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Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - NM is called to advocate for justice in public policy with a particular emphasis on alleviating poverty and hunger and supporting ELCA members and congregations, as well as our ecumenical and interfaith partners in the ministry of advocacy.

ACTION ALERT #3 - February 10, 2022

HB 132: Small Loan Interest Rate cap of 36%

Update & Your Help is Still Needed!

Here is how you can take action...

HB 132: Proposes 36% Interest Rate Cap

I will share the good news, first. After a rigorous and long (3 hrs) debate on the House Floor, Monday night, HB 132 passed on a vote of 51-18! In the Senate, the bill has referrals to the Health and Public Affairs and Judiciary committees.

Did the letter from Faith leaders and congregational members have any impact? Absolutely it did as Lutheran Advocacy and the letter was mentioned by House members during the floor debate. Almost 400 names have been collected over 2 Sundays from 28 partner congregations across NM, and via our online option. Keep sharing the need and invite those that haven't to add their name, too!

During the House floor debate, three amendments were added, one of which poses a serious problem. Without going into details, that amendment adds new reporting requirements on the part of credit unions, and could potentially kill the bill. As one legislator stated, it was a "poison pill."

Wednesday night, HB 132 was heard in its first Senate committee, Health and Public Affairs. During the debate, the amendment related to the credit unions was amended out of the bill. HB 132 then passed on an 8-0 vote. Bill sponsors during the debate expressed concern that the bill could likely fail on concurrence with the House over the reporting requirement being taken out.

HB 132 now moves to the Senate Judiciary Committee where another tough debate is expected. If successful there, the bill will move to the Senate Floor, probably early next week. Time is running short as only one week remains in the 30-day session.

Our Call to ACTION this week continues to be communicating your support for this critical legislation, but now directly to your Senator!

Please do as many of the following:

  • Call your own Senator to express your support for HB 132. Speak to the staffer that answers the phone and state your support for HB 132. Or, you can email your Senator and do the same. If you have a story or how a family member or friend was hurt by taking such a loan, that could be shared in the email as well. Such personal stories have an impact. Senate Member contact information can be found HERE!

  • Place calls to key votes on the Senate Judiciary Committee. This group includes Senators, Cervantes, O'Neill, and Ivey-Soto. We are uncertain of their commitment to remedying this issue, or of keeping the bill intact in its current form. A special call to action if you live in Las Cruces and are part of Sen. Cervantes' district (Senate District 31). Sen. Cervantes serves as Chair of the committee and is key to successful passage through the committee.

  • If you haven't already, add your name to a sign-on letter sent from New Mexico Faith Leaders of the NM Conference of Churches and congregation members. This letter is already signed by 22 denominational leaders as well as almost 400 individual advocates of LAM-NM from 28 congregations across NM. This is the easiest action you can take, please add your name! You can read the letter (without names of individuals) HERE! You can add your name to the letter HERE! The letter and names are sent prior to each committee hearing HB 132 and will be as well to the entire Senate prior to a floor debate. This letter is having an impact as evident in it being referred to during the House floor debate.

  • Print a copy of our sign-on form and invite members of your congregation, however you are worshiping, to add their name! The first Sunday alone we collected almost 200 names from just a handful of congregations. This past Sunday, another 200 names were added! You can find the sign-on form, HERE! Return what you have collected to me (Kurt) by Monday.

As a reminder, HB 132 is one of our top priority bills as it would greatly reduce predatory lending in New Mexico. You can see the bill, and actions on it taken so far, HERE! The current interest rate cap is 175% with these short-term loans easily available through hundreds of storefront lenders that are located primarily in our most economically vulnerable neighborhoods and communities. Further, 65% of lenders are located within 15 miles of Tribal lands.

We know that New Mexico has one of the highest caps on installment loans in the country. At least 18 states, as well as the U.S. Military, already cap such loans at 36%. In 2020, 550 lenders in NM made 390,236 loans from NM borrowers. These high-cost loans are draining millions of dollars from hard-working NM Families, indeed $179 million in interest and fees in 2020.

We believe that a 36% cap on loans will encourage fair lending and stop debt trap burdens. The industry's business model is built on loans being rolled over to new loans, often multiple times. In the end, what was a loan of a few hundred dollars has turned into a debt of several thousand dollars. Most certainly, many reading this know of first-hand stories from family members or friends who have fallen into debt traps caused by this industry.

Please take the time to thank your representative or senator for their work during this short and intense session!

Here is a link to a recent op-ed that appeared in the ABQ Journal.

A more detailed report by NM Ethics Watch can be found HERE!

Food, Farm and Hunger Initiative

UPDATE and here is how you can continue to help...

