September 2022 Newsletter
Hello All,
Guess what? It's Natalie writing again! Jim has been putting the finishing touches on the dog book - the first draft has been sent to Trafalgar. And, he's keeping himself busy with a few other projects. I'll make sure HE sends you an update next month.
In the meantime, here are a few things we had on our Newsletter list...
We reached 10,000 followers on Instagram last month! So we decided to run a contest for the best "selfie - photo-bombed by a horse". And the winners are....
...Emilie Gai (top photo IG: @tierphysio_tierakupuntur) and Jutta Albert (bottom photo IG: @juttakyrill). Congratulations!
Emilie and Jutta will receive a streaming service of their choice. It was great fun to see the photos that were submitted, and to see all those smiling human and horse faces.
Over There
We have lots of courses going on in various parts of the world, as well as coaching days as Fieldwork students progress through the program.
From The Netherlands Masja, Helen and Ellis sent a note regarding their first Coaching is some of Masja's report:
Last weekend we did our first coaching weekend over here in The Netherlands! We had 4 students ready with their first block.
Saturday it was Helen and me starting off at 9 am having a cup of tea with the students to hear how they were doing. As the evaluation form seemed to be confusing, we focussed on discussing what we are actually looking for and doing during our sessions. At 10 am we started with a demo. Probably all were very anxious as going through the pictures no one took one.
After lunch we paired up and worked with some higher-level dressage horses.
After reading all the case studies it was nice to see the students working again!
On Sunday it was Ellis and keep it challenging we visited a small yard with only American Miniature Horses. 😂
Although one does not break its back due to the weight of the legs, sitting on your knees makes it hard work anyway. Just have a look at the pictures, no more words needed.
After lunch we drove 10 minutes to a national show jumping yard, where the students worked again individually. We had one horse with, well, lets say “tension around its sternum”. It turned out not to be a super easy horse to work on, but in the end one could see the result of the session. And that was nice to see for the students.
We closed the weekend going through the CPE Forms. Not only threes, there were twos as well, but at least everyone is heading in the right direction!
One student is pregnant, so she went full power to get her block 1 ready before the baby was getting in the way. She did her block 1 coaching beginning of August, so we have 5 students in total moving on to block 2 and 4 more students on their way in block 1, so it is starting to roll!
Best wishes, also on behalf of Ellis and Helen,
Vicky Devlin welcomed a new MMCP during a "solo-certification" course in Surrey, UK last weekend.
No pressure!
Congratulations to Sarah Butcher and Vicky!
Over Here
Here is an excerpt from a fun dog/horse story from Sally in Alabama:
Today I was doing MM with my horse when a big Great Pyrenees mix barn dog apparently experienced a contact high. The dog uncharacteristically came to the stall and RELEASED with a yawn, lick and downward dog stretch. My horse is not a fan of the barn dogs, BUT, when the dog came released and then sat 'as small as he could' at the stall entrance, my fella dropped his head to sniff, then nuzzle, and then ...wait for guy had a sternum release with a visible head/neck jerk in and then neck lift. Heart expansions and muscle releases through the equine/canine shared happy place. 😍 Here is a picture of them as they communed, and of him with his owner so you can see how really little he got to be with my horse.
So humbled to be a tiny part of these adventures, and can't wait for the dog book.
Best and thanks...MM is AWESOME. Sally
Jim contributed to Amber Lydic's podcast "Mirror in the Stall" awhile back...but Sandy Vreeburg was also a guest in Episode 8!
Check out the link on Sandy's website and enjoy a great chat between Sandy and Amber.
Don't forget about the upcoming Mark and Jim Show in October. Auditing is encouraged and a great way to learn from these two, as well as Dianne Adel. Contact Anita Parra if you are interested in auditing.
Warwick Schiller's Journey On Podcast Live Summit - Nov. 4-6
Warwick is going to be hosting a Live Summit with many of his podcast guests, including Jim. Tickets for the live event have sold out, but this will also be a Online Streamed event.
