Week of April 24, 2022, With St. Martin's
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The Leaflet for this week's service can be found by going to
Newcomer's Brunch
All Are Welcome!
On this Sunday, May 1st, after the 10:30 service, we will be celebrating our newcomers with a brunch. All members of the church are encouraged to attend to welcome our new members.
Theological Musings
Why is there no Confession of Sin in the Liturgy during Eastertide?
The Feast of Easter is the Queen of feasts, the pinnacle of Christian life and worship. It is a season of life and light which calls to mind the fullness of life in God that awaits us in the life to come when we will be raised to life eternal in the presence of God.
Throughout Lent we spent time in penance and fasting, intentionally working on turning away from sin and turning towards God. We contemplated what life is like when we separate ourselves from God and others by our selfish choices. During Easter, the church calls us to contemplate the reality of abundant life in and with God, through Jesus Christ. The triumph of Christ’s resurrection reminds us of Love’s final victory, when once and for all the powers of sin and darkness will be vanquished in God’s perfect reign,
The ancient Church omitted the Confession of Sin during the Mass during the Easter Season, not because people stopped sinning during this period, but because it was believed that this season was full of grace by virtue of our Lord’s Resurrection. In Lent we remember the consequences of “wrong living”; in Easter we remember and practice “right living”, more intentionally following Christ’s Way of Love.
Of course, the Sacrament of Reconciliation is always available for those who need it at any time, and the faithful are encouraged to confess their sins in their daily private prayers, even during the season of Easter. But Eastertide offers us a special grace, to imagine what our life could be like without sin, centered completely on God’s Love. Embrace the grace God so freely offers us to live an abundant life that radiates light and life to the world. Let us Be Resurrection!
Food Bank Volunteers Needed
May is the month St. Martins helps the Somerset County Food Bank distribute food in Somerville. As of now, volunteers are needed for each Saturday at Shiloh Pentecostal Church on Davenport Street from 8:30 to 10:45. They no longer need us to provide a driver. There is a signup sheet on the Bulletin Board in the Narthex. You may also call Marlene at 908-507-7406 or email her at mficzko@optonline.net if you wish to volunteer. Based on our experience last summer, we believe we will need about 4 volunteers each Saturday.
The Food Bank is reassessing where the food bank needs to be held in Somerville and there is a slight chance it will be moved to another church. However, at this point, I think we will still be on Davenport Street in May.
Also, do not forget that we are having a shoe collection until June. Shoes can be dressy or casual, flip-flops, tennis shoes, etc. If shoes have laces, please tie the pair together with the laces. If there are buckles, please buckle the two shoes together. All other pairs can be placed in bags (1, 2, or 3 pairs per bag). There is a bin at the back of the narthex. All shoes will be donated to the Global Outreach Ministry of Liberia.
Prayer Requests
- Dwight, a childhood friend of Fr. Rob's, having brain surgery
- Audrey, Bill Valiant's wife, was just diagnosed with breast cancer.
- For the Butrico and Garb families, on the passing of Laura's and Lisa's father, Skip Rawson.
- Deacon Robert Perrson.
- Fr. Rob's mother, Evelyn.
- Kathy Picazio asks for prayers for Doug Newton, his wife, Zhenya, and her adult daughter.
- Bonnie Whalen requested prayers for her 28 yr old grandson.
- Linda Virtue
- Chris Semanchik
- Jane Linn's, granddaughter-in-law, Rachael.
- Mary Irwin
- Philip and Nancy
Please send your prayer intentions to Philip at philip.muniz@gmail.com.
St. Martin’s Episcopal Church
1350 Washington Valley Road,
Bridgewater, NJ 08807
Call Us: 908-526-1350
Contact information for Fr. Rob
rectorstmartinsnj@gmail.com or fatherroblaws@yahoo.com