Kane County IRIS Community

news & updates

September 2023 

Year 3 Quarter 1 Meeting

The Kane County IRIS community met on 09.06.23 for our first quarterly meeting of year 3. If you missed it, view the meeting recording for data trends, discussion, and key takeaways. The full slide deck can be viewed here.

Kane County IRIS Partners

Our IRIS community includes 168 partners representing multiple sectors, including: behavioral health, primary care, dental, parenting resources, substance use services, basic needs (e.g. food, clothing, and emergency shelter), senior services, juvenile and adult probation, early childhood, K-12 education, youth supports, COVID-19 resources, veteran services and more. The most recent additions to our IRIS community include Shepherd's Heart at Chapelstreet Church, Kiddie Academy of Carpentersville, Luna Behavioral Health Center, Gail Borden Public Library District, Family Focus DuPage/ Child Welfare Services (CWS), Quad County Urban League, Algonquin Police Department, Housing Authority of Elgin, and YouthBuild Elgin. Please take a minute to explore their services and refer community members in need.

Greetings Kane County

IRIS Users!

We are excited to share our Year 3, Q1 (WOW!) installment of the Kane County IRIS Community newsletter. This is intended to be a helpful tool we will use to share data and valuable information in order to maximize our community's use of IRIS. If you have not yet bookmarked our KC IRIS login in your browser and/or are out in the field using IRIS, you can easily access the link on the new AOK Webpage>Initiatives>IRIS.

Please reach out to us if you have any questions or suggestions for ways we can improve IRIS.

Your Community Managers,

Kim, Kate, Maria, &and Lorena





Social Determinants of Health

AOK Screening to Service Protocol

Perinatal & Postpartum Mood Disorders

+ Maternal Mortality

Postpartum depression is a significant health concern affecting up to 1 in 5 women, according to the CDC. Barriers at the system level, such as gaps in insurance coverage, stigma, clinician bias, and Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) are felt disproportionately by communities of color and are amplified through their impact on future generations. Additionally, there has been a disturbing increase in the Latina maternal mortality rate, as highlighted in the Latino Policy Forum.

This is another indicator of economic, social, familial, and personal consequences that will reverberate throughout society. The shockingly high drop in life expectancy among Latinos overall, in combination with the dramatic increase in maternal mortality among Latinas, are indicators of inequity, lack of health insurance, lack of access to care, financial and employment precarity, language and other structural barriers, and a lack of trust in the health care system.

The good news is that there are many supportive and protective factors for women during the perinatal period, such as access to quality healthcare and healthcare coverage, receiving patient-centered and culturally sensitive care, and enhanced access to reproductive healthcare. Prevention and intervention strategies should also focus on mitigating isolation by creating support networks for new mothers and parents. Evidence-based interventions like doulas and home visiting can help prevent perinatal and postpartum mood disorders.

Evidence-Based Intervention: Home Visiting Programs

iGrow Coordinate Intake, Kane County's hub for home visiting, utilizes a collaborative process that provides families with a single point of entry for home visiting programs within the county. Referrals to iGrow can be made on IRIS! Click the images below to download the flyers.

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