Want to attend online? The cost is $99 and if you use this link, MES will get a contribution as an affiliate webpage.
Join the Journey!
Since Jim is busy - you know, doing the horse thing - I thought I'd include this photo. It looks like he's doing the Vulcan mind-meld!
Enough yammering from me.
Until next time, like us, enjoy your equines, and dogs.
Natalie - sitting in for Jim
(Natalie and Daisy, Beckie's pup and Weekend Seminar student!)
Horse Deals Special for
Advanced 5-Day Course
Last chance - We are offering a 10% discount on the Advanced 5-Day Course in Australia in October.
If you have taken a Weekend Seminar in the past or will be attending an upcoming Seminar in October, then you are eligible to take the Advanced Course. Read about the Advanced Course on our website.
To get the discount enter the coupon code HORSEDEALS when registering.
And Enjoy! Thanks!
Correction for August Newsletter
Jim referenced the wonderful things going on in Germany and The Netherlands in August's newsletter with this link: Masterson Method Nederland en Belgie. This link is the Facebook page for events in The Netherlands and Belgium.
Thanks for bringing this to our attention!
Get Ready, Get Set, Sale!
Mark your calendars for September 20th-26th to help celebrate Jim's birthday!
It's Jim's Birthday! And nothing is as inspiring as a video of Jim’s bodywork sessions with horses. So what could be the best way to celebrate it but with this special sale of his online streaming video collection Library of Hands Online Bodywork Session Reviews.
This is a must-see video collection for anyone interested in learning about The Masterson Method® bodywork and how it can help horses of any kind or working in any discipline. Watch Jim in action as he works with 11 horses, and hear his follow-up Q&A with the Hands Online Membership in 2021. With the use of slow motion, Jim highlights the nuance of this subtle bodywork. There is a bonus 12th session on case study horses with mysterious performance or behavioral issues. That’s 24 videos in total.
Collaborative Demonstrations
"Try It - You'll Like it!"
Masterson coach, Mary Kate Henry, block 1 mentor, Monique Valentine, and newly certified practitioner, Mary Patzke, presented at the Menomonee Falls Saddle Club Open House on August 21st. There was a steady stream of equine enthusiasts milling around the grounds and visiting our booth to chat throughout the day. We were billed for a 1:45 demonstration presenting to a good size audience.
Home base for the day. Left to right: Monique, MK, Mary
Mary Patzke working the crowd. Notice we were set up across from the food truck. It would have been impolite not to sample.
Monique explaining “key junctions that affect performance” like a rockstar.
“Ham it Up” making MK look good.
Congratulations to these three MMCPs - and the horses they helped!
Masterson Method Equine Specialist (MMES) Program News
Please welcome a new Masterson Method Equine Specialist:
Ashley Ziehm, MMES
Santa Rosa, California
My name is Ashley, I acquired a love for horses at a young age and was lucky enough to learn the English discipline of riding as a youth. My passion for horses stayed with me into adulthood where I have pursued a career in business management for a Therapeutic Riding non-profit in California. I first discovered The Masterson Method® while looking for ways to give back and help horses not only at my place of employment, but the many rescue facilities that need help. I chose The Masterson Method® because I believe my values and respect for Equines align with the program beautifully. I look forward to using my skills to share the gift of The Masterson Method® technique with other like-minded people.
Phone: 707-477-3636
Here are details about upcoming PATH Presentations:
Lise Lunde will offer one more PATH presentation this year:
- PATH International Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, Sunday, October 30, 2022 (see listing under Demos below).
About the Masterson Method Equine Specialist Program
The Masterson Method Equine Specialist specializes in sharing specific light touch Masterson Method techniques with persons served in equine-assisted learning and therapy programs. By doing this bodywork on horses, participants deepen their connection with horses while also gaining self-awareness and self-regulation skills; meanwhile, therapy horses are tended to through simple bodywork and learn a new way of relating to people. It's a win/win!
