Estate Planning News - June 2023

Happy Father's Day

Have a Great Summer!

It's rather amazing that we are half way through 2023 and Father's Day is right around the corner. We'd like to wish all amazing dads a very happy weekend and hope you get a chance to relax and enjoy your special day.

Wishing you all a safe and enjoyable summer. Our last summer workshop will be taking place June 21st, 24th and 27th in Ventura - if you or anyone you know is interested in attending, please RSVP - seating is limited!

Please don't hesitate to contact us (877- 585-1885) should you have any questions about Estate Planning.

The Team at Botti & Morison

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New Blog Posts

Factors to Consider When Naming a Trustee

You might want to think again if you believed Medi-Cal planning meant only meeting strict income and asset limits to qualify for long-term care. Medi-Cal eligibility can be challenging because the criteria are not always clear. You will also need to demonstrate you need the level of care typically provided in a nursing home setting. Health eligibility rules are valid if you apply for nursing home coverage or a Medi-Cal waiver program for coverage in your home or assisted living facility. California has a level of care requirement and criteria to determine if you meet the mandated level of care.


Caring for Aging Parents Need Not Split Siblings

As our parents age, it’s common for siblings to come together to provide care and support. However, this can also be a time of conflict and tension. Differences in opinion, financial strain, and other factors can cause siblings to argue and become divided. But caring for aging parents need not split siblings. By taking the following steps, siblings can work together effectively and provide the best possible care for their parents.


Blog Post Archive

Here is a listing of the blog posts we've published:

Medi-Cal Eligibility & Nursing Home Care

Estate Planning: Joint Revocable Trusts

Benefits of an Irrevocable Life Insurance Trust

How to Avoid Family Disputes and Litigation Over Your Will

Controversy in the Determination of Death

New Year’s Resolution: Make or Update Your Estate Plan

Why Millennials Are Writing Wills More Than Ever Before

Drastic Updates to California’s End of Life Option Act

The HJTA Responds to Prop 19 with an Initiative to Repeal the Death Tax

6 Common Estate Planning Mistakes

Estate Planning Checklist: 5 Ways to Prepare

A Guide to Estate Planning for Singles Versus Married Couples

Estate Planning and Divorce 

Digital Assets and Estate Planning

Benefits vs Disadvantages of a Living Trust

How to Choose the Right Guardian for Your Children In Case of Death

What Happens If You Die Without a Will?

Pitfalls of Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Estate Planning

Is a Handwritten Will Valid in California?

Questions? Email Us

Or please visit the resource section of our website.

Estate Planning Workshops

We have scheduled the following live workshops. If you or someone you know would benefit from attending our workshops,

please RSVP on our website or call the office (877-585-1885) to save your seats.



Ventura Beach Marriott

2055 E. Harbor Blvd.

Ventura, CA 93001

Parking will be complimentary for workshop attendees.

Wednesday, June 21st, 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - or -

Wednesday, June 21st, 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. - or -

Saturday, June 24th, 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - or -

Tuesday, June 27th, 7:00 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Please feel free to forward this email to anyone

you may know who has estate planning questions or

would like to attend our workshops.

RSVP for Workshop
Got a Question? Call us toll free 877.585.1885

Estate Planning Videos

Looking to watch a video on a particular Estate Planning topic? Visit our YouTube Channel or website to choose from our educational series. Topics include:

  • How Botti & Morison Makes Estate Planning Easy
  • How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax in California
  • A/B Trusts
  • Health Care Directives
  • A Properly Crafted Comprehensive Estate Plan
  • How a Durable Power of Attorney Avoids Financial Conservatorship
  • How a Trust Avoids Financial Conservatorship
  • What is Conservatorship
  • How a Health Care Directive Avoids Medical Conservatorship

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