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Your connection to positive aging.

Is Laughter the Best Medicine? 

It's true! A laugh a day keeps the doctor away. Read how below.

Dr. Jerry Rosen, comedian, and Vicki Weinstein Finnefrock, NP, entertained a crowd at The Summit at Brighton with an evening of comedy combined with evidence-based research that proves laughter is good for your heath. Below are highlights from the presentation hosted by The Clare and Jerry Rotenberg Institute on Aging.

Laughter can be the best medicine for many reasons - it is free, there are no side effects, no contraindications, no interactions with medications and it is easy to access!

Some of the benefits of laughter include reducing inflammation, increasing HDL (good cholesterol) and strengthening the immune system. Laughter can also have a positive impact on your hormones by raising levels of endorphins (the feel good hormone) and lowering levels of cortisol (the stress hormone). Laughter can help decrease anxiety, and humor has been shown to improve cognitive function, including learning ability.

Laughter has also been shown to help relieve pain, soothe tension, stimulate circulation and muscle relaxation. Intense laughter has even been shown to strengthen muscle tone! 

Ways to add laughter to your life: 

  • Keep it simple! Check out comic strips and read humorous greeting cards. Keep in contact with those who make you laugh out loud. 
  • Laugh at yourself or think back to things that make you smile or bring you joy. Find comedy on the radio, TV, social media and podcasts. 
  • Stay social. You are 30 times more likely to laugh when around other people than when you are alone.  

Event Photo Gallery

"Eating for Brain Health" Mind Diet Lunch & Learn at Orleans County Office for Aging with Courtney Porray, Registered Dietician. 

Milk Alternative Program and Tasting at Henrietta Senior Center with Registered Dietician Brianna Tydings. 

Brighton Senior Center members enjoyed "Pizza on the Patio" at The Summit at Brighton.

A full house attended the

Laughter is the Best Medicine program.

Upcoming Events


Sept. 13 - Orleans County Office for Aging: Staff Aging Sensitivity Training

Sept. 26 - Dr. Rocco Vivenzio Memorial Symposium in partnership with Lifespan. Click for more info > ROCCO VIVENZIO MEMORIAL SYMPOSIUM.


Oct. 7 - Walk to End Alzheimer's - Click here to support the Jewish Senior Life team > Rochester Walk to End Alzheimer's JSL Team


Nov. 9 - Fall Symposium - Save the Date! Join us as we partner with Laughter on Call to provide tips and training on how to use improv and comedy techniques when communicating with loved ones experiencing a cognitive decline. Watch for more information!

Companions are here to help.

Living Well Companion Care can make life easier and safer with compassionate, non-medical assistance in the comfort of your home up to 24-hours a day, 7 days a week.


From running errands to housekeeping to medication reminders and grocery shopping, we offer peace of mind and support. We also offer transportation, help with laundry, and non-medical assistance after a hospital stay. We're here for you! Call 585-248-5021 today for a free consultation.


In support of developing a more age-friendly, livable community, Jewish Senior Life offers a variety of services to help individuals in the greater Rochester area. Click the links below to learn more.

The Clare & Jerry Rotenberg Institute on Aging at Jewish Senior Life strives to be the hub of knowledge and innovation to promote all aspects of positive aging -- physical, social, emotional, and spiritual. For more information call 585-784-6656 or email
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