April 2023

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Fire of Love
National Geographic Logo

Fire of Love Screening & Conversation

April 11, 2023, 4:00 PM Pacific / 7:00 PM Eastern

Join NGCP and National Geographic for a screening of ‘Fire of Love’ and a conversation on the extraordinary work and story of intrepid French scientists Katia and Maurice Krafft, who died just as explosively as they lived — capturing the most spectacular imagery ever recorded of their greatest passion: volcanoes. Registrants will have the opportunity to watch ‘Fire of Love’ between April 7-12th using a special screening code that will be emailed to registrants. Then join us on April 11th for a conversation on volcanoes with Jess Phoenix, volcanologist.

Pollinator Palooza: Resources and Tools to Plan Your Pollinator Event

April 19, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

April is Citizen Science Month! Join the National Citizen and Community Science Library Network webinar, supported by NGCP, to learn how to plan pollinator-focused citizen science programming in your library, afterschool program, or community-based center

Citizen Science Month

Breaking Stereotypes through Children's Books

April 27, 2023, 11:00 AM Pacific / 2:00 PM Eastern

Join NGCP during National Library Week to learn about the power of children’s books to break stereotypes and promote a sense of belonging in STEM. Guest speakers include Dr. Dieuwertje “DJ” Kast, Ed.D. from the University of Southern California who will talk about her work diversifying STEAM picture books and Katherine Locke, author of the picture book What Are Your Words?: A Book About Pronouns. Participants will gain ideas for new books and resources to share with the young readers in their lives. 

Children's Books

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Upcoming STEM Events


Science Talk '23 Conference - Portland, OR, April 6-7, 2023. Register.


National Robotics Week - Online, April 8-16, 2023. Learn more.


International Technology and Engineering Educators Association Conference - Minneapolis, MN, April 12-15, 2023. Register.


National Alliance for Partnerships in Equity: National Summit for Educational Equity - Washington, DC, April 17-20, 2023. Register.


BOOST (Best of Out-of-School Time) Conference - Palm Springs, CA, April 25-28, 2023. Register.


2023 NCWIT Summit - Denver, CO, May 18-19, 2023. Learn more.


American Library Association Annual Conference and Exhibition - Chicago, IL, June 22-27, 2023. Register.


The International Society for Technology in Education Conference - Philadelphia, PA, June 25-28, 2023. Register.


April is Citizen Science Month

Citizen Science enables all people to advance scientific research. SciStarter has compiled resources and events for youth to turn their curiosity into impact during Citizen Science Month.

April is Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month

Mathematics and statistics are important drivers of innovation and play a significant role in solving real-world problems (e.g. internet security, sustainability, disease, climate change.) The Girls Angle Bulletin, is a bimonthly magazine to foster girls' interest in mathematics and includes interviews with mathematicians, activities, and math-inspired art.

Earth Day

Celebrate Earth Day in April

Share the importance of civic responsibility and environmental sustainability in celebration of Earth Day (April 22). Earth Day resources:

Climate Superstars Challenge is an online environmental challenge that gets kids excited about the environment and how they can take an active role in caring for its future. The 2023 theme is "Invest In Our Planet" and includes resources and campaigns for youth activism including an Action Toolkit.

Earth Day Initiative: Earth Day 2023 Festival + Virtual Stage (April 16, 2023) features dozens of environmental nonprofits and climate campaigns, interactive workshops, and speeches.

Five Female Environmental Documentary Filmmakers. These powerful, brilliant women artfully weave the climate crisis into compelling stories that captivate watchers around the world and incite change.

IF/THEN® Collection: Learn about women in STEM working to understand and protect the earth through curated Climate Science resources with activities, videos, and photos showcasing female scientists researching and protecting the natural world through geology, ecology, and geography, including Adriana Bailey, Atmospheric Scientist, and Rae Wynn-Grant, Large Carnivore Ecologist. Visit the STEMINIST Updates page for resources featuring women in Earth Science. 

NISE Network Earth Day Resources: Engage your community with these resources, many of which can be done from home, online, or virtually.

Intersectionality of Disability, Race, and Gender in STEM

Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw first coined the term ‘intersectionality’ in 1989 to provide a frame to describe and address the overlapping connection of social categories such as race, class, gender, ability, sexual orientation, and how social injustices, discrimination and oppression can come with each and every part of a person’s multiple identities. Within the field of STEM, women, Black and Hispanic people, as well as individuals with disabilities are underrepresented in more advanced STEM courses in high school as well as in STEM careers. Individuals with disabilities who have intersecting identities such as being a person of color, being a woman, living in poverty or in rural areas are most underrepresented in STEM fields. The resources in this article aim to help the reader center intersectionality within their own practices.

Connected Girls

Connected Girls

Connected Girls is a free, curated directory of girl-serving STEAM opportunities, managed by NGCP in partnership with Science Near Me. Add your STEAM opportunities and events that are designed for girls or other groups that have been historically excluded. Additionally, Connected Girls includes professional development opportunities for adults related to gender equity and STEM.

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About Us

The National Girls Collaborative Project™ promotes equity and STEM experiences as diverse as the world we live in. Our mission is to connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth


Support Our Work

Help create the tipping point for gender equity in STEM. Your support helps NGCP connect, create, and collaborate to transform STEM for all youth. Your generosity allows us to support programs working to increase girls’ interest in STEM by providing collaboration support, professional development, curriculum, and helpful evaluation and assessment techniques. Consider making a recurring donation to maximize your impact!


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