
Hello! Can you believe the weather that we've had the past week?! The sunshine has definitely raised the spirits around MCUM!

Compass recently had a staff training day and it gave the 6th graders from Montessori an opportunity to volunteer at MCUM. They helped us freshen up the rubber mulch on the playgrounds after the winter months. The SSC helped over 300 families again in April and we expect that number to stay high throughout the summer. We also received donations of new and gently used bras from an organization called I Support the Girls which is a huge hit.

We have a lot of fun things coming up in the near future like a Dine and Donate with Switchyard Brewery and the Each One, Feed One Food Drive! Click HERE for more information!

As always, feel free to reach out to me or Mary Jean, if you have any questions about all the amazing things going on at MCUM.

All my best,

Madison Silvers
Outreach Director