.

In this newsletter, we highlight recent technology developments and new updated resources which are disseminated through our website and GitHub portal.

Wishing you all a great fall season,
The HMTRC team & Collaborators

Save-the-Date: HMTRC Workshop for
Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Technology Development
April 4-5th 2024, Pre-meeting Events April 3rd Afternoon
The April 2024 Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Technology Development Workshop includes lectures, hands-on training and discussions on dissolution DNP methodology, polarizer instrumentation, MR Sequence and Acquisitions, Pre-clinical HP Chemistry Preps, Human HP Investigational Dose Formulation & Production, Clinical Translation Methods, Clinical Trial Research, and Analysis & Display Software.
HMTRC Acquisition & Analysis Resources
The Hyperpolarized MRI Toolbox
The Hyperpolarized MRI Toolbox contains tools for hyperpolarized MRI Acquisition and reconstruction methods. The goal of this toolbox is to provide research-level and prototyping software tools for hyperpolarized MRI experiments. It is currently based on MATLAB code, and includes code for designing radiofrequency (RF) pulses, readout gradients, and data reconstruction.

SIVIC : Open-source Program
SIVIC is an open-source, standards-based software framework and application suite for processing and visualization of DICOM MR Spectroscopy Data. Through use of DICOM, SIVIC aims to facilitate the application of MRS in medical imaging studies.


The HMTRC Website. What's New?
New Acquisition Software & Data Analysis Resources!

New Layout & Videos!
We’ve separated the HP MRI Toolbox & SIVIC resource links into separate sections to facilitate navigation of our tools. Also, added to the preclinical & human research sections is a new presentation by Dr. Peder Larson on Storage, Visualization, and Analysis of Hyperpolarized C-13 MR Data - a sneak peak of one of the presentations given in the 2023 HP MRI Course that will be released later this Fall!

New HP Agent DICOM Tool Available in SIVIC!
This hyperpolarized agent DICOM tool allows for a set of DICOM attributes to store HP C-13 MRI metadata such as those which are related to the hyperpolarized agent including the agent information, dose, and timing. The basic workflow of the python script created using the package PyDICOM is as follows: (1) User input is required for the parameter of a directory path that leads to a folder containing the DICOM images or a single DICOM image. The contents of the said folder are then sorted in numerical order. (2) The user will provide their input for each attribute, by adding their own value or choosing from a list of default variable that will then be assigned to the attributes. (3) It will loop through the folder and add all the attributes to each DICOM file.
This tool has successfully been applied to demonstrations from a metabolite-specific EPI sequence on a GE 3T scanner, reconstructed with a custom implementation based on the GE Orchestra package, DICOM from Bruker 2D CSI scan generated by SIVIC, and a DICOM from a GE EPSI sequence generated by SIVIC.
HMTRC Recent Research Publications
Recent journal articles supported by the center
to inspire & drive your basic and clinical research
Investigating Cerebral Perfusion
with High Resolution Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate MRI
Hu J, Vaziri S, Bogh N, Kim Y, Autry AW, Bok RA, Li Y, Laustsen C, Xu D, Larson PEZ, Chang S, Vigneron DB, Gordon JW 

Hyperpolarized [2-13C]Pyruvate MR Molecular Imaging with Whole Brain Coverage
Chung BT, Kim Y, Gordon JW, Chen HY, Autry AW, Lee PM, Hu JY, Tan CT, Suszczynski C, Chang SM, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Bok RA, Larson PEZ, Xu D, Li Y, Vigneron DB

Multi-parametric Hyperpolarized 13C/1H Imaging Reveals Warburg-Related Metabolic Dysfunction and Associated Regional Heterogeneity in High-grade Human Gliomas
Autry AW, Vaziri S, LaFontaine M, Gordon JW, Chen HY, Kim Y, Villanueva-Meyer JE, Molinaro A, Clarke JL, Ann Oberheim Bush N, Xu D, Lupo JM, Larson PEZ, Vigneron DB, Chang SM, Li Y

A Metabolite Specific 3D Stack-of-spirals bSSFP Sequence for Improved Bicarbonate Imaging in Hyperpolarized [1-13C]Pyruvate MRI
Liu X, Tang S, Cui D, Bok RA, Chen HY, Gordon JW, Wang ZJ, Larson PEZ  

Metabolite-Specific Echo Planar Imaging for Preclinical Studies with Hyperpolarized 13C-Pyruvate MRI
Sahin SI, Ji X, Agarwal S, Sinha A, Mali I, Gordon JW, Mattingly M, Subramaniam S, Kurhanewicz J, Larson PEZ, Sriram R

Call for Seminar Presenters
We are currently looking for presenters for our International HP C-13 MRI Seminar for January & February 2024. Present new findings, publications, or other work in preclinical and human research. Presentations are 25 minutes with a 5-minute Q &A. Email us at
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The Hyperpolarized MRI Technology Resource Center (HMTRC) is supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
(NIH P41EB013598) and focuses on the development and dissemination of new advances in dissolution DNP techniques and instrumentation, specialized data acquisition methodology, and analysis software for biomedical research. 
Copyright © 2020 HMTRC, All rights reserved.