April 18, 2023

Calendar highlights and upcoming events:

Spring member visitations and Local 1 & 2 (Viterra) bargaining updates

It won't be long until GSU staff reps hit the highways for a round of member visitations. In addition to receiving the Annual Report of GSU's Joint Executive Council and discussion of local and sub-local issues, GSU members working for Viterra can also expect a bargaining update report and opportunity for feedback.

Detailed information will be available soon.


Make Noise for Public Education on April 29 at the Regina legislature building

The Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation has growing concerns about cuts to public education and the stressful impact this is having on our teachers and the problems these cuts are creating when it comes to delivering high-quality education to students in under-resourced school environments.

Come to a Rally for Public Education on April 29 in Regina, and tell the government it's time to stop the cuts and start investing in public education. Information on what drove

  • A Q&A sheet it available here.
  • View or print the event poster here.


Day of Mourning - April 28

Every year on April 28 we remember workers who were injured or killed on the job, and we commit to keep each other safe.

Saskatchewan Labour Councils have organized a number of commemorative events. GSU encourages its members to support and attend the event in their areas.

  • A detailed event list is available here


Saskatchewan Federation of Labour Education Opportunities

Contact your GSU staff to learn more.

Prairie School for Union Women

Saskatoon Inn, Saskatoon, SK

June 12-15, 2023

SFL Summer Camp

Shekinah Retreat Centre (Near Waldheim, SK)

August 19-25, 2023


Visit our Website

Joint Executive Council's annual report is now available to union members

The annual report of GSU's governing body, the Joint Executive Council, was reviewed and adopted by delegates to GSU’s March 2023 biennial policy convention.

It contains important information for GSU members about the business of your union, including the 2022 audited financial statements.

Read or download it here:

This report is posted on GSU's web page and printed copies will be made available to members during our upcoming spring visitations and membership meetings. Members wanting a hard copy of the report now can request one now by calling 1.866.522.6686 or sending an email request to gsu@gsu.ca.

If you have questions, comments or concerns about this report, don’t hesitate to contact a Joint Executive Council member, GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson or your GSU staff representative.

Health & Safety

Watch out for the warm-weather seekers

By Brian Lark, GSU staff representative

Spring is upon us and summer is just around the corner. This time of year brings out warm-weather seekers. Driving around enjoying the sunshine myself this past week, I noticed some things worth bringing attention to.

People who have been cooped up all winter are now out taking advantage of the sunshine. More people are out walking and jogging, heading to the park with the kids and taking the dog for a walk along the river. People are also bringing out their seasonal transportation. There are cyclists, motorized bicycles, skateboards, scooters and one-wheelers. It’s been quite some time since we have encountered this many people on the streets and seen these modes of transport.

Motorcycle riders are also out to enjoy our province’s short riding season. These vehicles are smaller and quicker than other vehicles on the road, making them a challenge to see while driving. Motorcycle riders know they are vulnerable and they have learned to watch for the driving behaviours of other motorists. Unfortunately, their options to regain control or avoid a collision are limited when they are up against a larger vehicle.

Each of these sun seekers above are small, quick and often quiet. Sometimes we don’t see them, other times we don’t hear them, and they pop up in places we don’t anticipate without warning.

As passenger vehicle drivers, we need to be on high alert as everyone adjusts to the warmer weather.

Don’t have your stereo so loud you can’t hear what’s going on around you. Make sure to set your mirrors properly, check for motorcycles in your blind spots and watch closely for pedestrians stepping off the curb as you turn the corner. Expect to see a steady increase in pedestrians, motorcycles and other modes of transportation. Take care, drive appropriately for the road conditions and in residential areas pay closer attention to all traffic. 

Stay safe!

If GSU had a Member of the Month award we would be giving it to this person

We regularly ask GSU members to look out for each other, and it's always great to hear about the times they do just that.

When a member was called in to a meeting, they were feeling uncomfortable and a bit concerned about what may be asked and what might take place. That's when a fellow GSU member and elected officer stepped forward and volunteered to attend the meeting with their coworker. This person sat in on the meeting, asked questions to clarify statements, and took pages of notes which they transcribed and gave to their co-worker.

It may not have been a big deal for the member who took the notes, but there is no doubt it meant a lot to the member who was called into the meeting.

