Building Official Departure
You are receiving this email as a current permit holder, applicant or active builder in the Village of Pemberton.

As of April 29th, 2022 please be advised that Chris Derouin is no longer employed as the Building Official for the Village of Pemberton. The Village is actively recruiting a new Building Official. In the interim, the Village will have contract remote Building Officials conducting plan reviews and remote virtual inspections, or inspections via photos. Inspection requests will tentatively commence fulfillment starting May 9th, 2022.

Until the position has been permanently filled, there will be some delays in the scheduling of inspections and issuing of building permits, both major and minor.
Booking Inspections
These inspections can still be conducted by our public works team. Please email 48 hours in advance of your requested inspection date. Do not contact our public works department, your inspection request will not be fulfilled. Please include the following in your request:


If your permit was issued through Cloudpermit please submit an inspection request directly through the portal. Please read this article for requesting inspections.
All other inspection requests for permits not issued via cloudpermit and inquiries can be sent to Nikki Segovia, Building and Planning Clerk at Please be sure to include the Inspection type in the subject line.
Once received, both inspection requests and permit inquiries will be responded to in a first come first served manner.

Remote Virtual Inspections (RVI) may be conducted at the discretion of the Building Official. RVIs are intended as a temporary option during the building official vacancy and are not intended to replace onsite inspections in the long term. 
           To request for a RVI please email identifying:
                       • CIVIC ADDRESS OF THE PROPERTY
                       • PERMIT NUMBER
                       • TYPE OF INSPECTION
                       • EMAIL ADDRESS FOR THE PERSON ONSITE
                       • REQUESTED DATE AND TIME

Once the request is received it will be forwarded to the Building Official. If your request for a RVI is approved you will receive an email RVI invitation through Microsoft Teams. In order to ensure your RVI occurs, it is recommended to download “Microsoft Teams” onto your mobile device for free from your app store. You do not need to register an account and can sign‐in as a guest. Please ensure that you allow the app access to your video camera and microphone. 
 Once your inspection commences via Microsoft Teams, the Building Official will direct you to move through the site and to point the video camera at certain locations. If there is any associated documentation required it is to be submitted to the inspector in advance of the RVI. The Building Official will confirm the required documentation in advance of your RVI in your email invitation.
Please ensure that all inspection requests are made at least 48 hours in advance of the required inspection time.  A bulletin on the new inspection policies can be found on the Building Services Page under the Builder’s Bulletins & Information heading
Permit Processing
All current processing times are updated on a monthly basis and can be viewed on the top of the page at
Did you know Cloudpermit provides an up-to-date status of your permit process?
Draft: Means your application has not yet been submitted
Submitted: Means we have received your application
In Review: Means your application is under review
Changes Required: Means you must make changes to your application, where indicated
Ready to Issue: Means your permit is ready for payment and pickup
Builder's Bulletin: Crane Operation
As Pemberton continues to grow, the Village must ensure worksite crane operations are executed in a safe and compliant manner to protect residents and site workers from harm. A permit is not required; however the Village requires that developers or builders who use a crane to provide the following documentation upon submission of a building permit:
  • Proof of a valid operator’s certificate
  • Proof of Liability Insurance, not less than $5,000,000 per occurrence
  • Traffic Management Plan if traffic flow will be interrupted

 A bulletin covering this topic can be found on our Building Services Page under the Builder’s Bulletins & Information page
Reminder of Noise Bylaw Hours
Monday to Saturday - 7:00AM-8:00PM
Sundays + Stat Holidays- 10:00AM-4:00PM

If you are a Builder or Home-Owner Builder please remind your contractors and suppliers that no work shall commence before the start times listed above.

For more details please see the excerpt on Construction noise from the Noise Regulation Bylaw. Any person who contravenes any provision of this bylaw shall be liable to a fine.
Please be reminded that burning of construction waste is prohibited and is subject to provincial fines.