
Message from the Mayor: 

22-23 Village Budget

In our April Board meeting, I presented a budget for our fiscal year which is June 1, 2022 - May 31, 2023. The budget was developed with input from the staff and Chief of Police. The Budget is balanced with revenue and expenses projected to be $2,433,100.  Because of rising costs in a number of categories, this budget includes a tax rate increase of 1.9%. After a thorough discussion, the Budget was unanimously adopted by the Board of Trustees.  The presentation I made to the Board and the entire budget can be found on the Village website.  If you have any questions or comments, please contact me at

Tax Bills

You will receive your tax bill by the end of this month. Taxes are due by July 1st.  Taxes that are paid after the due date will incur a 5% late fee and an additional 1% each month after.  

Your tax bill can be paid on our website. Service fees apply.   

Important Reminders


Party Protocol.

Please be considerate to your neighbors. The Village ordinance regarding prohibited noise/loud music is in effect beginning 11pm.  

Association Stickers

If you utilize association beach parking lots, make sure you have an up-to-date association sticker.  Any cars in the beach parking lot without a sticker/guest pass will receive a summons.  


A car was recently stolen in Wincoma. Lock your car doors and bring your keys in the house!


Thank you for picking up your dogs waste, but throwing the poop bag on the beach or in the bushes is unacceptable. Please put the bag in a garbage pail! 


Six damaged lighthouses that sit atop the street sign poles were replaced. The lighthouses are hand made by David Grossman who is a former Huntington Bay resident.


Road Sweeping

Road sweeping throughout the entire Village will take place within the next two weeks.  

Noteworthy mentions:

Village Election is June 21st.  Voting is from Noon to 9PM at Village Hall.  

Meetings this month:

Board of Trustees

Monday, June 13, 2022 at 7:00pm

At the American Legion Hall, 1 Mill Dam Road

Zoning Board of Appeals

No Zoning meeting in May. 

Thursday, June 16, 2022 at 7:30pm

At Village Hall, 244 Vineyard Road

Other dates:

Village Hall is closed Memorial Day, May 30, 2022.