"This is a great example of a member assisting another member in a meeting. It doesn't take a lot of knowledge or training - just the willingness to take good notes and balance the playing field," said GSU general secretary Steve Torgerson. "Members might enter a meeting not knowing what it is about, or they may be caught off guard by what is being discussed. When this happens, people can have a hard time recalling specific details or what was said to them. We encourage all members to take a union representative, officer or co-worker to accompany you and take notes for you."

When there are problems in the workplace, talk to your staff representative. Contacting GSU does not mean you are obligated to file a grievance. We are here to assist you in any way way we can, but we won't contact your employer or act on your behalf without consultation, direction and approval from you.

These services are provided to you as part of your union dues. There is no additional charge for assisting you.

It takes a combination of hard work and educational funding for most students to achieve their goals. GSU is pleased to offer $2,000 scholarships to five students who demonstrate an ability and a passion to inspire positive change in their community.

The scholarship competition is open to GSU members, their spouses, and dependent children who have not previously won.

Scholarship applicants must be enrolled in a diploma, degree, or certificate program at a community college, university, trade school, or technical institute as a full-time student in any country.

Deadline for receipt of applications is June 1, 2023.

Learn more here.

Local 1 (Viterra Operations & Maintenance) & Local 2 (Viterra Head Office) bargaining - Union to begin member consultations in May

Your GSU Local 1 and 2 bargaining committee members are prepared to meet their management counterparts for bargaining on April 26 & 27, and May 9, 10 & 11.

Regardless of what takes place on April 26 & 27, it's time to meet and consult with GSU members. The GSU bargaining committee is planning to hold town-hall Zoom meetings and in-person membership meetings for each sub-local in May.

Watch your email or ask a bargaining committee member for details.

You can read previous updates on the VITERRA BARGAINING page on GSU's main web page under the Bargaining menu tab. Contact Mason@gsu.ca to be added to our bargaining update email list.

GSU bargaining committee members are Local 1 – Jim Brown (Balgonie), Wilfred Harris (Carnduff), Shannon Antonenko (Lloydminster), David Barrett (Gull Lake) and Travis Brewer (Saskatoon); Local 2 – Sheila Tran, Howard Wilson and Kaylee Kruger with assistance from GSU staff representatives Mason Van Luven and Steve Torgerson (GSU bargaining committee spokesperson).

Local 5 (Western Producer) bargaining impasse: working to confirm dates for mediation

On March 30 the union was advised that mediator Kevin Eckert had been appointed to assist the parties in their efforts to reach a negotiated settlement. We have been in contact with Mr. Eckert, and exchanging emails with him and the company's outside counsel in an effort to find dates for conciliation.

GSU's Local 5 bargaining committee is holding a membership meeting on April 25 to provide members with an update on bargaining and mediation discussions.

If you have questions, please reach out to your bargaining committee members.

The bargaining committee comprises Michelle Houlden, Laurie Michalycia, Donna Driediger (bargaining co-spokesperson/GSU staff) and Hugh Wagner (bargaining co-spokesperson/GSU staff).

Local 7 (Heartland Livestock Services/Northern Livestock Sales) - draft collective agreement sent to company for review

A draft copy of the new collective agreement covering Local 7 (Heartland Livestock Services/Northern Livestock Sales) members has been sent to company representatives for review.

Discussions regarding retroactivity are taking place, and the members are engaging with the union to enforce the newly-won rights in their workplaces.

The bargaining committee comprises Paige Lister (Moose Jaw), Lori Branton (Prince Albert), Melissa Little (Yorkton) and Mason Van Luven (bargaining spokesperson/GSU staff).

Updates will be issued directly to members after each bargaining session and as new information is available. Contact Mason@gsu.ca if you are not receiving updates and would like to be added to the list.

Local 16 (Lake Country Co-op) - the new collective agreement will soon be ready for distribution to members

GSU staff rep Brian Lark has prepared the new collective bargaining agreements with the amendments made during the recent round of bargaining. The agreement has been sent to Lake Country Co-op representatives for review. Pending any updates or changes that need to be made, the new collective agreement should be in the hands of members soon. 

Local 17 (Discovery Co-op) - new collective agreement will soon be ready for distribution

The final adjustments are being made to the new collective bargaining agreement. We anticipate that it won't be long until the wording is finalized and ready to share with members of GSU Local 17.

Local 18 (Lloydminster & District Cooperative Association) bargaining moved to first week of May

The first bargaining session was set to begin March 28, 29 and 30. At the company's request, bargaining will now take place during the first week of May.

GSU’s bargaining committee comprises Christina Jones, Trent Herring and GSU staff representative/bargaining spokesperson Brian Lark.