City of Cumming
May 2023
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Three City Center Restaurants Now Open |
Congratulations to Tin Cup Grill, Vampire Penguin, and Wright's Fish and Chips! These three eateries are the first restaurants to open at the Cumming City Center. Tin Cup Grill features high-end, chef-driven dining with its specialty being "steak or seafood on a stone" - proteins cooked directly on a super-hot stone at your table. Wright's Fish & Chips is a traditional British "chippy" offering freshly battered and deep-fried fish and chips (or as we Americans call them "fries") and other British delights. Vampire Penguin is a unique take on shaved ice, offering delicious, snow-like ice in various flavors like chocolate, honey dew, strawberry and more with toppings such as whipped cream, chocolate sauce, condensed milk, cookies, brownies, and various fruits. Come check out these yummy restaurants today at the City Center (423 Canton Drive)!
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City Center Concerts Continue in May |
The Cumming City Center will continue its spring and summer concert series with The Mike Veal Band on May 6th from 7-9 p.m. and The A-Town A-List on May 26th from 7-9 p.m. Both concerts will take place in the Lou Sobh Amphitheater and are FREE!
Playing a hot combination of blues, rock, funk and fun, The Mike Veal Band members bring diverse musical backgrounds and regional influences that color each member's contribution to the tight sound for which the band is loved.
With world-class talent and effortless style, The A-Town A-List is a party powerhouse! At an A-Town A-List party, you'll have more fun in a few hours than you've had in years. Playing amazing events all over the country since its 2010 debut, the band is a carefully curated combination of performers with impressive musical, vocal, dance and theatre experience.
All 2023 community concerts at the Lou Sobh Amphitheater are free thanks to the City Center's partnership with Lou Sobh Automotive Group! For the complete listing of City Center upcoming concerts and other events, click here.
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Want ALL the City Center News? |
Have you registered for the City Center's new e-newsletter, the Bulletin Board? No? Don't worry, you can register now! Like the City's E-News, this new publication also goes out at the beginning of every month but focuses solely on the Cumming City Center. Some news items (such as community concerts, festivals and tenant business openings) will still be shared in this newsletter, but others (such as tenant business sales and specials) will only be placed in the Bulletin Board. If you wish to receive the City Center Bulletin Board each month in addition to the City of Cumming E-News, please be sure to subscribe to the Bulletin Board by clicking here!
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Cumming Aquatic Center Outdoor Pool Opening This Month |
The Cumming Aquatic Center's outdoor leisure pool and waterpark area will open for the summer season on Saturday, May 6th. The outdoor area will be open weekends only through Memorial Day Weekend (the Aquatic Center will be closed on Mother's Day, May 14th). Weekend hours are 1-6 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday. On Friday, May 26th, the outdoor area will open daily for the rest of summer with the hours of 10 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday-Saturday, and 1-6 p.m. on Sundays. On Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day, the outdoor pool will be open only from 1-6 p.m. For complete pricing and other information, click here.
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Annual Memorial Day Ceremony is May 26th |
The City of Cumming will again present the Annual Memorial Day Ceremony on Friday, May 26th at 11 a.m. at the Veterans War Memorial, 301 Veterans Memorial Blvd. (next door to the Cumming Police Department). Join the City of Cumming and our community's veterans organizations as we honor the memory of those who have served our nation and are no longer with us. This ceremony is free and open to the entire community. Parking is available in the Castleberry Road Parking Deck and at the Cumming Fairgrounds. Please leave Cumming Police Department parking spaces open for the elderly and those with mobility issues. (Rain location is the Cumming Fairgrounds covered arena.)
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Ricky Noles Receives "Key to City" Recognition |
During their April 18th Regular Meeting, Mayor Troy Brumbalow and City Council presented two "Key to the City" recognition to Ricky Noles. The Key to the City recognition is presented to long-time City of Cumming residents who have been pillars of the community for multiple decades.
Click here to read about Ricky Noles' life and service to our community.
In other business during the April Work Session and Regular Meeting, City Council took the following actions:
- Recognized City Hall employee Crystal Ledford for being named one of Mentor Me North Georgia's Volunteers of the Year during the organization's celebration breakfast on April 18th. Crystal has served as a mentor at Sawnee Elementary School through the Mentoring After School, or MAS, program for the past four years.
- In a 3-1 vote with Linda Ledbetter opposed and Christopher Light acting as Mayor Pro-Tem in the absence of Mayor Brumbalow, voted to authorize Mayor Brumbalow to sign an Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) with Forsyth County, which acts as a stop-gap accommodation to authorize the County to expend resources, maintain and restore, and otherwise assume operational control of Mary Alice Park while the parties work with the Army Corps of Engineers on assignment of the Master Lease to Forsyth County. During the Regular Meeting, Council also approved, in a 4-1 vote with Councilwoman Ledbetter opposed, a joint resolution with Forsyth County requesting the Army Corps of Engineers take steps necessary to approve the assignment of the Mary Alice Park lease to Forsyth County.