HB 2, the general appropriations budget for FY23 passed the full House of Representatives on a 56-13 vote and is now in the Senate Finance committee. Included in the budget proposal is funding for the Food, Farm, and Hunger Initiative. As I shared last week, we didn't get all that was requested, though a significant portion of the Initiative funding, through appropriations to the Human Services Department, was included.

Included was $8 million in non-recurring and $700,000 in recurring funds for the Food, Farm, and Hunger Initiative. Our goal is to add back what was not included as the budget moves through the Senate Finance Committee (SFC).

Our call to action this week continues to be:

  • Call or email legislators on the Senate Finance Committee! Please reach out to them a.s.a.p! This contact in support is even more critical if your senator services on the SFC. You can find a list of committee members and their contact information, HERE! Phone calls to their office are best, but emails will work as well. State that you support full funding of the Governor's Food, Farm, and Hunger Initiative.

As shared earlier, the Food, Farm, and Hunger Initiative, which included a request of more than $24 million, is the most significant investment increase in food and agriculture ever. The end goal of this multiyear initiative is to revolutionize our food systems with a primary goal of a significant reduction of hunger in New Mexico. The executive budget priorities include:

* Senior Food Boxes Program

* Fruit and Vegetable Prescription Program

* Summer and Afterschool Nutrition Support

* College Food Security Initiative

* Meal Gap Funding (Foodbanks)

* Double Up Food Bucks

You can learn more about the New Mexico Food, Farm, & Hunger Initiative HERE!

You can review some specifics from the Governor's Office HERE!

You can see a sample letter to your senator or representative HERE!

As a reminder, please take the time to thank your representative or senator for their work during this short and intense session!

If you have any questions or need any advocacy support, feel free to reach out to me! You can find my email and numbers below.

How to Access the Legislature

The Roundhouse continues to be open to the public during this 30-day session though with a number of important restrictions. Anyone entering the building will need proof of vaccination, including proof of a booster shot. In addition, all will need to pass through a metal detector as no weapons are allowed in the building.

Though changes may occur with little notice, many of the House committee meetings are being held virtually, with legislators participating from their offices, though limited in-person participation is taking place. You can provide public testimony by using a Zoom link that each committee will publish with their agendas. Some may require that you sign up the day before if you want to speak. You can also watch committee meetings through the legislature's webcast system. A link will be included below. Please note that many committee meetings are starting late if they are held after floor sessions.

Likewise and unpredictable, the Senate is allowing in-person attendance at committee meetings, but space will be greatly limited due to Covid spacing. However, virtual public testimony is also offered during Senate committees, using the Zoom platform, but again, be sure to check agendas daily and learn each committee's particular rules, especially for signing up to speak as you may have to the day prior. We will do our best to keep you informed as legislation advances. Please note that many committee meetings are starting late if they are held after floor sessions.

Though only one week remains, please watch for and respond to ACTION ALERT emails that Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico may send in these final days. Action Alerts are targeted towards specific LAM-NM priority legislation, will provide information about the bill and why we support or oppose it, and it will "ask" for action from you to contact your legislators.

To find out what's happening each day, follow this link HERE.

To watch committee hearings and floor sessions life, follow this link HERE. Recordings of all committee meetings and floor sessions are also available.

To find and track legislation that has been introduced, follow this link HERE.

To find contact information about your representative or senator, follow this link HERE.

To access the Home Page of the NM Legislature, follow this link HERE.

Advocating Congregations

St. Paul Lutheran (Alb.) * First Presbyterian (Santa Fe) * Bethlehem Lutheran (Los Alamos) * St. Michael and All Angels Episcopal (Alb.) * All Saints Lutheran (Alb.) *

St. Luke Lutheran (Alb.) * Peace Lutheran (Las Cruces) * Christ Lutheran (Santa Fe) * St. Timothy Lutheran (Alb.) * St. Andrew Presbyterian (Alb.) * Albuquerque Mennonite Church (Alb.) * First Presbyterian (Las Vegas) * Church of the Holy Cross Episcopal (Edgewood) * Monte Vista Christian (Abq.)

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry-NM works in advocacy partnerships with the NM Conference of Churches and the Presbytery of Santa Fe.

Connecting faith and public life: We believe that we are freed in Christ to serve and love our neighbor. God uses our hands, through our direct service work and our voices, through our advocacy efforts, to restore and reconcile our world. Through faithful advocacy, the ELCA lives out our Lutheran belief that governments can help advance the common good.

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New Office Location!

As a reminder, the LAM-NM office has moved. After calling Christ Lutheran Church, in Santa Fe, home for 38 years, our office is now located in Albuquerque at St. Paul Lutheran Church.

Our new contact information:

Lutheran Advocacy Ministry - New Mexico 1100 Indian School Rd. NE

Albuquerque, N.M. 87102


Always grateful for your advocacy,


Kurt A. Rager LAM-NM, Director

505-242-2493 (o) 505-269-6470 (c)

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