MMCP Monique Valentine's First Demo
Phew! What a weekend!! Here are several photos from the demo in Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin on 08/20/22. Since this was my very first demonstration, I was super nervous and a little bit clunky getting started, but I think it was well received! It was held during their 13th annual Hope4Hooves fundraiser.
AGES (Amazing Grace Equine Sanctuary) was started by Erin Kelley-Groth and her husband John Groth. They currently have 19 rescues, some of which have found their forever home at AGES. These horses, ponies and donkeys are wonderful and adoptable, but some are diamonds in the rough! The volunteers at AGES donate everything... their energy, time, money, love... and want these equines to find homes. I wanted to showcase and work with an adoptable horse during the demonstration. Cash, Sparrow and Fancy were ready for bodywork, but we had to think on our toes and get creative because of the crowd and music! Chelsea, Sheena, Lex, Tina and her daughters Grace and Maddy helped out immensely!!
Beginning the demonstration...Sparrow, with super-handler Grace! (Her paddock mate, Kate, was very worried when we moved Sparrow to the area where we had originally planned the demonstration.) Chelsea, Tina and her fantastic children, Maddy and Grace, rolled with the punches and made a new space to demo! (Kate was enjoying the good vibes!)
Sparrow teaching an audience member how effective egg yolk can be! (Sparrow and Kate received a lot of love from the audience!)
Congratulations Monique - good work!
Another Horse Deals article on Mystery Lameness - this is Part 1.
Look for Part #2 in the October Horse Deals issue.
Newly Certified Practitioners
Need help for your horse? Find a Masterson Method Certified Practitioner (MMCP) near you. Our Certified Practitioners are dedicated equine professionals who have acquired highly attuned skills in partnering with the horse to release tension and increase range of motion, thereby restoring healthy posture and performance. Add an MMCP to your horse’s wellness team by visiting the Find a Practitioner page on our website for the closest practitioner to you.
Kalin Finsand, MMCP
Pilot Hill, California
Prior to finding Masterson Method® Integrated Equine Performance Bodywork, I felt my skills as a NBCAAM certified equine acupressurist and bodyworker were missing key pieces to truly validate the service I could offer. I began hearing of this individual who had developed a genuine method for reducing tension and soreness in the horse while benefiting performance and the relationship. When I first opened the pages of Jim’s book I knew that I had landed where I needed to be to fulfill my goals of providing highly effective bodywork for my clients. The journey to become a Masterson Method® Certified Practitioner has been enriching as I have developed strong connections with my mentors, coaches, and fellow students. The Masterson Method® techniques I have acquired are everything I was looking for to integrate with my acupressure education. My learning is ongoing as every new horse I meet teaches me more about lightness of touch, breath, and staying under the brace; tools that benefit all aspects of horsemanship.
I was first introduced to horses as a child living amidst the sheep farms of Southern New Zealand with my first love, Laddie, a retired grade herding horse and the perfect starter. Ever since that initial spark I have been a lifelong equine enthusiast, from a backyard pony, girl scout summer equestrian camps, a first summer job at a pack outfit in the Southern Sierras, to my own hobby horses...
Caroline Janssen, MMCP
Hattem, The Netherlands
I always asked a horse for my birthday and didn’t get it. Probably because I grew up in a family of sailors, a horse and a boat isn’t an ideal combination. I became a physical therapist, and later on a breathing and relaxation therapist, and a sea-sailor myself. Riding horses now and then. In 2010 I did the study for physical therapist for horses, and I was practicing Aikido, the martial art, which applied very well in my approach to horses, working a lot with natural horsemanship. In 2014 our sailing career finished, and it was time for a horse, I was already 48 years old and didn’t want to become an old woman without a horse…. I have this wonderful buckskin paint horse mare Gunsmoke Dolly, aka Dolce, and we grow together everyday in our journey in softness and connection.