- Approved purchase of 11 acres on Mountain Road to be used as a storage yard for the Utilities' Distribution and Collection Division Shop. This property is adjacent to the shop.
- Approved the low proposal from Vertical Earth for a retaining wall project at the Utilities Distribution and Collection Shop which is needed due to erosion and water run-off issues.
- Approved the low proposal from Edge Roofing for roof repairs at the Historic Cumming Schoolhouse, which houses Tam's School Street Playhouse, Tam's Backstage Restaurant and the Cumming-Forsyth County Historical Society.
- Heard a presentation from Thomas Cisco, the new Director of Forsyth County Emergency Management.
- Heard a presentation from Clay Pilgrim with the Ruston Group covering the City of Cumming's 2022 Audit. The Council will vote on the audit report in May.
Click here to view meeting agendas and minutes.
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Household Hazardous Waste Disposal and Recycling Event is May 6th |
Keep Forsyth County Beautiful will host a Household Hazardous Waste Recycling and Disposal event on Saturday, May 6th, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Cumming Fairgrounds' Parking Lot #3. Registration is required; click here to register. Cost is free, but a $5 donation to Keep Forsyth County Beautiful is suggested in order to help fund this and other future similar programs. Click here for a full list of acceptable and unacceptable items and other event information!
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Cumming Arts Center May Events |
The Cumming Arts Center (111 Pilgrim Mill Road) will present a variety of events and classes this month:
"Let the Sunshine In" Art Exhibit - Now open, running through July 24th. Member artworks are on display/sale (including some calendar contest artworks) as well as a newly curated artisan gift shop. (Painting: "Three Birds" by Linda Stephens is part of this show.)
Mother's Day Teas - Held at the Arts Center with entertainment and special exhibits including a christening gown exhibit by Susan Wassmer. Teas are from 2-5 p.m. on Saturday, May 13th; Sunday, May 14th (Mother's Day); and Sunday, May 21st. Reservations are required by signing up at or by calling 678-634-9240. Cost is $25 per person.
Annual Community Art Show "Summer in the City" - Registration begins May 31st and is open to non-members (juried) and SAA members. Watch for more news and start getting your 2D, 3D and photography artwork ready for submission.
Calendar Contest - Public voting is in and the winners for the 2024 Cumming Arts Center Calendar are posted at; some can also be viewed in person in the newly opened exhibit.
Learn more about these and other Cumming Arts Center events, classes, open studio, and more by clicking here. The Arts Center is open 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays and ocasionally on Sundays during special events.
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School Street Playhouse Presents "Funny Money" |
Tam's School Street Playhouse, at 101 School Street, will present the hilarious British farce "Funny Money" by Ray Cooney Friday-Sunday now through May 21st. Showtimes are 7:30 p.m. on Fridays and Saturdays, and 2:30 p.m. on Sundays. Directed by Lisa Sherouse Riley (Sherouse Riley Productions), this witty, fast-moving comedy follows an evening of misadventures after mild-mannered accountant Henry Perkins accidentally picks up the wrong briefcase - one full of money! Henry assumes it is illicit cash and decides to keep it. Knowing that the former owner must have his briefcase, he rushes home to book one-way fares for himself and his very confused wife to Barcelona, or they can go to Bali - in fact, they can buy Bali! The doorbell rings as they wait for their taxi. The police detective at the door is investigating why Henry was in the men’s room of the local pub acting suspiciously; actually, he was sitting in the loo counting the cash. The bell rings again. Another detective arrives claiming Henry is dead; a man with bullet holes in his head and Henry’s briefcase were found in the Thames. Then Vic and Betty arrive for Henry’s birthday dinner. Henry’s inept attempts to extricate himself from this impossible situation lead to increasingly hysterical situations. Prepare to laugh until you cry. Click here to purchase tickets for this hilarious show.
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Audition for "The Producers" at School Street Playhouse |
Tam's School Street Playhouse, at 101 School Street, will present the Mel Brooks' classic, "The Producers," July 21st - Aug. 13th. Auditions for the show, which is being produced by Sherouse Riley Productions and the School Street Playhouse, will be held from 7-10 p.m. on Monday, May 8th and Tuesday, May 9th at the Playhouse. Click here for complete audition information and how to sign up!
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Holiday Closure: Memorial Day |
Cumming City Hall and all other non-essential City of Cumming facilities and departments (with the exception of the Cumming Aquatic Center, which will be open from 1-6 p.m.) will be CLOSED on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day.
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Youth Council - May 9(Rescheduled from first Tuesday due to school virtual week)
City Council Work Session - May 2 at 6 p.m.
Planning & Zoning Board Meeting - May 16 at 5 p.m.
Regular City Council Meeting - May 16 at 6 p.m.
All meetings are open to the public and held in the third-floor Council Chambers at City Hall, 100 Main Street, unless otherwise noted. For all meetings after 5 p.m., please enter through the rear parking lot entrance.
Click here for previous meeting videos.
Click here for City Council Agendas and Minutes.
Click here for Planning & Zoning Board Agendas and Minutes.
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