In 2018 I heard Jim was coming to the Netherlands for a weekend seminar, and that seminar was life changing for me, it was coming home, for everything I learned in working as a therapist with both humans and horses. So I proceeded and in 2019 I did my 5-day in the UK, the pandemic slowed down a bit the rest of the journey but in 2022 I got my certification from Vicky Devlin!
I am very happy working with the Masterson Method®, and from my experience in working with people as well, I can help to give them some release or at least awareness about the process as well.
Phone: 06-42183502
Leela Brightenburg, MMCP
Taos, New Mexico
Leela Brightenburg is a horse trainer and Masterson Method Certified Practitioner. Leela’s quiet touch and focused intention allows each horse to feel their own patterns of restriction. Always patient, never hurried, Leela’s calmness creates a special space where horses find deep trust to reorganize their bodies for better balance and locomotion.
As a rider, teacher, and trainer Leela creates individualized programs for her client’s horses under saddle – focusing on looseness, balanced posture, and the recruitment of correct muscles and joints. Her exercise programs are built to retain soundness and long-term healthy function for the equine athlete.
Phone: 541-944-5216
Who's next?
Where are you from?
We know you MMCPs are out there doing great work - if you recently received your certification, please send your information to the office and we'll get you on the website ASAP!
Phone: horses are trying to call...
Email: ...and email to make a bodywork session appointment!
Interested in taking a course? Here are a few testimonials that might convince you!
It is incredibly beneficial for understanding what is going on with your horse and understanding subtle equine body language.
(Weekend Seminar)
This course is a fantastic way to improve on the techniques learned on the weekend course and it is essential to refine your feel and get much better results from the bodywork.
(Advanced 5-Day Course)
This is an amazing course to learn to connect with the horse. It also helps to build confidence and trust between the student and horse. I love that connection, to watch the horse let go and release.
(Light to the Core Seminar)
Weekend Seminar-Workshop Schedule
* If the course you had your heart set on is sold out, please email to be added to the waiting list.
Reminder: there will likely be a course price increase on certain courses this year.
More information will be provided soon.
Worried about COVID19? Read our COVID precautions and info here:
USA Seminars
USA 2023 Courses
Canada Seminars
(taught in French)
Canada 2023 Courses
(taught in French)
(taught in French)
European Seminars
(taught in French)
(taught in Polish)
(taught in German)
(taught in Dutch)
(taught in Dutch)
Australia & New Zealand Seminars
(taught in English with Japanese translation)
South Africa
Advanced 5-Day Course Schedule
USA Advanced Courses
October 24-28 Apex, NC with Sandy Vreeburg
October 31-November 4 Tucson, AZ with Vanessa Helvey
USA - 2023
European Advanced Courses
October 24-28 Egestorf, DE taught in German with Walter Saxe
Canada Advanced Courses
(Check back for upcoming Advanced 5-day Courses)
Canada - 2023
Australia & New Zealand
South Africa
(Check back for upcoming Advanced 5-day Courses)
Certification Completion Course Schedule
USA Courses
October 29-30, 2022
Canada Courses
with Lori Hoppe
Australia & New Zealand
with Vicky Devlin
European Courses
with Walter Saxe
(taught in German)
Masterson Method Light to the Core Schedule
USA Courses - 2022
(Check back for upcoming courses)
USA - 2023
European Courses
(Check back for upcoming courses)
Masterson Method Equine Specialist Schedule
Masterson Method Collaborative Clinics
USA Collaborative Clinics
Considering the Horse: Mind & Body with Dianne Adel, Jim Masterson and Mark Rashid
Masterson Method Expos and Demos
USA and European Expos & Demos
"Absorbine’s relationship with The Masterson Method® is a natural fit. Jim’s breakthrough but simple concepts are all focused on helping the horse to relieve tension, feel more comfortable and improve their relationships with owners and handlers.”
~ Amy Cairy, Director of Marketing,
W. F. Young, manufacturers of Absorbine products